Multi-level State:
in the Semi-Periphery of both Continentalism and Globalization
Stephen Clarkson , University of Toronto
Copyright © Stephen Clarkson 2000. Reproduced here with the author’s
This article looks
at an old subject (the state of the state) under new conditions (accelerating
globalization and fragmentation), using Canada as the case in point.
My first concern is linguistic: such labels as
"post-Keynesian," "post-welfare," and even
"post-national" tell us more about what the state may have been than
what it has become. These
"post-" categories do not capture the extent to which governmental
functions have been redistributed -- upward to international institutions,
downward to sub-national states, and laterally to the private sector. Nor do they direct our attention to the
dynamic interconnections that are linking evolving governmental forms with
civil society.
I go on to consider to what extent these difficulties can be resolved by
considering the "state" as a nested, multi-tiered set of institutions
providing governance on five levels -- from the municipal and the regional,
through the national to the continental and global. Political economy analysis of the dynamic that links these levels
of governance with civil society and transnational market forces may tell us
better than the post-it labels that the present capability of the Canadian, or
any other, state is less bleak than it may have seemed.
globalization, governance, sub-national, political economy, regionalism,
There is good reason why, outside its own borders,
Canada is rarely of interest to international relations scholars. With the smallest economy in the G7/G8, it
cannot claim to exert decisive power within the world’s balance of forces. It may be the second largest country by land
mass, but bordering the United States, it can never play a global role in
contradiction to that of its hegemonic neighbour.
Still, if the
criterion for academic significance shifts from the geopolitical to the
heuristic, a strong case can be made that Canada deserves a more prominent
place in the laboratory of international political economy than it is generally
given.[1] Consider its autonomy-minded francophone
population, which has long made Québec a leading case of linguistic but
non-violent ethnic nationalism.
Consider its “province-building,” a phenomenon that preceded by two
decades the institutional emergence of sub-national entities that startled so
many analysts of the emerging European community. Consider, too, the vanguard struggle of Canada’s native peoples
to gain recognition for their rights to self-determination, or the
multicultural transformation of its caucasian settler population through
massive flows of immigrants from the rest of the world, or the extent to which
its economy has been moulded by the corporate behaviour of foreign-controlled
branch plants. In short, Canada’s
political, social, and economic reality has been a proving ground for global
trends well before they have become clearly observable elsewhere.
So when Peter
Katzenstein (1996) wrote that Canada is “arguably the first post-modern state
par excellence,”[2] it is worth pausing to ponder the
intellectual challenge laid down by this remark. Whether he was penning an accolade or an epitaph, the noted
American authority in comparative political economy was presumably suggesting
that Canada was moving away from modernity in a way that the rest of statekind
was likely to follow in due course. If
accolade, the implication was that Canada is ahead of the trend to a borderless
world in which governments play a lesser role while markets are liberated to
operate for the greater good of the greater (global) community. If epitaph, the postmodern label would
indicate that the Canadian state has prematurely failed, having lost not only
its Keynesian ability to fine tune the economy (Gonick, 1987), but also its
welfare service delivery functions (Warrian, 1995), along with its capacity to
sustain the Fordist labour market compromise that kept relations between
management and the unions stable for a quarter of a century following World War
While it is
indisputable that major changes have occurred in the functioning of the
advanced capitalist state since the early 1980s, the starting point of this
article is to question the utility of describing them as a paradigm shift from
the category of a “nation-state” to one of a post-national, post-sovereign,
post-materialist or post-Keynesian kind (Crane, 1981). Apart from “post-modern” (which contains a
range of suggestive connotations derived from literary criticism concerning
logic and meaning in a world of interactive communications and virtual
realities) and “post-Fordist” (which has been infused with highly specific
content (Jessop, 1994 and Tickell and Peck, 1995), these "post-it"
labels constitute an epistemological quagmire.
They are characteristically empty of positive content, merely suggesting
that a central phenomenon in human society has been pushed off the historical
stage. While empirically light, they
tend at the same time to be normatively heavy, infused as they are with
nostalgia, apocalypse, negativity, and teleology.
The nostalgic
quality of the post-it notions of the state derives from their tendency to
reify a late-lamented sovereign state by idealizing the regulatory capacity of
what in the Canadian case amounted in actuality to little more than a “bastard
Keynesianism’ (D. Wolfe, 1977) and by
exaggerating the social harmony and stability in what was at best a
“permeable Fordism” whose bargain between business and labour leaders excluded
other social forces (Jenson, 1989).
Besides looking
backward with regret, the "post-" labels look forward with
despair. Their apocalyptic tone endows
the sovereign state with a terminal character: its proclaimed
transmogrification into a neo-liberal monster implies that the Keynesian
welfare state is history, its Fordist chapter toast. While it is true that politicians have been zealously paring down
welfare programs even when they have no mandate to do so, the neo-liberal model
is no closer to being accepted as a sustainable societal contract in Canada
than it is elsewhere. (Clarke, 1997).
The alleged demise of the social-market economy has been too hastily lamented
on the left: the retrenchment of state services is vigorously contested
throughout countries with advanced social support systems. (Pierson, 1996)
Even if the
public came to accept as persuasive the Maastricht- or market-imposed necessity
of deficit and debt reduction, the panacea of budget cutting was politically
negative, offering no long-term programmatic direction. The meteoric flameout of Newt Gingrich’s
Contract with America and its tentative replacement with a “compassionate
conservativism” suggest that the nineteenth century nostrums of the radical
right are well on their way to being discredited and disavowed. Social-democratic, left-liberal, and
Christian-Democratic governments have retained their state-supplied social
services where budgets permitted. When
forced by exterrnal pressure to cut back these programs, they have done so
reluctantly in the hope that they can subsequently be restored, if in modified
forms, once their fiscal situation improves.[3]
More troubling
analytically, the “post-” labels bear a
teleological load that imputes to the state certain a priori functions
which it ought to carry out. One is
given to understand that, if the state does not fulfill them, these activities
will not occur at all and the “dismantled” state itself will shortly lose its
legitimacy (McBride and Shields, 1997).
In the case of Canada, whose economic vulnerability and cultural
fragmentation has long given the political order a vital, society-constructing
mission, this lament has a particular bite (Shields and Evans, 1998 and Smiley,
In the context of
dramatic increases in internationalization (understood as cross-border
interconnectedness), liberalization (understood as deregulation of markets),
and globalization (understood as transcendence of territoriality) – phenomena
which have transformed the human geography of trade and capital (Scholte, 1997)
-- some analysts have gone so far as to pronounce the nation state in general
to be terminally ill (Ohmae, 1995).
Less extreme is the Strange (1996) view that, through the agency of the
transnational corporation (TNC), massive powers have shifted from nation states
toward world markets. There is no
consensus on how far state decline has proceeded and why. Strange’s thesis is
challenged as exaggerated even by scholars who concede that globalization has
substantially undermined the state’s material base (Bienefeld, 1994). Rejecting any mourning for the state, Robert
Wolfe (1996) insists that the nation-state still remains the only legitimate form
of authority in global governance.
Trying to capture
the essence of its disempowerment, Cerny (1990) writes of the “competition
state” which has taken on new, more complex functions in a more interdependent
world. For Jessop, the key contrast is
between the late, lamented Keynesian welfare state and the new, uncelebrated
“Schumpeterian workfare state” (Jessop, 1997).
For Cox (1993), what is significant is the state’s role as “transmission
belt” from the global to the national order, enforcing at home policies made
and decisions taken at the global level by the new institutions of
multinational governance.
Instead of
pursuing the somewhat scholastic debate on whether the state’s role is
declining or growing, this article proposes to extend the notion of multi-level
governance that captures the complexities of policy-making in the European
Union to describe the Canadian state in its global context. Understood as the structure that engages in
socially authorized rule-making, adjudication, enforcement, and redistribution,
the state in my view now needs to be reconceptualized as a set of
interconnected jurisdictions that stretch from the local through to the
global. In this optic the sovereign
or territorial state is less a single entity fighting for its autonomy
than the central component of a larger set of structures operating on a number
of tiers, at least five of which have identifiable processes and institutional
forms rising from the municipal and the regional through the federal to the
continental and global.
The degree of
institutionalization of a particular state level can be expected to vary both
across time and space, as will its degree of legitimacy, whether democratic or
effective. Municipal governments, for
instance, may enjoy high democratic legitimacy, because a city hall is closest
to its voters, but they may enjoy the least effective legitimacy if the
municipality is a constitutional vassal of a higher state level.
responsibilities may shift from one level to another of the multi-level
state. The federal state may gain some
powers from the sub-national while it devolves others to the provincial or Land
governments. Similarly this regional
level may download regulatory duties to its cities while recapturing taxation
power from them. Other tasks may be
assumed by the continental tier, or filled globally. Some functions, such as cultural reproduction, may be affected at
all levels of government. This
five-layered political reality becomes still more complex upon considering the
multiplicity of relationships that link each state tier not just vertically
with other levels but horizontally with markets (in the form of corporations
and their lobbies) and civil society (as embodied in non-government
organizations, interest groups, religious denominations, social movements, and
other forms of civic citizen activity.)
Such a
process-centred approach to understanding the state is premised on the view
that nothing is static. Like collective
identities, the state is being continually reproduced in the process of
contestation and negotiation that forms the essential dynamic of the national
and international political economies.
Vertical relations among tiers within this framework are in constant
flux. Horizontal relations also experience
continual change, for instance, as the provincial state devolves the
responsibility for delivering previously state-provided services to
self-regulating networks in civil society and as municipal governments’
regulatory functions are taken on by firms or industry associations in the
market place.
the state in this multi-tiered fashion leads us to the hypothesis that, even
while confronting the disintegration and devolution of its internal functions,
the territorial or nation state may be kept operational and have its legitimacy
sustained because of its interactions with the other state levels as
well as with the organizations and markets to whom it has “lost”
functions. One way to test this
proposition would be to examine how this sovereign state is affected by the
evolution of other levels of governance.
The hypothesis will be invalidated, for instance, if the continental
regime supplants the state, leaving it bereft of activity and purpose. It will be demonstrated if, on the contrary,
the development of new governing activity internationally and sub-nationally
redefines the sovereign state by giving it a new intermediating function.
Since those
global policies and decisions that have arguably had the greatest effect in
changing the Canadian state are the rules governing international economic
activity and the commercial disputes that have been adjudicated on their basis,
I will centre this article on trade policy .
Although fiscal, social, industrial, and regulatory policies have much
to tell us about any state’s responses to globalization, Canada is so directly
affected by the United States’s international agenda, whether through the
continental or the multilateral agreements that Washington has promoted, that
trade policy has become the master disciplinarian of Canadian government. Extensive economic treaties signed in the
last two decades contain not just hundreds but thousands of pages of rules
which have major implications for Canada’s constitutional, statutory, judicial,
administrative, and even coercive orders.
This second generation of “trade” agreements explicitly embraces investment
policy, that is the capacity of states to regulate investments of foreign-owned
firms, and has expanded the notion of trade from goods to the production,
delivery, marketing and investment in services. So intrusive and so open-ended are these
rules that they potentially affect almost all areas of government.
After briefly
reflecting on the dramatic changes in continental and global governance that
trade politics has engendered over the past decade in Canada (I), I will
proceed to discuss how that country’s state forms are evolving in its five
levels (II).
Trade Policy in a Globalizing World
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was
so weak as a forum for making trade rules and arbitrating commercial conflicts
that it was dubbed sarcastically the “general agreement to talk and talk.” Its replacement in 1995 by a more muscular
World Trade Organization (WTO), which has an autonomous, supranational capacity
and an integrated structure with legal personality designed to impose the
discipline of collectively negotiated rules on even the most powerful sovereign
state, suggests a substantial change at the global level of governance in the
institutionalization of the trade policy function (Winham, 1996).
The negotiation
of trade rules has now become an endless cycle of confrontation, negotiation,
adjudication, bargaining, and then renewed disputation and negotiation. Along with the other trading nations, Canada
participated energetically and with considerable effect in the creation of this
new system (Ostry, 1997) and continued to play an active role in the
negotiations that extended its norms to telecommunications, informational technology,
and beyond. As an active participant,
it has tried to affect the ongoing trade agenda (which includes rules for
competition policy, human rights, and the admission of China), while bargaining
on the side to achieve bilateral trade deals with Israel and Chile. All the while the Canadian government is
continuously interacting within its primary continental regime, the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and has an ongoing, daily involvement in
the United States capital where every roaming lobbyist and the least expected
congressional hiccup can spell trouble for the world’s largest dyadic trade
relationship. At the same time it works
to promote inter-continental liberalization through Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) and is an enthusiastic participant in the pre-negotiations
of the proposed hemispheric Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Given the growing
interconnection between the flow of commerce and the flux of capital, rules
governing trade practices cannot be isolated from norms specifying the
treatment of foreign direct investment.
Global codes on investment were established at the continental level
with the construction first of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement
(CUFTA) in 1987 and then in the far more intrusive Chapter 11 of its successor
NAFTA in 1993 (Smythe, 1995). These
rules to strengthen the rights of transnational capital are being renegotiated
and internationalized -- if not by the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
(MAI) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) then
at a future round of talks at the WTO.
The implications
of trade-policy’s ever-broadening scope for the state’s structure and
functioning grow more difficult to analyse as the distinction between “foreign”
and “domestic” policy becomes blurred.
Such nominally domestic policy areas as the regulation of anti-trust and
financial services now overlap with external trade and investment norms. The inclusion of cultural, environmental,
food, and labour policies within the scope of trade disputes signifies a new
and deeper kind of interpenetration between the global and the national.
complicating a federal state’s trade-policy function is the de jure
jurisdiction and de facto powers of its sub-national governments.[4] The broad, constitutionally entrenched
jurisdiction of Canadian provinces over natural resources and transportation,
education and social policy used to be of secondary moment when the Canadian
government’s economic diplomacy revolved around border barriers such as tariff
rates. But the extension of “trade”
issues to include investment rules and services constrains the federal state’s
ability to negotiate in international fora on these issues without giving the
provincial governments some considerable say.
Provinces and cities are also engaged in courting foreign investment in
the hope of attracting projects that will generate tax revenues and jobs, but
the subsidies and concessions they offer give rise to claims of unfair trading
when they lure an investor away from another jurisdiction.
Besides being
conscious of the way that different levels of government interconnect
vertically with each other in these trade palavers, we must also follow how
they interact horizontally with players in the private sector and civil
society. In the domain of international
trade politics, the TNC is playing a growing and contradictory role,
alternatively undermining and reinforcing the sovereign state in its participation
in global governance. The same export-oriented
corporation, which may be calling for the privatization of crown corporations
and the deregulation of their economic sector in Canada, may also be soliciting
municipalities for serviced land on which to locate its plants, importuning
provincial governments for subsidies and tax incentives to support its research
and technology development, and lobbying the federal government to negotiate a
phrase change in an international agreement that will favour its interests. It may also work directly with Canadian
officials strategizing over a trade dispute within NAFTA or an issue at the
WTO. TNCs, whether they are foreign- or
Canadian-owned, press officials in Ottawa to respond to their needs, needs
which may also be articulated by special interest groups lobbying for big
business (Business Council on National Issues), a business sector (Canadian
Manufacturers Association), importer or exporter associations (Canadian
Importers Association), a particular industry like steel or such an industrial
sector as auto parts (Rugman, 1988).
The policy community in trade matters is no longer restricted to
business interests. What was once an
arcane bureaucratic dossier looked after by unknown officials haggling over
customs codes is now a congested policy field crowded further by
representatiaves from civil society.
Among the most prominent of the constituencies which have recently
become aware that their interests are affected by the new phenomena of global
governance and deep integration are trade unions and environmental
issues dramatize most clearly how national policy-making has become
simultaneously internationalized and localized. The provincial government of Ontario’s attempt to require that
all beer be sold in recyclable glass bottles sparked claims of protectionism
from American breweries using aluminium cans and resulted in an adverse ruling
by a GATT panel whose implementation was mediated by the federal
government. Greenpeace is the flagship
for the new environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) which is able to
mobilize a transnational coalition of counter-elites against a particular
target such as the British Columbia forest industry’s practice of clear-cut
logging (Dale, 1996) or the seal hunt in Newfoundland. By intervening in global and continental
fora these ENGOs are stimulating the crystallization of a supra-national
consciousness that is linking trade questions to environmental issues and
supporting transnational coalition building among ENGOs. Ecological questions have already become
annexed to trade issues at the continental level in NAFTA’s North American
Agreement on Environmental Cooperation.
Since the protestations in Seattle, they are candidates for inclusion on
the WTO’s agenda. Environmental politics
clearly transcend the scope of the old nation-state because it combines
features of the national with the transnational (interest groups operating
across national boundaries), and the infranational (officials from
member-states collaborating on their specialized agendas). But attachment to sovereignty dies hard, and
sovereign states, which still control whatever subsequent governmental action
is taken, can be seen to matter when they remain more committed to trade
expansion than ecological sustainability -- as the disappointing follow-through
from the Rio and Kyoto environmental summits reminds us.
Provinces or
Länder are constrained by their position in a federation: they can only achieve
some of their goals if their fellow provinces concur. And they are both restricted and enabled in other dimensions by
federal government’s policies in whose formulation they often participate. Likewise, sovereign states can only achieve
some of their goals if their fellow states concur. And they are both restricted and enabled by actions taken at the
global or continental levels of governance in whose decision-making they often
participate. I will now proceed to look
at how Canada’s stateness is enabled and restricted in these new tiers of
II The Multi-level State at Higher Levels of Governance
Global Governance
The international institutions established in
association with the UN were structures meant to perform specialized functions
-- regulating aviation (International Civil Aviation Organization) or
allocating broadcasting frequencies (International Telecommunications Union) --
if not in a supranational, at least in an intergovernmental manner. Hobbled by the ideological negativities of
the Cold War, many of these functional organizations had difficulty realizing
their full potential. Following the
collapse of international socialism, many have experienced a renaissance. Despite its rusty machinery and precarious
funding the United Nations became more feisty, even able to defy the United
States or at least coexist with its irresponsible excesses. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has
also become more active. Within the
monetarist consensus linking the infranational community of officials who are
seconded from the IMF’s members' finance and treasury departments, Canadian
officials express the views of mid-sized powers which want more generous
provisions put in place for economies in crisis.
Even as
inter-governmental an institution as the annual G7 (now G8) summit, which has
no fixed address and no headquarters staff, is nevertheless a leading structure
in global governance. Its annual,
highly mediatized get-togethers of heads of government and finance ministers
are premised not on the diplomatic, zero-sum logic of war-by-other-means but on
the managerial, positive-sum logic of confidence-building, persuasion, and
collective norm-making. In the
background is an infranational elite of foreign-office sherpas,
finance-ministry staff, and political officials who form the Economic Summits’
virtual infrastructure in which Canadian officials lobby for their government’s
positions, e.g. for stronger oversight of national banks’ credit worthiness to
preempt global financial crises. Having
met every year since 1975 to manage the interests of the leading capitalist
economies, the G7/8, supplemented by the institutional expertise of the OECD,
seems on occasion to have appropriated an embryonic global mission of the
macro-economic management which nation states lost when capital became mobile
(Kirton, 1995). Whatever global
Keynesianism results from summit decisions, the actual fine tuning is executed
by those states which have agreed collectively to increase aggregate demand or
lower interest rates in their own economies.
In these cases national sovereignty is not so much lost as coordinated
in a multilateral forum.
Whereas the
elected heads of government of the major world economies meet with annual
fanfare, the appointed governors of the major state banks convene monthly
behind closed doors at the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision to manage the
world’s monetary systems according to
their own collective consensus (Coleman, 1994). Here, too, the discrete coordination that takes place in Basle is
an instance of global governance by international cooperation. In the case of cooperation among central
bankers, their autonomy from their national governments can turn this
infranational network into a powerful instrument of external influence on the
national economy (Drainville, 1995).
When this community of bankers abandoned Keynes in favour of Friedman,
it had powerful effects on national economies.
In the case of Canada, the central bank became the transmission belt of
this transnational consensus of which it became the most zealous exponent. Perversely
demonstrating that, though it was part of the state, it was autonomous, the
Bank of Canada generated what many appalled economists dubbed a “made-in-Canada
recession” in the early 1990s through a restrictive monetary policy aimed to
suffocate inflation.
The national
bankers’ closeted efforts to manage their money markets and exchange rates in a
concerted coalition contrasts dramatically with the unpredictable, even
hysterical impulses that grip the world’s inter-connected capital markets,
making every country’s exchange rate vulnerable to speculative attack. During the 1994 Mexican peso crisis, other
perfectly sound currencies came under pressure for no reason other than a
“tequila effect” of market nerves. The
connection between this anarchic, market-based self-regulation and the fate of
the sovereign state is direct: the bond traders’ hourly mood changes about a
currency’s credit worthiness constitute one of the main determinants of
national exchange rate levels. Concern about their currency’s externally and
arbitrarily determined value becomes a major element in finance ministers’
economic strategizing.
Somewhere between
the uncontrolled mood shifts of the bond markets and the measured deliberations
in Basle are the private-sector agencies which evaluate, for a fee, the credit
ratings of corporations and countries.
The phrase “government by Moody’s” suggests how the regulatory process
has been turned on its head in financial markets. Regulation is no longer a one-way process of states supervising
corporations. Now putatively sovereign
states -- particularly those like Sweden and Canada, which have large amounts
of their debt denominated in foreign currencies -- manage their economies under
the surveillance of the capital markets’ risk assessing companies.
The associated
development of a civil society that escapes the confines of national territory
is evident in many areas. Not the least
interesting in this regard are the native peoples in Canada who are getting to
know their counterparts in Mexico and Australia, gaining political strength as
they broaden their international connections and hone new political skills.[5] Such talent was shown by the Cree nation
when it mobilized political support in the New York state assembly and the US
congress to scotch the Québec government’s projected vast expansion of its
James Bay hyrdo-electric operation for export to the American market. The Canadian government is not above trying
to harness such non-governmental activity to its own ends: it supported other
native groups in their colourful, if fruitless, lobbying in Brussels against
the European Union’s ban on the importation of pelts trapped by allegedly
inhumane first-nation methods.
The evolution of
a global level of governance that has both public and private dimensions
clearly constrains the freedom formerly enjoyed by sovereign states to run
their own affairs as masters in their own houses. To some extent Canada experiences this constraint by globalism as
an extension by other means of an overbearing American dominance with which it
has long had to deal. Two illustrations
from the WTO make this clear.
Trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPs) were adopted thanks
to years of sustained lobbying from the US information, entertainment, and pharmaceuticals
sectors. First incorporated in the
Uruguay Round’s Dunkel draft, then embedded at US insistence in NAFTA, they
ultimately became part of the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services. With TRIPs enshrined in the new trade order,
Washington, supported by the EU, pressured Ottawa to adopt these norms. This gave Canada’s branch-plant
pharmaceutical giants extended protection for their branded drugs and
eliminated the legal base for its public health system’s much cheaper, generic
drug suppliers (Kent, 1994).
Although CUFTA
had grandfathered such cultural policies as the banning of split-run editions
of American magazines, Time Warner induced Washington to lodge a case with the
WTO’s new dispute settlement body against Canada’s barring a Canadian
advertising edition of Sports Illustrated. In this second example, the WTO dispute panel and appellate body
rulings achieved a goal that had long eluded the United States government:
it reached back into Canadian political
history by declaring cultural policies legitimately legislated years -- even
decades -- before to be illegal under the WTO’s new rules (Magder, 1998).
While the
internationalization of US norms represents a globalization of Canada’s
historically long-standing continental integration, it also signifies a
transformation of its status as a semi-peripheral state. If peripheries act solely as objects of
global forces adopting the rules that are made elsewhere, semi-peripheries can
be understood as both objects and subjects -- both rule takers and rule
makers. Canada was a rule taker through
joining NAFTA and the WTO. It was also
a rule maker through its participation in the deliberations that established
these agreements’ norms, regulations, and disciplines. In 1987, for instance, Ottawa’s negotiators
were instrumental in inventing the dispute settlement mechanism that became the
hallmark of CUFTA and NAFTA. In 1990,
half-way through the long Uruguay Round, Canada proposed the more substantial
institutional structure that transformed GATT into the WTO with its more
authoritative dispute settlement body.
As a mid-sized state it believed itself better off in a rules-based
system endowed with an organization strong enough to administer the rules. One such set of rules, for instance, deals
with the safety of food and agricultural products for which international
standards are established in the Codex Alimentarius; its application in the
WTO’s beef hormone decision against the EU’s embargo on North American beef
worked to Canada’s advantage (Cromer, 1995).
The same round of trade talks also yielded what had escaped the grasp of
Canadian officials when negotiating CUFTA with the United States. The WTO’s subsidy code promises to reduce
the vulnerability of Canadian exports to the constant harassment of American
trade remedy actions alleging unfair subsidies and imposing stiff
countervailing duties. Canada used the
code successfully to challenge Brazil’s subsidies to the aircraft manufacturer,
Embraer, while at the same time its own subsidies to Bombardier, its own
national champion in the aircraft industry, were declared illegal. The uneasy coexistence of rule-taker and
rule-maker in the hegemon’s semi-periphery recalls Wolfgang Streeck’s (1996)
argument that the member states of the European Union have compensated for
their loss of internal sovereignty by exercising external
sovereignty in inter-governmental bargaining in the EU’s various institutions.
For half a century “multilateralism” described Canada’s strategy of
offseting its asymmetrical dependency on the United States by participating
actively in inter-governmental activities such as the military preparedness
operations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the post-Cold War period, when intergovernmental institutions
have become more global than Atlantic in scope, Canada’s ranking in the
international hierarachy has become vulnerable to downgrading. Its relative importance has diminished
because of the loss of its geo-strategic position on the missile and bomber flight
path between the United States and the Soviet Union. Its absolute ranking has declined from seventh (measured by GDP),
having been displaced by both China and Brazil. But this decline seems to have re-doubled, rather than deflated,
the federal government’s efforts to participate in a global governance for
which its diplomatic culture as a middle power gives it a historical
predilection. Multilateralism --
building coalitions with other sovereign states and exploiting with them the
machinery established by the available international institutions -- has now
become a vitally important thrust of the Canadian government’s trade strategy
and makes Canada a candidate for the moniker “catalytic state” (Lind,
In sum, the other side of the global-governance-as-state-loss coin is
its constituting a fifth tier of stateness through the transposition into a
multilateral forum of some functions performed by the sovereign state. This reformulation parallels the designation
of the “globalized corporation” (a company whose headquarters is in one market
and which extends its operations into other markets) or “global civil society”
(which is in good part a transnational extension of national NGOs’ activities).
A similar extension of the nation-state into a fourth tier can be observed in
the development of continent-wide systems of governance.
Continental Regimes
structures vary in sophistication from the highly articulated institutional,
legal, and economic policy processes of the European Union to the heterogeneous
and inchoate Association of South-East Asian Nations. CUFTA created nominal institutions (the Canada-United States
Trade Commission), decreed major constraints on public policy, established new
rights (mainly for corporations), and enshrined processes for dispute
settlement that were hailed by President Ronald Reagan, not without good
reason, as a “new economic constitution for North America.” Though broadened by the accession of Mexico,
NAFTA’s institutions are so weak as to make talk of an embryonic system of
continental governance appear seriously overstated.
Less than a formal organization but more than a temporary arrangement,
NAFTA may be more properly described as a continental regime, having a
“shared and long-term commitment to a set of governing arrangements and also a
willingness to sacrifice some independence for the good of the community.”
(Bennett, 1991) There are some signs that continental integration is developing
a new political identity (Schwartz, 1996).
It is arguable whether NAFTA has a positive momentum (Deblock and Rioux,
1993), but the transnationalizing process is becoming hemispheric, with the two
continents merging into one mega-system (Thérien, et al., 1996) Transnational
coalition building among NGOs in North America can be seen as a
“continentalization from below” that is starting to create a continental civil
society (Gutiérrez-Haces, 1996, Drainville, 1997). In contrast with the asymmetry-inhibiting qualities of the EU’s
institutions, NAFTA’s promote asymmetry through a penetrative convergence
process in which American actors gain greater access to decision-making in both
Mexico and Canada.
The structures of this
continental regime may be rudimentary but its norms, which are specific,
detailed, extensive, justiciable, and relentlessly neo-liberal, constitute a
legal order in its own right.
Intellectual property rights enhanced the position of the pharmaceutical
TNCs and telecommunications clauses set up American telecomm TNCs to buy into
Canada’s formerly protected regional telephone monopolies. Powerful investment provisions gave foreign
investors more rights than national companies to sue federal, provincial, or
municipal governments for “expropriation” of their profits. Complex rules of origin created a protected
zone on a continental scale for the American-dominated textile and automotive
sectors. No wonder that
transcontinental capital, having achieved its objectives at the
inter-governmental negotiating table, should have reorganized their separate
branch-plant operations in each country to plants producing for an integrated
continental platform (Blank, 1993).
NAFTA constitutes, in sum, a continental mode of regulation for a
continental regime of accumulation.
If an integrated North American market is being forged by corporations
operating continentally according to NAFTA’s new regime of accumulation one
might think that the Canadian state was on the road to irrelevance. But NAFTA eschews supranational government. In the name of their national autonomy, the
member governments have already reined in NAFTA’s putatively autonomous
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC, 1997). They are resisting the
creation of a North American monetary institution equivalent to the European
Montetary Union (Clarkson, 2000).
This new legal order has altered Canada’s traditionally dyadic American
relationship by involving Ottawa with Washington’s Mexican relations and giving
each of the three partners some say in its relationship with the others. Mexico is still in part a third-world
country needing Canadian aid as it deals with the social upheaval caused by its
efforts to conform to NAFTA-mediated American prescriptions of structural
adjustment. But it has now become an
industrial competitor, successfully vying for an increasing share of North
America’s incoming foreign investment and challenging Canada’s position as
prime supplier to the US import market.
The two semi-peripheral states are also growing, if small, markets for
each other’s exports and act at times as diplomatic allies defending, for
example, their protectionist cultural policies against American pressure for
completely unfettered flows of information and entertainment products.
Continental regimes overlap.
Beyond belonging to CUFTA and NAFTA, Canada would be a charter member in
the Free Trade Area of the Americas should the Miami Declaration of 1994 bear
fruit. The Organization of American
States (OAS) is another bi-continental organization in which Canada plays happy
soldier and so demonstrates its Western hemispheric presence. As a multilateral network with a renewed
dynamic, the OAS offers Canada an additional mechanism for distinguishing its
identity from that of its dominant neighbour through coalition building. A dramatic example of such self-assertion
through association was Ottawa’s initiating in this traditionally
U.S.-dominated organization a resolution that successfully passed – over the
United States government’s objection – condemning its Helms-Burton bill
(McKenna, 1999). In addition, Canada
participates in APEC because of its Pacific geography. Its enthusiastic activity in this budding
consultation forum among states sharing frontage on the Pacific Ocean shows how
old-fashioned, politically focussed multilateralism has taken on an
inter-continental, commerce- related form as the Canadian state reconstitutes
itself in the new, trade-centred order (Curtis, 1996).
The growth of a continental economic regime has an effect on the
Canadian state parallel to that of globalism.
The most controversial is the strictures on the range of permissible
government action imposed by the trade agreements on many policy areas formerly
considered to be at the sovereign discretion of the state. This is the equivalent to the negative
integration that characterizes the European Union’s market-centred and
state-limiting processes (Scharpf, 1995), but its actual constraint on the
Canadian state has been difficult to observe for three basic reasons. A shift in the managerial paradigm of both
elected and bureaucratic Canadian policy-makers away from a social-democratic
activism and towards neo-liberal tenets makes it difficult to determine whether
a reduction in interventionist practices is due to officials’ fear of falling
afoul of the new continental rules or to their belief that less government is
better government. Secondly,
non-decision making is notoriously uncongenial to scholarly observation: government outsiders can rarely tell to what
extent NAFTA has inhibited state actions that might have been taken in its
absence. Finally, Canadian governments
may be renouncing activities such as subsidizing national enterprise not
because of external constraints but because of their internally-driven agenda
to eliminate budget deficits.
The Multi-level State on Traditional Ground
Regional Government
The politics of
deficit and debt reduction by the federal state in Canada, with its familiar
program slashing, transfer-payment reductions, and civil-servant firing, has
had a direct impact on the unstable federal-provincial balance of power. If one level reduces its activity in a
policy field, the other level may move into the vacuum unless ideological
positions or funding constraints militate otherwise. A case in point is the broad set of policies aimed to increase
economic competitiveness. The federal government gradually withdrew from
micro-economic policy-making in part because of the Mulroney Progressive
Conservative government’s (1984-1993) conviction that previous efforts to
formulate a national industrial strategy had failed and in part because the
subsequent Chrétien Liberals’ (1993- ) attack on their inherited deficit
radically restricted the funding available to support entrepreneurial
innovation and productivity.
A further reason for relocating policy activity from the federal to the
provincial level is the belief among experts on the subject that subnational
regions are the more natural loci for public sector encouragement of private
sector partnerships and alliances (David Wolfe, 1997). In a huge country containing several
geographically distinct economic areas so disparate in their characteristics
that they do not even comprise an
optimal currency zone, the federal government has great difficulty developing a
coordinated economic activity that satisfies all regions. It follows that the provinces may be the
more appropriate administrative scale for encouraging innovative systems that
galvanize private-sector initiatives within a knowledge-based, post-Fordist,
techno-economic paradigm.
In actual practice the extent that new functions were adopted by the
provincial state was highly contingent on political agency. From the mid-1980s, Ontario governments
under the control first of the Liberal (1985-90) and then of the New Democratic
Party (1990-95) tried to appropriate the industrial strategy function they felt
Ottawa was neglecting. Many initiatives
were taken to foster neo-corporatist sectoral partnerships. Since the mid-1990s their neo-conservative
successor (1995- ) cancelled most of such programs designed to stimulate
economic development, preferring to create business-friendly conditions through
cutiing payroll taxes, limiting trade union shopfloor rights, and relaxing both
the standards and the policing of environmental regulations. All that remains of a once intellectually
assertive industrial provincialism is a concentration on skills training as a
way of meeting the requirements for highly trained personnel of such globally
operating sectors as telecommunications equipment, software engineering, and
automotive parts design (Eves, 1998).
This passive approach, which even rejects subsidies for businesses
considering investment sites in the province, offers a suggestive contrast with
the more defiantly interventionist New Democratic government in British
Columbia. A still more successful
defender of an activist role for the state is the Parti Québécois (PQ)
government which, through concerted consultations with the private sector and
its social partners,[6] crafted a consensus to the effect that, for Quebec to retain an
activist role for the provincial state and its crown corporations, it would
first have to respond to the demands of the bond-rating agencies for a zero
deficit (Drache, 1997).
It has long been
hypothesized that continental integration was related to federal
disintegration: the more North America became a single political economy, the
more Canada’s provincial economies would reorient their commerce from an
east-west inter-provincial pattern to a set of north-south provincial-state
relationships (Stevenson, 1974).
Recently this argument has resurfaced as the proposition that Ontario
has become a “region state” that is losing its former role as motor of the
Canadian economy in favour of a consolidation with the several states of the
Great Lakes (Courchene and Telmer, 1998).
There can be no doubt that, as the US share of Canadian exports has
risen to 87 per cent, the provincial economies have become increasingly
enmeshed with their neighbouring states.
But it does not follow that globalization is causing the federal state
to lose its raison d’être in the face of irresistible province building. As the tussle over regulating the internet
has proven, new regulatory challenges can be exploited by the federal
government. Over the objections of the
provinces, Ottawa passed a statute to regulate privacy on the internet,
claiming authority from its jurisdication over trade and commerce. In another instance, the Supreme Court
reallocated to the federal government jurisdiction over telecommunications
because of this sector’s globalizing qualities.
Alongside its
hesitation in assuming the federal government’s economic functions, there is a
question about how far the provincial state can go in displacing Ottawa in
order directly to represent its interests abroad. Even though regional government may have a considerable potential
for international relations in a globalizing world, practical budgetary
constraints and formal problems of recognition limit provinces in their
ambitions. Taking a feather from the
cap of Germany’s Länder, they could demand from the Supreme Court guarantees
that the federal government not alienate any of their powers in the course of
its international bargaining and even insist on direct representation in the
new continental and global regimes.
Provincial voices may often sound discords in the federal state’s
international tune, but they actually sing as part of a federal chorus when
“Team Canada” sallies forth in federal-provincial trade missions in Asia, Latin
America, or Europe. Since provincial
bureaucratic capacity is inadequate to project regional interests abroad,
provinces have relied more on the federal state to represent them in
intergovernmental fora in the 1990s, the decade of highest globalization. Cutbacks of their quasi-embassies abroad not
just by Ontario but by Quebec confirm that, under conditions of deficit
reduction, provinces experienced serious limits to their capacity for direct
participation in global governance.
Even in continental governance they have not developed into “region
states”. In fact, contrary to
expectations raised by the signing of NAFTA, long-standing transnational
linkages of Canadian provincial governments with contiguous states of the
U.S.A. are not expanding to include close relations with states of the Mexican
federation (Munton and Kirton, 1996).
4. Municipal Administration
The sub-national state in Canada may not be expanding
its sphere of action to the global or continental tiers as much as Ohmae’s
(1995) talk of regionalism may have led his readers to expect, but -- whatever
pressures it may be experiencing from exogenous forces -- it is jealously
guarding its control over its traditional fiefdom, the municipal tier. At this,
the lowest rung of our five-level hierarchy of governance, cities are also the
most vulnerable to experiencing the most disadvantages and reaping the fewest
benefits of the political effects of globalization if investments, whether
national or foreign, relocate.
To the extent that the character of an economy’s physical and social
infrastructure is central to the locational decisions of transnational
corporations, city governments potentially play a significant role in the
global competition for economic development.
The quality of their administrative regimes helps create the environment
that is either attractive or repellent to corporate decision makers in sectors
such as telecommunications whose employees seek a high quality of cultural life
and recreational amenities for their working context (BCG, 1997). As the most localized level of governance,
municipalities may also play a supportive role in responding to the knowledge
economy’s need for direct business-university partnerships in their locality. They can facilitate investment activities
through expediting building permits.
Alleviating poverty and coping with social distress are no longer purely
local concerns: the way these problems are addressed can make the difference
between a city being chosen for transnational investment. The largest Canadian cities -- Toronto,
Montreal, and Vancouver -- are conscious of their dependence on the good will
of global capital markets and do what they can with limited resources to
generate positive signals. Success can,
of course, have its downside. Winning
the installation of such footloose capital as financial services firms with
their high-paying jobs may aggravate existing income disparities, foster
economic polarization, and encourage spatial dislocation, altering thereby the
balance between public and private institutions and poisoning relationships
with other cities.
Since cities come under the constitutional tutelage of the provinces in
Canada, they have little to do with their own success or failure in these
matters.[7] Canadian cities are so
completely controlled by their provincial masters that they have scant
opportunity proactively to take up the economic challenge of competing with
cities abroad as investment locations.
At the same time they have no choice about having to cope reactively
with responsibilities that are unilaterally downloaded on them by provincial
governments. In this process they
complete the cycle of globalization in which wealth is redistributed from
governments to corporations and in which the financial burdens involved in the
provision and regulation of collective goods such as water and subsidized
housing are shifted down to municipalities.
Without the fiscal powers they would need to maintain the quality of
these services, the buck is passed on to the individual citizen in such forms
as user fees or simple non-provision of proper treatment for mental or physical
needs. The ultimate symbol of
governmental downloading and buck-passing is the deranged panhandler squatting on
a square metre of a downtown sidewalk.
The case of
Toronto illustrates how the global-local connection may be both direct and
indeterminate. The metropolis of
Toronto, with its population of 2.4 million is the fifth largest city and
fourth largest financial centre north of the Rio Grande. For forty years it enjoyed a much praised
federal system of government that gave its six municipalities considerable
autonomy to deal with community-based issues but dealt with metro-wide issues
in a central Metro Council. Although
the site for one sixth of Canada’s employment,
globalization has raised the spectre of the city losing its competitive
attractiveness for investment. As a
result the NDP government of Ontario decided to address the question of
Toronto’s economic functioning in relation to the surrounding conurbation of
4.7 million people known as the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Although expert
opinion unanimously favoured the development of an intermediate regional
governance system that would enable the GTA to deal with its collective
development issues, the neo-liberal government of Mike Harris rejected such
advice. In a move remarkably similar to
Margaret Thatcher’s dissolution of the London County Council, Ontario flew in
the face of public opinion expressed by referendum and abolished Toronto’s
municipalities. Amalgamated into a
“megacity,” the new Toronto’s government appeared too huge to respond to
community needs but too small to deal with its commuter-shed’s broad economic
challenges. Voters in the suburbs feared that a new meso-regional structure
would make them pay in the form of increased taxes for the externalities
created by their transportation, cultural, and social needs, which previously
had either been subsidized by the province or internalized by the core city. The logic of control by a provincial
government sensitive to its electoral prospects trumped the logic of
5. The Federal (or sovereign) Tier
Where, then, does Canada’s federal state fit in this
confusing picture of losing some functions, retaining others, and gaining new
ones? Its liabilities seem clear. Internally, it has retrenched the direct
provision of services to citizens.
Externally, it has lost many of its powers to protect the economy. As a result it is suffering from a crisis of
credibility on the part of citizens who do not perceive its value but sense
that the levers pulled and the buttons pushed by federal decision makers may
not be connected to any effective machinery of government. “The federal government is irrelevant out
here,” said the minister of finance from the province of Alberta in 1996.[8]
Still, the
sovereign state may have regained in the roundabouts what it lost in the
swings. It remains stubbornly at centre
stage with institutional machinery and a bureaucratic culture developed over
decades of federal-provincial relations and suited for inter-governmental
diplomacy. The federal state is also
central in the literal sense that it is suspended in the middle, the
intermediary between the provinces with their vassal cities below and the
resurgent continental and global institutions above. It is central as well because, long after TNCs and NGOs have
intervened in these extra-territorial fora and returned to their bottom lines
and home bases, it is the federal government that is held responsible in
international law for implementing what has been decided, even if many treaty
provisions affecting, for instance, the environment or labour, can only be
effected at the provincial level.
Now that it has
graduated from a decade and a half of deficit politics into the more pleasant
dilemma of dealing with a budgetary surplus, it is attempting to regain some of
its lost role in welfare provision. The federal state’s surprising survival in
the face of what seemed to be globalization’s crippling impacts returns us to
the hypothesis that the Canadian state may be supported by the new
configurations of governance that globalization has induced. The argument can be developed as four
further propositions.
1. Democracy supports the lower
tiers’ legitimacy against the higher. Much has been made of the democratic
deficit which undermines the legitimacy of such continental institutions as
those of the EU. The flip side of this
argument reminds us that the legitimacy of sovereign states and their sub-national
and municipal tiers is constantly reasserted by their long-established rituals
of electoral politics. These are further legitimized by formal constitutions
whose provisions are themselves solemnly reaffirmed by a never-ending
succession of court rulings. The
national political structure has a reality for the mass media which reinforce
it in every news broadcast, further embedding the state as the prime political
reference point in the citizenry’s consciousness and political culture. As a result, political issues are still seen
by the media -- and so the public -- to be essentially municipal, provincial,
or federal, even if Canadian policy-making is becoming increasingly
internationalized (Doern, Pal, and Tomlin, 1996). And when tear-gassed protesters in the streets of Seattle rail
against the undemocratic actions of the WTO, they are ipso facto reaffirming
the democratic credentials of their nation states.
Even if the
boundaries between state, market, and civil society have become more porous, it
does not follow that the state is declining just because airlines administer
immigration procedures at their check-in desks. Similarly, the transnational activity of social movements,
epistemic communities, and NGOs (Risse-Kappen, 1995) may complicate inter-governmental
relations but may not endanger the raison d’être of sovereign states. While strong states might lose some of their
monopoly control over foreign affairs, weaker states may be buttressed by
“their” NGOs’ transnational endeavours, in some cases whether they want this or
not. The Council of Canadians was
instrumental in blocking the Multilateral Agreement on Investment in 1998 and
so prevented the federal state from abandoning more of its sovereign powers by
extending foreign investors’ rights.
2. States compensate for their
losses. The compensation argument would maintain that
the sovereign state tries to replace lost functions with initiatives taken in
other ways. This can occur in two
dimensions. States may compensate for the loss of de jure sovereignty
(actual powers being signed over to continental (NAFTA) and global (WTO)
regimes) by increasing their participation within these levels of
governance. In the EU, for instance,
Denmark uses its participation in the politics of the European Union to reaffirm itself as a state. Loss of de facto sovereignty (the
federal government losing relevance because it is unable to maintain its role
in environmental regulation, for instance) may cause it to become more
assertive internationally just to proclaim its own existence. Canada’s fish war with Spain illustrates how
the “post-modern” dilemma of ineffectiveness in achieving satisfactory
intercontinental resource management could impel a sovereign state to resort to
pre-modern gunboat diplomacy.
3. States travel in convoys. Keynesian
policy approaches spread by a process of intellectual contagion throughout the
industrial world and were displaced by a similar process of policy
osmosis. The convoy argument emphasizes
the interconnections among sovereign states in their collective evolution: it is difficult for one state to change if
its influential partners refuse to budge.
In other words, the move from a “nation-state” to a paradigm of
multi-level governance will be slowed down if a state’s principal partners
resist the trend. The United States’
increasing reluctance to accept multilateralism shown in its preference for
unilateralism forced Canada back into defending its national interests against
US commercial aggressions. Canadian
responses to such American trade protectionism as countervail or anti-dumping
actions against its agricultural (wheat), resource (softwood lumber), and
industrial (steel) exports show that -- contrary to the apparent logic of
continental integration -- American economic nationalism is a prime force
sustaining Canada’s own state structures.
4. The layers of the sandwich
support each other. We have seen that the Canadian state is so
tightly interconnected with governance above and below that it is just one tier
in an evolving and nested multi-level state structure. This characteristic may ensure, not endanger
its survival. Propped up as it is with the municipal and provincial state
levels below it and the continental and global state tiers above, the sovereign
state may be unable to collapse. It
stays in place by playing the role of intermediary -- so much ham in the
sandwich -- as it implements international norms it has helped create. In its multi-level configuration, the
sovereign state feeds off and is kept alive by its collaborative and
contradictory relations with the other levels of governance. If its forestry industry’s exports are
threatened by American unilateralism, then Canada seeks support in the WTO’s
rules, trying to bend to its own survival purposes the articulation of the
global system’s norms as they are contested and reconstructed.
By concentrating on international commerce this
article has taken the policy area where the globalization of capital markets,
production systems, and distribution networks can be seen most directly to
threaten the sovereign state’s capacity to perform the functions it developed
during its Keynesian phase. Were there
space for other fields to be added to the analysis, globalization’s challenge
would be put in a less menacing perspective.
Scholarship on judicial policy would show how litigation under the
universal rights-inspired Charter has reinforced pan-Canadian values at the
expense of provincial particularisms.
Monitoring native peoples’ politics would reveal the emergence of yet
another form of governance at the local level -- the largely autonomous
aboriginal or territorial jurisdiction.
Social policy analysis would show the powerful attachment of all demographic
strata in the Canadian population to state provision of universal health care.
Regulatory policy studies would show how the federal state has retained its
capacity to regulate telecommunications.
It has proceeded to use this authority to accelerate deregulatory
processes which enable Canadian oligopolistic telecomm companies to merge with
their former American rivals. The ultimate result will be a wide loss of state
control over what was once considered a key sector of the economy.
incomplete the picture painted by trade-related issues may be, it does allow us
to appreciate that Canada’s heuristic relevance for scholars abroad is not so
much in being a model to copy as a case from which to learn and clarify one’s
understanding of other states’ responses to globalization. This state is “post-modern par excellence”
in having its central authority continually contested, in the multiple
identities of its population, in its fragmented power structures. It is predominantly Anglo-Saxon in political
culture, but with a European touch. It
is a semi-periphery in a highly integrated continental system, but retains an
autonomous central bank. It has a
parliamentary system of British provenance, but sports a written constitution.
Its federalism has a high level of tolerance for centrifugal forces and
explicitly contemplates the possibility of Quebec’s secession, but as a
sovereign state Canada continues to play an active role internationally.
If the Canadian
state has been “denationalized” and “hollowed out” (Jessop, 1997), this change
has been compatible with resisting a deterioration of after tax income
inequality and sustaining the core of the welfare state, universal health care
and public education, though in straitened circumstances. If the political system has been
“destatized” through the growth of the government’s role in “meta-governance”
(steering, rather than rowing the political boat), it appears reluctant to let
this process go too far now that dealing with surpluses has replaced dealing
with deficits as the hot topic on the public agenda. The neo-liberal pendulum has lost its momentum, having failed to
deliver a higher standard of living and an improved quality of life. This is particularly evident in Ontario
where extreme conservatism was most virulent and where the privatization and
deregulation of the public infrastructure has been causally linked to fatal
outbreaks of e-coli contamination in the water supply of municipalities.
Canada’s Fordism was imperfect from the beginning, but the Canadian Auto
Workers have recently managed to increase their wages and fringe benefits
despite the auto industry’s continentalization and the union movement’s decline
in other sectors. Its welfare system
may never have achieved the generosity of its European counterparts, but health
care remains mostly universal and free to every citizen. Canada’s failures and successes in dealing
with the challenges posed by globalization will provide instructive watching,
but not because a set of labels fits or does not fit its characteristics.
The extension of the Canadian state’s participation in continental and
global governance contrasts with other semi-peripheral states with which
further comparative research could prove enlightening. Apart from its connection with New Zealand
and its membership in APEC, Australia participates in global but not
continental governance. Norway, by
comparison, does not formally belong to the EU, but has extensively adapted its
political order to conform almost entirely to the acquis communautaire
while being less affected by the WTO’s new global governance. With its civil law system under severe
strain from having to incorporate American norms via NAFTA and the WTO,
Mexico’s provides the greatest contrast
but also the greatest similarity to Canada in the more balanced extension of
its state structures to the continental and global levels.
The Canadian state is not powerless (Weiss, 1992), because it has
adapted on five interconnected levels to changing exogenous and endogenous
conditions. Non-Canadian political economists
should stay tuned.
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Stephen Clarkson
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the Soviet theory of development, he works on Canada’s evolution within the
American imperium. His major books are The Soviet Theory of Development (London:
Macmillan, 1978), Canada and the Reagan Challenge (Toronto: Lorimer, 2nd
ed., 1985), and Trudeau and Our Times (2 vols., Toronto: M&S, 1990
and 1994). He is now finishing The
Contested State, a book on the impact of globalization (especially the
WTO), continentalization (through NAFTA), and neo-liberalism on Canada’s
political economy.
[1]. In their elaboration of nine international variants
of Fordism, Tickell and Peck (1995) do not consider Canadas variety,
which might have been dubbed semi-peripheral if Jane Jenson
(1989)s permeable label was not thought acceptable.
[2]. Katzenstein (1996) 518, n. 48. I am indebted to Louis Pauly for drawing this
note to my attention.
[3] No sooner did
the ultra-conservative Ralph Klein government of Alberta find itself with a
budget surplus than it increased its funding for education.
[4] In this
paper, regional will apply to sub-national jurisdictions,
continental to groupings of more than one sovereign state that
encompass most of a continental land mass.
[5] One indication of this strength was getting
the Canadian government to acknowledge at the United Nations that indigenous
peoples have a “fundamental human right of self-determination.” Rudy Platiel, “Northern Quebec Cree gains a
victory,” Globe and Mail, Nov. 2, 1996, A8.
[6]. The conférence socio-économique de Québec and the
Sommet sur le devenir social et économique du Québec were both held in 1996 to
generate a consensus on deficit and debt reduction.
[7] On a continent full of hopelessly
fractured cities, [municipal government amalgamation] would lend Toronto a
fabulous competitive advantage. John Barber, All is Golden, courtesy of Crombie, Globe
and Mail, Dec. 6, 1996, A11.
[8] Robert Sheppard, Dont do more than you
have to, Globe and Mail,
Oct. 30, 1996, A17.