Electronic Publications
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Barling, David. (2000, November). The European Union, GM crops and multi-level governance: Discord, diversity and discontinuity. Paper presented to the "EnviReform First
Annual Conference", The Munk Centre for International Development, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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Clarkson, Stephen. (Forthcoming). The multicentred state: Canadian government under globalizing pressures. In Gordon Smith (Ed.), Who's afraid of the state? (pp. 232-277). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, November) The Multi-level state: Canada in the semi-periphery of both continentalism and globalization. Paper presented to the "EnviReform First Annual Conference", The Munk Centre for International Development, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, May). Reform from without versus reform from within: NAFTA and the WTO's role in transforming Mexico's economic system. Paper presented at "Agenda: Mexico at the Millennium," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS), Washington, D.C.
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Dymond, W.A. (2000, November). Notes for remarks by W.A. Dymond Executive Director Centre for Trade Policy and Law. Paper presented to the "EnviReform First Annual Conference", The Munk Centre for International Development, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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Gaines, Sanford E. (2000, November). Nafta Chapter 11 as a challenge to environmental law making - One view from the United States. Paper presented to the "EnviReform First Annual Conference", The Munk Centre for International Development, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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Hathaway, David. Biodiversity, biotechnology and patents in Brazil. Written in Rio de Janeiro for the project "North-South Perspectives on Sustainability", coordinated by FASE (Federation of Organs for Social and Educational Assistance), with the AS-PTA (Consultants in Alternative Agriculture Projects), IBASE (Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analyses) and PACS (Alternative Policies for the Southern Cone); in collaboration with Milieu Defensie (FOE Holland) and with funding from ICCO, NOVIB, OXFAM/UK and Bröt für die Welt.
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Kirton, John. (2000, November). Creating coherence in global environmental governance: Canada's 2002 Opportunity. Paper presented to a panel "Multilateral
Environmental Agreements and Institutions: Making Them Work in the Twenty-first Century World" at the conference Canada @ the World, sponsored by the Policy
Research Secretariat, Ottawa.
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Kirton, John J. (2000, October). Canada-US trade and the environment: Regimes, regulatory refugees, races, restraints and results. Paper presented to the conference on "Rethinking the Line: The Canada-U.S. Border", The Waterfront Centre Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia.
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Kirton, John. (2001, February). Embedded ecologism and institutional inequality: Linking trade, environment and social cohesion in the G8. Paper presented at a panel on
"New Directions in Global Trade Governance: Competition, Consensus and Coherence" at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago.
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Kirton, John J. (2000, October). Globalization, global governance and Canadian leadership in the twenty first century. Paper presented at a panel on "Managing Open
Borders: Emerging issues and long term trends in border collaboration between states/countries" at the 2000 Diplomatic Forum, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
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Rugman, Alan M., & Kirton, John. (2000, November). NAFTA, environmental regulations and firm strategies : An update with Chapter 11 cases. Paper presented at the
Toronto Conference on "Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform : Twenty First Century Challenges", Munk Centre for
International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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Soloway, Julie. International panel rules investor can obtain damages from NAFTA government:
A summary of some of the more important elements of the NAFTA investor-state dispute settlement process. Prepared for the International Trade and Business Regulation
Practice Group, Davies, Ward & Beck, Toronto.
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Swenarchuk, Michelle. (2000, February). The Cartagena Biosafety Protocol: Opportunities and limitations", Canadian Environmental Law Association, Trade and
Environment, Toronto.
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Tollefson, Chris. (2000, November). Stormy weather: A reflection on the recent history of the citizen submission process under the North American Agreement on
Environmental Cooperation. Paper present at the "EnviReform First Annual Conference", The Munk Centre for International Development, University of Toronto, Toronto.
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