Copyright © Stephen
Clarkson 2000. Reproduced here with the author’s permission
Keynes is dead! Fordism is
finished! Income disparities are increasing![2] Society is
polarized! Corporate capitalism has carried off a silent coup![3] The nation-state has been dismantled![4]
and shrunk![5]
In the light of these dire diagnoses, citizens everywhere are experiencing
high levels of anxiety concerning the social cohesion, economic performance,
and political viability of their state structures. In Asia, the devastating
combination of currency crises and
government austerity imposed by the International Monetary Fund has
shaken these newly industrializing states’ capacity to promote their interests.
In the far more stable context created by the European Union, its fifteen
member states share a nagging concern about their continuing capacity to
function once they lose their monetary policy
and then admit another ten applicants.
Located somewhere in between these extremes of externally
determined dysfunctionality and self-imposed truncation, Canadians are beset
with doubts about the capacity of their political system to perform its
expected functions. They are so bombarded by disconnected bursts of political
and economic information that they have difficulty understanding the whole: a
plethora of individual analyses does not automatically generate an overall
synthesis. When it comes to comprehending the specific entity once known as the
nation-state, the dilemma is understandable, for there is no longer just one
state to be comprehended. In our postmodern, globalized situation stateness
exists on many levels, and governance functions are performed not only on these
public levels but in the market place and in
society, both within nations and transnationally, because power has been
fragmented and reconstituted in many different centres.
To explore the nature of the multi-centred state in the
Canadian case, under conditions of centrifugal fragmentation and international
integration, is an ambitious undertaking. This chapter takes up the challenge by attempting an
exercise in triangulation. Chronologically, it asks how the Canadian state has evolved into a five-tier model
over the years since the social-democratic paradigm held sway during the prime
ministerships of Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau (1963-1984), under the
neoliberal prime ministerships of Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien
(1984-200?). Functionally,
it identifies the ways in which the
state’s performance of its principal tasks has altered over this same quarter-
century. Structurally, it argues
that these functions have been performed in a state structure with a
disaggregated but interconnected and interactive architecture that operates on
five levels, from the traditional local (municipal) and sub-national
(provincial) tiers through the federal and on to the more recently established
continental and global levels.[6] The
chapter's three sections look at the five-level structure of governance, at the
Canadian state's economic role, and at the activities of what I term the
"civil state".
The Canadian State: a
Multi-level Structure
Not all these five levels of governance can be
properly described as governments. In Canada only the federal and provincial
levels have formal constitutional standing, municipalities remaining the
colony-like creatures of their provinces. At the continental and global levels,
governance structures are more like works in progress than well established
institutions. However, there has been sufficient institution building at these
latter levels that governance functions with the quality of stateness are
performed to some degree at each tier in the model.[7] This section briefly elaborates this five-tier model, so
that we can next see how its chief state functions are activated through a dialectical
linking of the many components of this multi-layered, increasingly decentred
The Federal State
The federal state started its shift towards neoliberal
governance some two years before the election of Brian Mulroney and has been
realizing this never openly declared mandate ever since. As many scholars have
shown, a prime characteristic of the neoliberal state is to have 'downloaded'
functions to 'lower' levels of governance and 'uploaded' authority to the
global and continental tiers. In
addition to this vertical devolution, the state has 'offloaded' functions to
the marketplace by privatizing crown corporations and deregulating sectors that
it used to supervise strictly.[8] Paradoxically, these apparent losses of power
have occurred because the federal state has displayed considerable strength. It
strove for many years to balance its budgets by taking steps that many
entrenched interests, including the provinces, bitterly resisted, and it
imposed structural reforms, which favoured market outcomes constraining both
itself and society. In 1989 the
government used its treaty power to help create a new continental regime of
accumulation in which it has been an enthusiastically self-restraining
participant. Successive federal governments cut and reinvented social programs,
reducing citizens’ protection from the greater perils of the deregulated
market. In each of these cases, Ottawa exerted discipline over the provinces,
which were forced to face new difficulties. In short, to divest itself of
authority the Canadian state had to take strong action.
The federal state also maintains an important role
because it continues to nurture some vestiges of the embedded liberalism that
characterized the Keynesian welfare state. Part of the Chrétien Liberals’
rationale for deficit elimination has been to ensure that their government can
continue to play a role in social policy. In this regard they maintain the
paradigm that prevailed under the Pearson andTrudeau governments. While some may not approve of its ungenerous
way of life, reports of the federal state’s demise are greatly exaggerated.
Provincial Governments
As a rule, federal devolution has increased both the
de facto and the de jure jurisdiction of the provinces, which have welcomed the
extra power when the financial implications were neutral but have had mixed
reactions when it has had uneven fiscal effects. When downloading has been
accompanied by general cuts in transfer payments, all provinces have protested.
When these cuts in transfer payments have disproportionately favoured the
equalization-receiving, have-not provinces, their otherwise-better-off
"cousins" have objected vociferously.
Since the Canadian government negotiates trade treaties
but can implement them only in areas of its own constitutional
jurisdiction, provincial involvement has been necessary to realize what are
understood to be the benefits of liberalized trade. For this reason, Ottawa has
encouraged increased provincial participation since the 1970s, when the GATT's
Tokyo Round first brought non-tariff barriers to the trade negotiating table.[9] Paradoxically, an increased
provincial role in trade policy-making has resulted in decreased provincial
capacity for industrial policy because
trading principles such as national
treatment and the right of
establishment diminish a sub-national government’s ability to foster the
competitiveness of its home-owned enterprises. While provincial influence over
trade policy has increased, Canada’s trade initiatives have been driven by the
federal government.[10] The
growing authority of global and continental governance over areas of provincial
jurisdiction suggests that increased provincial interest in trade policy is the result more of federal initiatives
and federal uploading than because of federal downloading or independent
The provinces’ increasing fiscal weight since the 1970s
has given them greater authority in what used to be the federal preserve of
macroeconomic management, but their use of this authority has been strongly
influenced by the federal state. For example, the federal government’s 1990
transfer cuts precipitated choleric criticism in the provincial capitals, which
then proceeded to bring down just the kind of tough, deficit-cutting budgets
that Ottawa had sought to provoke.[11] Monetary policy is a matter of federal
jurisdiction and has also been used, particularly via the Bank of Canada’s
price stability policy, to influence provincial fiscal policy. All those
attempting to swim against this monetary-policy tide eventually fell into line,
particularly Ontario.[12] In
sum, while provinces have acquired increased capacity and authority, they have
done so in a neoliberal context that has been largely shaped by the federal
The Municipal Level
One consequence of the strain on provincial budgets
caused by federal devolution has been the domino effect of further sub-national
downloading to municipal governments. The great concentration of power in
provincial executives jealously guarding their bailiwick has meant that
Ottawa’s relations with municipal governments are far weaker than Washington’s
role in US cities, even though in both countries local governments are
constitutionally the creatures of their states or provinces.[13] Provincial restraint on municipalities has
drastically curtailed their limited powers, again especially in Ontario, whose
principal city, Toronto, has suffered a virtual putsch at the hands of the
provincial government at Queen’s Park.
Their constitutional
orphan status does not mean that Canadian cities are cut off from the
international political economy. Indeed, a principal mechanism through which
the global and continental orders operationalize themselves is a network of
international cities that act as growth nodes and connectors to other cities
and their regional hinterlands.[14] The
Canadian federal government has helped shape this global-local interface,
captured by the notions of 'glocalization' and 'glurbanization', insofar as it
has promoted or resisted globalization. In promoting globalization, for
example, as subsidizing infrastructure investments designed to support a World’s Fair or Olympic bid, Ottawa has
enhanced the position of its international cities through which trade is
organized – particularly Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver – at the expense
of other urban areas.
The Continental Regime
The uneven
projection abroad of governmental, societal, or entrepreneurial actors
characterizes the development of governance at the continental level. If an
integrated North American market is being forged by corporations operating
continentally thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA's new
rules on investment and trade)[15] and if a halting evolution of
continental norms can be detected in the work of dozens of NAFTA's working groups beavering away on
specialized issues such as the cross-border transportation of dangerous
chemicals,[16] one might think that the Canadian state was on the
road to irrelevance. But NAFTA was designed by its authors to prevent any
supranational form of continental governance from developing. Far from
encouraging greater political integration, its two northern member states are
carefully monitoring their borders to obstruct immigration from Mexico and
restrict general labour mobility. In the name of their national autonomy, the
three governments have already taken steps to hobble NAFTA’s putatively
autonomous Commission for Environmental Cooperation. In the interests of
buttressing this autonomy, they are also resisting creation of a North American monetary authority that might clone
Europe’s European Monetary Union.[17]
Notwithstanding its lack of supranationality, the new continental
governance has had a reconstitutionalizing effect on the Canadian state. Most
debated have been the strictures on the range of permissible government action
imposed by NAFTA and its forbear, the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement
(CUFTA), on many policy areas formerly considered to be at the sovereign
discretion of the federal or provincial states. The problem is not just that NAFTA establishes specific
constraints on Canada’s industrial, energy, and cultural policy. It is that
these policy capacities are altered as if they were entrenched in constitutional
form: they cannot be changed back in response to a democratic mandate being won
by a political party dedicated to reversing them. Although these inhibitions
parallel the negative integration that characterizes the European Union’s
market-centred and state-limiting processes,[18] their actual effects on Canadian governments have been
hard to measure.
A contemporaneous
shift in the managerial philosophy of both elected and bureaucratic
policymakers away from a big-is-better activism in favour of a small-is-best
disengagement makes it difficult to determine whether a reduction in
interventionist practices by federal and provincial governments resulted from
officials’ fear of falling afoul of the new continental rules or from their own
conversion to minimum-governmental neoliberalism. Non-decision making is
famously resistant to scholarly observation: analysts can rarely tell to what
extent NAFTA has prevented state actions that might have been taken in its
absence. Furthermore, Canadian decisionmakers may have renounced industrial
policies that support national enterprises because of their compulsion to
eliminate budget deficits or because they no longer believe that they should be
trying to pick winning national champions, not because of NAFTA’s principle of
national treatment.
The Global Order
The evolution of a global level of governance further
diminishes the freedom to run its own affairs formerly enjoyed by the sovereign
state. Whether global economic commitments have been adopted willingly or
reluctantly, the post-national state has tied its own hands. Its loss of
internal sovereignty may be partially offset by a corollary capacity to
exercise external sovereignty through participation in intergovernmental decision-making
at the global level. This enhanced deliberative capacity may mean little if it
only establishes the autonomy-limiting norms, regulations, and disciplines that
it subsequently imposes on itself.[19] But if these rules make it easier for a
country to achieve its international objectives, then this external sovereignty
delivers a payoff at the national and sub-national levels. In 1990, half way
through the long Uruguay Round, it was Canada that proposed introducing the
more authoritative institutional structure that transformed the ineffectual
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) into the more substantial World
Trade Organization (WTO).[20] The
same round of trade talks also yielded what had eluded the grasp of the
Canadian government when negotiating FTA and NAFTA. The WTO’s comprehensive
subsidy codes combined with its strong dispute settlement body promised to
reduce the vulnerability of Canada’s exports to the kind of US harassment that
can unilaterally allege unfair subsidies and impose stiff countervailing
In principle, Ottawa believed that a mid-sized state was
better off in a rules-based system with a dispute-settlement mechanism strong
enough to enforce the rules, if the alternative was a power-based system in
which the most powerful states imposed their will arbitrarily. In practice the
logic of the GATT process was itself based on power: the strongest states
dominated the Uruguay Round negotiations, so that the new global rules tended
to incorporate the norms advocated primarily by the United States on behalf of
its giant transnational corporations TNLs. For this reason, globalism does not
necessarily present Canada with a real escape from continentalism. Much of the constraint that the WTO has
imposed on Canada in the few years of its existence has been an application of
U.S.-inspired rules uploaded from the national and continental levels and
entrenched in the global regime. Policies established years and even decades
ago to support a modest Canadian magazine economy have been declared invalid,
exposing that part of the Canadian cultural system to annihilation.
Nonetheless, such global institutions give federal – and, on occasion, even
provincial – government officials legitimate platforms on which they can
attempt to build coalitions with the like-minded to defend their state
interplay of exogenous and endogenous forces over several decades has decentred
the Canadian state, redistributing power along the federal-provincial-municipal
jurisdictional spectrum. Such internal adjustments were not thought to be life
threatening to the state. More problematic for its primacy was having the
superimposing on it of new international centres for rule making and
adjudication at the continental and global levels. To see what this five-level
architecture of stateness means for Canadian governance, we need to look at how
the Canadian state is carrying out its traditional activities both in economic
policy (in the next section) and in its
role as civil state (in the section after that).
Economic Functions in a Decentred State
Having located stateness on
five levels, we need now to reconsider
some of the chief functions performed by the Canadian state. We can examine how its traditional
responsibilities have been reconfigured both under external pressures of
globalization and under internal forces pressing for political change. Pride of
place goes to the state’s role as macroeconomic manager. Then comes its
familiar guise as industrial promoter, as trade-rule negotiator, andas
regulators of banking or telephone systems.
The State as Economic Manager
It is
in the state’s capacity to direct the economy that neoliberalism’s impact has
been greatest, whether out of
ideological preference or as a response to global or technological 'necessity'.
Over two decades the reigning philosophy applied to budgetary
governance in Canada has shifted from the language of John Maynard Keynes to
that of Milton Friedman. Concern for short-run fine-tuning so characteristic of
the Keynesian approach has been set aside in favour of a longer-term structural approach to
macroeconomic policy. The earlier priority of reducing the level of
unemployment has been displaced by the fight against inflation, just as a
Trudeau-era focus on maintaining consumer demand has given way to the
Mulroney/Chrétien commitment to making the 'supply side' of the economy more
efficient. Deficits, of which ministers of finance once boasted in their
stimulative zeal, have become the cause for ministerial apologies. Actively
intervening in specific sectors of the economy in order to promote national
enterprise has ceded its place to a more generalized concern to get the
fundamentals right and less interest in firms performance at the micro-level.
The desire to control foreign investment lest it do more harm than good has
been replaced by an almost desperate quest to attract foreign investment as a
means to and an indicator of global competitiveness.
Since its origin as a resource periphery of more powerful
imperial centres, Canada’s staple-based economy has always had to take its cues
from the global marketplace.[21] It was in no way breaking with
tradition, therefore, when neoliberalism in the late 1980s began taking its
cues from the discourse of globalization. Recently deregulated global financial
markets would not tolerate – on pain of exchange rate crises induced by
currency speculators – signs of uncontrolled inflation in a national economy.
The Bank of Canada used this external threat to justify imposing on the economy
a tight monetary policy – commonly known as
'zero-inflation'.[22] Canadian
economists, who are not generally renowned for social-democratic leanings,
wrung their hands at the made-in-Canada recession precipitated by the Bank of
Canada’s obdurate governor, who demonstrated his de facto autonomy from the
Canadian government as a power centre by pushing up interest rates unmercifully
and, along with them, the unemployment lines.
A radical reduction of the country’s fiscal deficit was a
second manifestation of recent macroeconomic responses to globalization
pressures. For neoliberalism’s first ten years, deficit reduction was a mantra
observed more in the breach than in practice. Tight money raised interest rates
and aggravated the recession of the early 1990s. Free trade caused sectoral
dislocation and severe job losses, provoking increased government spending on
social assistance. Both shifts caused the public deficit to swell under the
Mulroney phase of neoliberalism. It was only when public faith in Keynesian
nostrums about a munificent state had been sufficiently shattered that the
federal government (returned in 1993, after nine years of Progressive
Conservative rule, to the same Liberal
Party that had constructed the Keynesian welfare state) was able to launch an
open and unflinching attack on the budget deficit. Whereas Mulroney's
government had made many reductions of government spending by stealth, Chrétien's launched a concerted campaign of
program slashing in order to reduce the deficit to zero, a target that it
reached in 1998.
Although many saw the restricting of government programs
as the Canadian state amputating its own limbs, such actions, along with the
zero-inflation policy, perhaps allowed it to retain its central function. The
neoliberal state might have shed some tasks, but it had clung to its role of
economic policeman.
The State as Industrial Promoter
policies that target the general economic environment, those aimed at improving the functioning of
specific economic sectors also distinguish the Pearson/Trudeau state from its
Mulroney/Chrétien incarnation.
Under the earlier regime, both the federal and provincial
governments were deemed responsible for intervening to save troubled industries
and protect national economic players. In the Fordist, post-Second World War
compromise between labour and capital, wages rose as productivity
increased – thanks to
government-sanctioned collective bargaining that gave trade unions the legal
right to claim their share of rising revenues. Resulting high wages for workers
in assembly-line industries made possible the mass consumption that generated
enough demand to keep these manufacturing processes growing. This regime of
accumulation shattered in part because it failed to develop complete linkages
between the extraction of natural resources and their processing into finished
products for local consumption or export. Instead, resources went mostly to the
U.S. markets in massive quantities and at nominal prices while manufacturing
for the national economy was undertaken by branch plants of U.S. transnational
corporations, which typically imported high-cost components for local assembly.
In the process, Canada received minimal rents for its resources and contributed
to higher returns in the United States. At the same time, the branch-plant
economy led to a rising financial drain of management charges, royalties, and
dividend payments to the U.S. head-office economy.
The 1970s crisis of Canada’s macroeconomic management was
linked to this fractured regime of accumulation. With tax revenues from
Canada’s truncated economic system kept low, the welfare aspect of the federal
state never reached European levels in protecting citizens from the
vicissitudes of industrialism. Dependence on U.S. capital limited the
development of too generous a state. A relatively low level of workers
mobilization meant that government was not pushed very hard from 'below'.
National unity and nation-building, rather than class struggle provided the
dominant axis along which social conflict was organized.
As GATT-negotiated declines in Canada’s tariffs steadily
reduced protection for territorially based manufacturing through the 1970s, and
as the federal government’s efforts at developing a post-Keynesian interventionist
practice failed by the early 1980s, the logic justifying a century-old
industrialization strategy by import substitution collapsed. The Canada Development Corporation, Petro-Canada, the
Foreign Investment Review Agency, and the National Energy Program had expressed
the faith that the government should control developments within its own
territory, particularly for the benefit of the industrial heartland in Ontario.
But with new Canadian direct investment abroad having exceeded the entry of new
foreign direct investment since 1975, Canada’s continentally oriented regime of
accumulation could no longer sanction a national mode of regulation that had
become intolerable to those, such as the western provinces, that felt that they
had never been its beneficiaries.[23]
The neoliberal view of
industrial policy was based on the perceived failure of social-democratic
efforts to build national champions based in Canada and able to compete in
global markets. The shift from importing to exporting direct investment and the
resistance of resource-based provinces to subsidy-based policies favouring the
industrial heartland helped activist industrial strategies. A traditionally
weak state[24] and management’s distrust of a labour force that
was highly fragmented had also impeded the development of a market economy
organized along the lines of the continental European model. For proponents of a liberal
market economy whose voices informed the neoliberal consensus by the mid-1980s,
industrial strategies were not needed because they did not work.[25] Government
should not try to pick winning sectors or firms. Rather,
it should let the 'invisible hand' of the market carry out this function. The
government’s industrial role shifted to getting the fundamentals right, responding
to business signals about the kind of tax regime (as low as possible), labour
market (as flexible as possible), and infrastructure, whether physical (as high
tech as possible) or human (as high quality as possible) that it needed.
Intervention in the national market under the guise of an
industrial strategy became unacceptable. Instead, the government took pride in
negotiating international rules that were to replace and even prohibit the old
ways of shaping the economic game. The federal withdrawal from industrial
policy accelerated during the Chrétien Liberals’ attack on their inherited
deficit. To this end FTA’s facilitation of enterprise mobility to the United
States or Mexico put heavy pressure on trade unions to make wage concessions
and to provide the greater 'labour flexibility' that business in Canada was
demanding. Supporting this competitive imperative, the Canadian state whittled
down the social wage, reducing unemployment insurance benefits, cutting
assistance to people on welfare, and generally doing less to protect citizens
from the destabilizing economic circumstances that it was itself fostering.
The squeezing out of Keynesian dogma by neoclassical
economic dogma was not the only factor transforming microeconomic management.
Astonishing advances in information technology resulting from breakthroughs in
both computers and communications, shifted thinking on innovation from manufacturing and productivity to a
knowledge-intensive approach. In this new techno-economic paradigm microeconomic,
firm-, or sector-centred industrial policy gave way to a focus on investing in
education for skills development and in communication infrastructure for at
tracting footloose investment to locate in Canada.[26] In this optic, government
should be no longer a hierarchically superior organization connected through a
vertical relationship with the market, but is the heterarchically articulated
agency nourishing a horizontal, information-sharing, and morale-boosting
relationship with the private sector. Such rethinking of government’s proper
role preached moving away from Fordist mass- production assembly plants towards
more specialized, more dynamic clustering of flexible, knowledge-based firms
with a less permanent, less structured workforce.
If government at any level could
assure business a supply of highly skilled, well-trained labour and could
absorb the costs of health and disability insurance, if road and rail
connections could guarantee the conditions for just-in-time delivery, if the
latest, ultra-fast telecommunications infrastructures could be installed, then
investors -- no matter whether foreign
or national -- would surely come to locate, innovate, and germinate.
Under this decentring approach, sub-national regions
become more logical loci of action than the federal tier for the needed
public-sector encouragement of private-sector partnerships and alliances. In a
huge country containing geographically distinct economic centres, the federal
system has difficulty developing a co-ordinated economic activity that
satisfies all regions. One national policy configuration does not fit all
needs. As a consequence, the provinces may constitute the preferable
administrative tier for establishing innovative systems that galvanize
private-sector initiatives within a techno-economic, knowledge-based, lean
production mission.[27]
The disengagement of the central
government could be seen in falling levels of federal funding for industrial
programs. The re-empowerment of provincial governments appeared in their taking
on the new vocabulary of competitiveness and skills training even when
displaying their formal acceptance of neoliberalism. Ontario provides a
delicious example of this phenomenon. A new Liberal government in 1985
officially converted to the doctrine of the non-protectionist, knowledge-based
economy. In 1990 a social-democratic government pursued this path by
establishing partnership programs bringing labour and management together to
work out new forms of co-operation, sector by sector. Most recently in 1995 a
neoconservative government started off by demolishing these programmatic
innovations only to bring them back in when it came to understand the logic of
its new role of business promoter in the information-technology age.[28]
Manifesting the reality of glocalization, municipalities conscious of
their vulnerability in the face of footloose capital have attempted to generate
attractive local conditions such as industrial parks located adjacent to
university campuses that are conducive to clusterings of knowledge-intensive
innovators. The sharp distinctions that previously characterized municipal,
provincial, and federal governments’ approaches to industrial development are
increasingly blurring. So is the
distinction between initiatives undertaken by the public and private sectors
since governments, universities, business associations, and private firms are
implementing similar types of incubator policies in the quest for the pot of
gold called innovation. The decentred state is also an interconnected state.
Disregarding the nationality of
capital and welcoming investors, whatever the colour of their money, have
characterized Canadian politicians’ attitudes for over a century. Patriotic
concerns about foreign domination and the resulting nationalist policies to
favour indigenous enterprise have been historically exceptional and significant only in certain key sectors.
Recent industrial policies appear more to be variations of hybrid approaches.
Favouring national champions (otherwise known as picking winners) may have been
officially discarded as an approach, but Ottawa found money to put into
'technology partnerships' funds that are targeted to the efforts of home-based
corporations – whether domestically or foreign-owned -- to compete in high-tech
Efforts to screen foreign direct
investment in order to extract greater benefits from incoming capital
(particularly takeovers of existing corporations) were never very effective
even though the Foreign Investment Review Agency generated disproportionate
amounts of antagonism among American and European investors. Performance
requirements on foreign investment have been cut back both by the federal
government, which wants to make the economy more welcoming, and by continental
and global trade agreements, which have outlawed such governmental devices as
improper barriers to economic liberalization.
The end result is that Canada’s
approach to encouraging enterprise can be compared to pollywog breeding. A
generous tax regime to favour research and development, universal public health
insurance, high-quality public education, excellent infrastructure: these are
the conditions put in place to promote entrepreneurial breeding. Beyond this,
government does little to manage the growth process and protect the successful
progeny. The frogs' eggs hatch into pollywogs. The pollywogs evolve into frogs.
But there is virtually nothing that Canadian governments do to prevent
predators from swallowing the frogs as they mature.
The Canadian software industry
graphically illustrates this problem. Existing on the periphery of the
world-dominant American software sector, Canadian software entrepreneurs have
difficulty even getting access to the US-controlled distribution system within
their own country's market. Those micro-firm tadpoles that do make it to the
medium-sized frog stage tend rapidly to be swallowed by the Microsofts or
Disneys or IBMs. Even for a national champion such as Northern Telecom, which
owes its success to a long incubation within the protected monopoly of Bell
Telephone, the need to survive and grow in the global marketplace has pushed it
to locate its major research and manufacturing operations in the United States
of America.
Canada's National Research Council
still uses its dwindling allocation of public funding to support both pure
research and adoption of it's findings by the market through co-operative
venture programs. Ottawa still provides selected corporations with
discretionary subsidies under its Technological Partnerships program and proffers
what it claims to be the world’s richest tax credits for research and
development which provincial governments complement with their own subsidies
and incentives for high-tech skills training. Both levels of government admit
their impotence in securing home-based corporations from takeover or emigration
and have become hesitant, even reluctant, sponsors of corporate clients. In
sharp contrast, the trade-policy function under neoliberalism has become bold
to the point of brash.
The State as Trade Negotiator
Both macroeconomic and industrial-policy changes were
decided internally in response to exogenous pressures. Trade policy manifests
the opposite phenomenon: demands from within the Canadian political system led
to an externally moulded policy regime. The ideological pressures for free
trade came from a number of sources, especially the perceived weakness of
Canadian capital, thought to be flabby because of tariffs and governmental
protection.[29] What better way to force
entrepreneurs to be free than by pushing them under the cold shower of
unprotected global competition? How
better to compel protectionist provincial governments to disarm than to face
them with an international agreement presenting no alternative and no
recourse? In this sense, the
misleadingly labelled policy of 'free
trade' was Canadian neoliberalism’s actual industrial strategy.
In the rationale offered by its proponents,
Canadian-American free trade meant not just increased Canadian access to U.S.
markets (lower U.S. tariffs) but secure
access (exemption from the uncertainty-creating harassment of anti-dumping and
countervailing duties that U.S. trade-remedy law empowered American competitors
to trigger against Canadian exporters).
In the event, FTA
failed to achieve Canada’s goal of secure access. It did, however, incorporate
the principal elements on the U.S. negotiating agenda, which was integral to a
broader American trade strategy. The United States believed that foreign
governments unfairly subsidized their exporting producers. While Washington was
hardly afraid of the Canadian state, it wanted to use the FTA as a precedent in
its dealings with those states whose competitive powers it did fear. Hence any
policies regulating foreign investment or subsidizing Canadian enterprises had
to be declared unacceptable. Accordingly, once it signed the FTA, Canada could
no longer use its comparative advantage in petroleum or hydroelectric resources
to give its own enterprises lower input costs for energy. The principle of
national treatment when extended from imported goods to foreign investment,
forbade governments from favouring their own domestically owned enterprises
unless they gave the same grants or incentives to foreign-controlled firms.
However 'grandfathered' existing cultural policies might be, any new
initiatives to favour Canadian culture at the expense of U.S. entertainment
corporations would make any sector of the Canadian economy vulnerable to U.S.
Free trade generated an
unprecedented polarization in the Canadian political system. The Conservative government’s free trade
agreement was attacked in the 1988 election by both opposition parties. If the
opposition’s broad coalition of labour unions and social movements, native
peoples and cultural groups, the poor and the pensioned feared anything, it was
that the FTA would sabotage the state’s economic policy capacity.
Powerful popular
resistance to free trade did not stop the Mulroney government from joining with
the United States and Mexico to negotiate the FTA’s expansion. NAFTA deepened
the disciplines that it imposed on government action, particularly in adding
tough intellectual property rights to the new continental rulebook. Nothing
daunted by the extra commitments that it had made, Ottawa simultaneously
supported the final push of the Uruguay Round negotiations to create the World
Trade Organization (WTO).
The combination of neoliberal macroeconomic policies with
reduced industrial policies and enhanced trade liberalization has created a
decentred political economy characterized by at least five elements blocked
continentalism, denationalized industry, labour-market fragmentation, corporate
restructuring, U.S. corporate empowerment, and privatization.
Blocked integration. That the Canadian political economy has not become
more centralized around the de facto continental capital of Washington is
paradoxically ensured by those U.S. interests that do indeed fear the Canadian
state and the unfair competition that they allege it promotes. Anti-dumping and
countervailing duty actions sponsored by the U.S. government have targeted
those Canadian exports that put American producers under uncomfortably high
degrees of competitive pressure. The softwood lumber industry induced Congress
to change its trade law’s definition of subsidy in such a way as to prevent
competitive Canadian exports from expanding their share of the U.S. market.
Farmers along the forty-ninth parallel in the midwest states have blocked the
highways bringing Canadian grain to U.S. markets. Blocking Canadian exports may
not be entirely consistent with the spirit of trade liberalization, but, as has
so often been the case in the past, it is such manifestations of U.S. economic
nationalism that push Canadians to retain their separate political and economic
institutions, preventing them from merging in the continental U.S. system more
Denationalized industry. When U.S. protectionism prevents Canadian producers
from exporting their goods, it may force them to export their capital, inducing
a forced integration of the smaller Canadian sector in the larger U.S. system.
Because U.S. anti-dumping policy has been applied ruthlessly to their exports,
Canadian steel companies have been compelled to locate their new,
highest-technology smelters in the United States, ipso facto weakening this
once superior and autonomous Canadian sector and melding it into the ranks of
its former competitor.
Labour-market fragmentation. Increased competition from the U.S. Southwest’s
right-to-work states as well as from Mexico’s maquiladora region has induced
Canadian corporations to press labour unions into accepting cutbacks in wage
and fringe benefits or face plant
closures. The extent of concessionary bargaining varies by sector, region, and
gender, with its major incidence falling on low-skilled males in unionized
environments and part-time females who are reduced to piecework and remain
unprotected by union negotiated benefits. Exceptionally, within the automobile
sector, which has become decisively integrated on a North American basis
following NAFTA, the independent Canadian Auto Workers have managed to extract
from the prospering major car and truck assemblers generous settlements that increased
both wages and fringe benefits.
Corporate restructuring.
Overall, the FTA and then NAFTA have
created a regulatory regime to facilitate a continentalized system of
production. Having gained new freedoms from governmental intervention, medium
and large-scale corporations have been able to close down branch plants in
Canada or restructure their operations for what in many sectors has become a
single, continental market.[30] Foreign-owned
branch plants evolved into hollowed out subsidiaries or warehouses for their
parent firm.[31] Canadian-owned national champions, which once served
the domestic market, have restructured themselves to serve the continental market, variously moving their
headquarters to the United States expanding by buying out U.S. firms, or being
swallowed up completely by their former American competitors. Corporations in
some major sectors such as the auto industry have been continentally
specialized for several decades.
U.S. Corporate empowerment. The main thrust of the new continental and global
trade rules has been to disempower the state by forbidding former practices
that directed the activity of both national and foreign corporations within its
territory. An ancillary effect of an apparently innocuous rule in NAFTA is actually to give substantial new powers
to American (and in principle to Mexican) corporations to prevent Canadian
governments from taking regulatory measures that might impinge on the firms’
profitability. This provision is lodged in a set of
clauses innocently known as 'Chapter Eleven' in NAFTA. The innocence has to do
with the chapter’s protection of a company based in one North American country
from 'expropriation' by a government in another. Understood in Canadian
parlance, this protection had to do with compensation in the case of the
nationalization of a firm’s property. Understood in American administrative
law, expropriation and measures 'tantamount to expropriation' include what are
known as 'regulatory takings' -- any governmental measure that negatively affects
a company’s earnings.
As Canadians have discovered in
practice, chapter 11 has given American corporations the power to overturn
regulatory measures taken to protect the health of Canadians against putatively
dangerous substances such as the gasoline additive MMT. The legal reality of
NAFTA is stark: foreign corporations have greater rights against the Canadian
government than national corporations enjoy, and these rights mean that foreign
corporations can overturn the actions taken by democratically elected
executives and legislatures.
Privatization. The sale of crown
corporations represents another significant rupture in Canadian state practice,
expanding the private sector into the construction, operation, and ownership of
what used to be considered sacrosanct components of the public domain:
highways, municipal water systems, power utilities. The transportation industry
has been particularly affected. Once sold off, Canadian National Railways has
fallen under majority American ownership and undertaken a corporate expansion
program to position itself as the dominant rail carrier from central Canada
down the Mississippi Valley to Mexico. Its previous private sector counterpart,
Canadian Pacific Railways, had long since gone 'continental.'
In the airline industry a similar
phenomenon has occurred. Air Canada, a now- privatized crown corporation, has
taken on U.S. management and, aggressively responding to the Canada-United
States 'open skies' agreement, has moved into the medium-distance routes that
link Canadian cities more intensively with American airports to the south.
Meanwhile Air Canada’s private-sector counterpart, Canadian Airlines (formerly
Canadian Pacific Airlines), became a minor partner with American Airlines,
which in 1999 came close to getting monopoly control of the entire Canadian air
system. Air Canada beat off American’s attempted hostile takeover to emerge as the country’s new monopolist of
the airways.
Whether they be of airways or
airwaves, monopolies call for governments to regulate. Air Canada’s takeover of
Canadian Airlines has caused Ottawa to reactivate its regulatory role in the
airways, where its formula for ensuring competition in the face of monopoly may
well be to open the door to foreign airlines. As for Canada’s airwaves, they
have shifted from stable regional monopolies to much more volatile,
transnational competitive partnerships because of a shift in the Canadian
state’s regulatory behaviour.
The State as Regulator
In telecommunication a
complex set of changes has empowered the federal level of government to
disempower itself. Following the Supreme Court of Canada's attribution of
exclusive jurisdiction over telecommunications to the federal level and the
inclusion of liberalization of telecommunications in the FTA, NAFTA, and the WTO, the Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) proceeded to reverse Canada’s long
tradition of establishing regional telephone monopolies in exchange for
imposing considerable price regulation. In its place, the CRTC introduced a phased program of deregulation,
which is permitting two linked processes: first, the convergence of formerly
separated functions such as cable television, telephone, voice, images,
computers, and internet communications; and second, the introduction of
competition into these services, including the gradual takeover of the Canadian
telephone and cable companies by their larger American and European
counterparts. As a result, the formerly dominant regional monopolies, Bell
Canada and Rogers Cablevision, have entered strategic alliances with far more
powerful global telecommunications companies, Ameritech and ATT respectively.
At the same time, consumers, whether citizens or corporations, are being wooed
with the most up-to-date services, putatively making them globally competitive.
Banking is another area where the
federal government has traditionally played a decisive role – one that it may
be on the point of abandoning – in maintaining Canadian control of a key
economic sector. Having established a national banking system of extraordinary
stability, it gradually let foreign competitors enter on a second-class basis.
The highly profitable retail market had been effectively reserved for half a
dozen Canadian-controlled 'chartered banks,' which have also been allowed in
recent years to expand their activities into the formerly restricted domains of
stock brokerage, trust companies, and even insurance. Now that financial services
have also been brought under the aegis of bilateral (FTA), trilateral (NAFTA),
and multilateral (WTO) trade agreements, Ottawa’s capacity to maintain the
national content of its banking system is at risk.
Recent efforts to consolidate the
major Canadian banks has triggered a vigorous debate about the contradictory
imperatives of achieving competitiveness or efficiency within the global system
(which argues for allowing a couple of national champions to consolidate) and
securing competition or equity within the national system (which suggests maintaining a large number of banks). The
victory of equity over efficiency in the recent showdown over bank
mergers suggests that proponents of a
'civil state' were far from powerless.
Indeed, however beleaguered they may be, continuing social and cultural
policies reveal that the neoliberal, decentred state still has a
social-democratic touch.
The Civil State
his last mandate as prime minister (1980-84), Pierre Trudeau and his cabinet
fought to maintain the welfare state as intended by its Keynesian architects.
Established in the Pearson andTrudeau years, universal health care delivered
payments through social insurance grants to individuals according to
universalistic standards rationalized as rights of equal citizenship. The
passage of the Canada Health Act (CHA)
of 1984, which prohibited userfees and extra-billing, embodied the Trudeauites’
last, perhaps Quixotic, effort to shore up a social security system undergoing
financial stress. In this section we
consider the federal government's actions in social policies, cultural policy,
national unity, and foreign policy.
Social Policies
Policy activists have been insistent about the damage
caused both to health care and to the more general social safety net by the
severe deficit-cutting measures taken by the federal government and imposed as
a consequence on the provincial governments
through the mechanism of jointly funded programs. Although Canadians
continue to see theirs as a generous welfare state, their social security
system has been cut back over the last quarter century.
After their 1984 federal victory, the Progressive
Conservatives began by limiting through stealth the growth of social spending.[32] By
the time of their re-election in 1988, social programs were overtly retrenched.
Following its 1993 victory, the Liberal Party replaced the social framework --
the CHA, the Canada Assistance Plan (CAP) and
Established Programs Funding --- with the less comprehensive and
generous Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST). Anti-poverty advocates argue
that the creation of the CHST 'unleashed the most destructive chain reaction of
government domino downloading and government cost-cutting of welfare and social
spending that has ever been inflicted on Canada’s poor and marginalized
populations.'[33] The Mulroney/Chrétien years have seen welfare payments
income-tested, targeted, and increasingly made conditional on the recipient’s
engaging in work or training.[34] The level of public support
for the poorest, the oldest, and the least employed has fallen markedly. Cuts
have affected funding for public education and for public health, the crisis in
which has become a national concern, focused on long waiting periods for
hospital emergency services. A sharp increase in homelessness, affecting not
just single men but entire families, has become the centre of another national
debate. All this evidence of a deterioration in social cohesion
notwithstanding, data continue to confirm that, while income inequalities have
increased with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, actual
levels of after tax income inequality have remained constant during the neoliberal years if one factors in
redistributive measures in the tax regime.
By the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, the Canadian
social system was threatening to implode. The weakening of national
standards accelerated when Ottawa cut
back its social policy transfers to the provinces. Under the CAP, provincial
receipt of federal funds required that welfare be available to everybody in
need, that there be an appeals process, that the provinces provide certain
basic information about their program performance to the federal government,
and that no provincial residency requirements be imposed on recipients. The
sole surviving condition in the CHST is the prohibition of residency
requirements. The CHA's principles are
still operative, but erosion in the comprehensiveness of coverage has occurred
as funding has declined.
This provincialization of social policy, whose costs can
in turn be offloaded to municipalities, has a further disintegrating impact on
the federation’s cohesion. Since equalization has been built into such programs
as the 'cap on CAP' and employment insurance, which discriminate in favour of
the less prosperous provinces at the expense of the richer, the divergence of
interests between the equalization-receiving and the equalization-contributing
provinces has risen.
If sustaining social cohesion is the
political rationale for social policies, promoting national cohesion is the
political rationale for most cultural policies. But the state’s capacity to maintain a vibrant
made-in-Canada cultural life is increasingly jeopardized by budget constraints,
trade liberalizing agreements, and a deregulated telecommunications system that
is powerless to resist the public’s bombardment by the U.S. entertainment
Cultural Policies
Cultural policies comprise another area that has been
subject to severe cuts in government support. This contraction extends from the
Canada Council’s patronage in the arts, through public funding for the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation to support for
university research. Nevertheless, all these areas of activity have maintained
their operations, if with less generous levels of funding and lower levels of
staffing. The CRTC, created in 1968 to supervise and control by not just the
telephone industry but the public and private broadcasting systems through
making regulations and issuing broadcasting licences, has become an important
proxy for the state in all its
broadcasting activities. It has been regarded as both pariah and messiah - with
private interests deeming its policies commercially restrictive- and
nationalist groups viewing it as a cultural saviour with insufficient
commitment to their cause.
In the private sector, where government regulation has
intervened to create a Canadian industry out of what would otherwise have been
a simple extension of the American market, signs of life vary from marginal to
vibrant. In the film industry most of the very considerable commercial action
amounts to producing material competitively priced in low Canadian dollars for
Hollywood to market through its global distribution oligopoly.
Despite Canada’s need to strengthen the sense of
nationhood motivating it to engage in protecting and promoting a distinctive
Canadian cultural identity, cultural policy has consistently been challenged by
U.S. power and by the neoliberal economic agenda. A good example can be found in
recorded music. In the shadow of U.S. cultural hegemony, Canada’s
recorded music industry has become a vibrant cultural activity, having been
fostered by a collection of talent rivalled only by Canada’s endless supply of
comedians. But while Canadian comedians continue to venture south of the border
in search of greater success, the majority of Canada’s recordin artists now
elect to maintain an identity with Canada as their musical heartland.[35]
Canada’s recorded music industry owes its development
to an import tariff imposed in the 1920s by the federal government on all
finished foreign recordings. This typical strategy for an infant industry created a domestic market for records. Once
importing U.S.-made records became unprofitable, branch plants were established
in Canada to supply the domestic market from within. Canada’s recording
business became a miniature replica model of the U.S. industry: each major U.S.
multinational firm established record-pressing operations in Canada, with
coast-to-coast sales networks to market their products.[36]
While the tariff contributed to the development of a Canadian market for
recorded music in general, it did not create a market for Canadian
music.[37] In the
1960s, Canadian music accounted for 4 to 7 percent of all music played on the
airwaves.[38] Further
federal legislation induced the market to feature home-grown music. Declaring
that domestic talent should have the chance to be heard on Canadian airwaves,
the Broadcasting Act of 1968 empowered
the CRTC to establish minimum levels of Canadian music for radio.[39] Assuming
the role of cultural protector, the CRTC regulations established minimum levels
of Canadian content in AM and FM radio broadcasting. In effect, Ottawa made
radio the promotional springboard, sending into the nation’s homes music that
listeners would not have otherwise wanted to purchase. By 1986, 'Cancon' levels
had risen to 30 percent for AM stations and between 10 to 30 percent for FM
With such a significant increase in requirments for
Canadian music, radio broadcasters began to demand a greater variety of
Canadian artists to play. Accordingly, the record labels began to produce more
albums by Canadian acts. The increase in airtime gave Canadian artists more
exposure, stimulated rising record sales for this local talent, and further
strengthened the country's music industry. Ottawa’s import tariff and
regulatory policy had created a virtuous, but tenuous, circle of viability for
Canadian music.
The healthy market for Canadian music has been seriously
challenged in the Mulroney/Chretien period. On the one hand, the FTA eliminated
the import tariff, causing the multinational corporations to meld their
eastwest distribution networks into single continental systems operating on a
northsouth basis. This continentalization of the dominant players deprived the
smaller Canadian-owned recording businesses of their national distribution
channels. Offsetting this threat is the easier access to U.S. audiences now enjoyed by Canadian musicians who have
been signed by American ‘labels.’
From the 1960s to the 1980s, a division of labour
characterized the Canadian industry. Domestic record labels signed bands and
recorded music, while multinational branch operations produced and distributed
their recordings. In this process, the domestic record labels retained their
ownership of copyright to the music. Canadian-content rules ensured these
companies cash from broadcasting royalties. Beginning in the late 1970s, major
multinational labels began taking a stronger interest in Canada’s music in
order to offset a general decline in sales experienced throughout the industry.
By the 1980s, when copyright revenues displaced record sales as the main source
of revenue in the industry,[40] the
multinationals’ share of the Canadian industry was growing, to the detriment of
local firms.
The negotiation of the
FTA and NAFTA gave the U.S. multinationals a chance to change the rules of the
game by enhancing the scope of intellectual property rights. After initial resistance, Ottawa accepted
Washington’s position on intellectual property once it had been incorporated into the Uruguay Round’s
version of the GATT, which ultimately provided the substance for NAFTA’s
chapter 17. Article 1706 of NAFTA states:
'sound recording producers shall have similar rights to those of a
copyright holder.'[41] Under
this innocent-sounding wording if Canadian labels merely record the music,
leaving manufacturing/production and distribution to a multinational firm they
lose their claim to its copyright. With most firms now relying on the revenues
generated from the exploitation of copyrights, article 1706 threatens the
survival of many Canadian firms. By the same logic, this provision now grants
the multinationals greater distribution and production power, as their own
claim to copyright enables them to exploit intellectual property without fear
of infringing someone else’s rights. Additionally, although NAFTA’s provisions
on intellectual property rights empowered the U.S. multinational record labels,[42] the WTO’s TRIPS granted similar privileges to all
multinational labels, further squeezing the independent national record labels
from the Canadian market.
Before NAFTA and TRIPS, the federal government was free
to alter intellectual property provisions to advance the goals of the domestic
industry. Now the its power to change policy is also marginalized, nullifying
its ability to protect this part of Canadian culture. The new intellectual
property rights are arguably neoliberalism’s greatest victory in the cultural
Television broadcasting is a further area under overall
American domination but containing a smaller, poorer Canadian component, whose
very existence is the result of state regulation. First the CBC and then
Canadian-content regulations produced a minimal level of domestic production of
entertainment and documentary TV programming. Francophone radio and television
industries are healthier and more vital, benefiting as they do, not only from the federal and provincial governments’ subsidy and regulatory
protection, but also from the added
stimulus afforded by their distinct language.
The threat of U.S. trade retaliation is now a strong external
limitation to state policy favouring cultural activities. Americans generally
consider that Canadian cultural policies are covert protectionist actions that
discriminate against the U.S. entertainment industry in order to take a slice
from its export earnings. the FTA, NAFTA, and the WTO have given the United
States a set of rules that decree culturally protectionist policies to be in
contravention of Canada’s international obligations – or at least the American
interpretation of these obligations.
The new continental and global trade regime will continue
to challenge Canadian practices so long as they try to secure a national
culture, but it is not the only force threatening to eliminate the state’s cultural
role. The internet, along with the convergence of computer and mass media
delivery systems, threatens to make laws restricting foreign ownership and
content ineffective even before the WTO declares them illegal.
It is characteristic of the contradictory nature of
the state that the same government both
implements policies to protect Canadian culture and signs agreements that put
it in danger. While the federal government displays a continued commitment to the
ideals of intervention in cultural policy, trade liberalization pulls the
carpet from under its feet. Some policy-making powers that were formally held
at the federal level have ascended to the continental and global levels. What
remains in federal hands has shifted, so that the efficacy of policy has waned.
Much of the cultural protection generated in the Pearson and Trudeau years
still existed on paper in the Mulroney/Chretien era, but many of these policies
are currently in danger of becoming irrelevant or illegal. While Ottawa may
continue to sing embedded liberalism’s tune in the sphere of cultural policy,
neoliberalism continues both to mute the federal government and to overpower
its melody with a song of its own.
National Unity
The danger inherent in any claim that a sea change has
occurred in Canada’s state forms is to ignore the features of continuity that
persist from the formally discarded paradigm. Consider, for example, those
characteristics of the Canadian polity that Trudeauphiles claim to be his
lasting legacy, and which continue to shape the Canadian polity:[43] the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms; the impact of multiculturalism and
bilingualism; and the long struggle to establish Native land claims, which was
launched in the Trudeau years.
Various pan-Canadian
aspects of the Trudeau era’s policies remain intact and substantial.
Bilingualism may not be the most prominent feature of federal policy, but it
remained a touchstone both of the Mulroney and Chrétien governments.
Multiculturalism, based on high levels of immigration from all continents of
the world, becomes every year more entrenched as a central component of the
Canadian identity. Most powerful of all the evidence of continuing centripetal
tendencies is the cumulating judgments made by the court system – the Supreme
Court in particular – in interpreting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that
was introduced into the Canadian constitution in 1982. However neoliberal
Canadian politicians may become, Supreme Court judges have retained the liberal
spirit in which the Charter was written. Rights of women’s groups, of gays and
lesbians, and in particular of Native peoples have been advanced over this
period in a pattern showing convincing levels of consistency. The deepening of
these Charter-based rights boosts federal power because they are defined as
pan-Canadian norms.
Foreign Policy
One of the great paradoxes of continental trade
liberalization for Canada has been the increased autonomy of a civil Canadian
foreign policy – a result thought to be impossible by opponents of free trade
ten years ago. In the event, it is the end of the Cold War that has proven the
decisive factor. With the East-West nuclear standoff no longer requiring
complete solidarity among the NATO powers, Canada has found itself able to take
some distance from Washington’s positions, whether this be in relations with
Cuba (strong opposition to the Helms-Burton Act), peace-making (the landmines
treaty), or international law (on international criminal court). Ottawa has
resisted the temptation of disagreeing with the United States as a matter of
principles, joining the NATO campaign to end ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. To a
surprising degree, then, Canada’s foreign policy under free trade has taken
back power from the continental level. The old formula – maintain good
relations with the United States but form multilateral coalitions to pursue
other objectives when possible – holds; but the balance between subservience
and autonomy has shifted.
review confirms that substantial changes have taken place in the functions and
structures of the Canadian state from the activist, generous practices of the
Pearson and Trudeau governments to the leaner and, yes, meaner stances of
neoliberal politics. State shapes have shifted in response to a changing global
system and have in turn helped to shape that system. The federal and provincial
states are different from their modernist predecessors both because of their
neoliberal traits and because they have become so tightly interconnected with
governance above and below that they each now constitute just one tier in an
evolving and nested multi-level state structure. While there has been change,
its nature is not always obvious, and its consequences are not always
consistent. Continuities with earlier eras also exist, notably a civil service rooted in traditions of respect for
the values of the democratically elected government of the day, with
bureaucrats guaranteed tenure so that they can serve parties of any ideology
with equal and competent devotion. There is some evidence of a return to
a more active federal state, as surpluses replace deficits on the public agenda
and as the insufficiency of the neoliberal model itself creates the basis for
further evolution.
In drawing conclusions, we must guard against nostalgia. Twenty-five years
ago those on the left bitterly criticized the inadequate social provision of a
state then thought to be reactionary. Now the Trudeau state appears to be
decidedly social democratic by comparison with the Chrétien state. Sovereignty
is now divisible. Identities are multiple. Governance is deconstructible. As
federal and provincial negotiations with Native nations are showing, self
government can take many forms, involving diverse geographical and sectoral
components, with various types of 'stakeholders' wielding powers of different
The boundaries between state, market, and society have
become more porous. It does not follow that the state is declining just because
airlines administer immigration procedures at their check-in counters or
because advertisers take on the job of policing their own practices. These
developments could simply be an indicator of sensible delegation. Similarly,
the transnational activity of social movements, epistemic communities, and NGOs
may complicate intergovernmental relations but may not ipso facto threaten the
raison d’être of sovereign states.[44] While strong states may lose
some of their monopoly control over foreign affairs, weaker, more decentralized
states such as Canada may gain by co-opting their NGOs’ transnational energies
to project the national interest abroad.
Even if we have
developed a sufficient synthesis to allow an understanding of the Canadian
state’s evolving nature we have not answered the normative question about how
to regain the quality of the social and political life achieved under the
welfare state of the first post 1945 decades. To be sure, the phenomenon of
globalization may be a process through which capitalism is liberating itself
from political control and engendering ever-increasing disparities between rich
and poor both within and among countries.[45] Although
a decline in the level of social services for the citizenry, a weakening of
trade union powers to defend workers, and a diminished capacity to redistribute
wealth on egalitarian principles seem to be indicators of social regression
inherent in neoliberalism, they do not appear to be necessary concomitants of
the emerging multi-level state. Even though the shapes of governance are
shifting, the world of federal states may not be as global as both proponents
and critics of globalization assume.[46]
If some variant of the proposed 'Tobin tax' on international capital
flows were instituted, redistribution of a capital rent in favour of the poor
might become possible precisely through a variant of global governance formerly
talked about only by dreamy-eyed world federalists. A citizens’ version of the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment is being proposed by the Council of
Canadians, an NGO that has developed an international coalition to demand that
rights to given transnational corporations in the global order be balanced by
obligations on foreign investors to create jobs with high labour standards,
maintain satisfactory levels of environmental performance, and protect national
cultural distinctiveness.[47] The
European Union has shown that social welfare and workers’ rights can be
defended in principle – though very imperfectly in practice – at the
continental level. Asian capitalism offers an alternative, less individualistic
political model for achieving economic competitiveness and social solidarity.[48] In
short, capitalisms vary, as do popular responses to them. The postmodern,
multi-level state is far from synonymous with a reprise of pre-modern,
Dickensian practices.
Ottawa remains potentially capable of restoring the
Canadian welfare system but is fiscally constrained. The public knows that
social spending lags considerably behind that enjoyed in the Trudeau era, and
renewed flexing of federal muscle can be anticipated as budget surpluses swells. Another factor that
may result in a different, but reinvigorated role for the Canadian state is the
new Social Union Framework Agreement of 1999. It could generate a new species
of co-operative federalism, in which Ottawa
reclaims some of its earlier functions by enriching its transfer
payments and working in tandem with the provinces, although Quebec is again not
a signatory.[49] While
the rhetoric of consensus around the talks leading to the Soviet Union
Agreement disguises inevitable political and jurisdictional disagreements, the
Child Tax Benefit, which was their first product, indicates that some movement
has taken place. However, since the Social Union has freed the provinces and
territories from what they considered the tyranny of federal standards, it
would cost Ottawa hefty amounts to regain sufficient clout for it to
re-establish these norms.A final danger dogs those who would declare the
Keynesian paradigm dead and buried. With substantial resistance to
neoliberalism gaining expression both at home (with the distress of hospital
and the scandal of e-coli pollution in municipal water supplies brought on by
cutting back of the state) and abroad
(with the crisis of the globalized financial market system in 1997-98 and
dramatic protests lodged against the WTO and the IMF in 1999-2000), no new point
of equilibrium has been reached. The neoliberal model leaves the state without
an obvious role to play as a buffer against the short-run economic vicissitudes
that characterize capitalist economies. In abdicating this function, the
federal state exists with a lacuna at its centre.
The neoliberal model has clearly been the winning
approach since the Mulroney government took office in 1984, but the silence at
its heart renders it incomplete. It is unable to be both true to itself and
responsive to the social needs to which governments may feel compelled to
respond. Nor does a less regulated global market provide more optimal
distributional results on an inter-state basis. Because politicians have
deprived themselves of the tools and the rationales for discretionary
intervention, citizens demanding a more activist state must speak from outside
the neoliberal ideological loop. Over time the neoliberal vision is subject to
contestation, against which it has only weak arguments. Indeed, considerable
authority and legitimacy having located elsewhere, the federal government may
try to reassert itself in ways that it had earlier abandoned and reclaim some
of the authority and legitimacy that it had previously alienated. Given the
inability of the neoliberal model to respond to some of these concerns, the
pendulum may even be poised to swing back towards a state less reluctant to
exercise its power to regulate the market and to provide society with the
services that it desires. New money for
health and other provisions in its 1999
and 2000 budgets suggested the re-emergence of a more socially engaged federal
government. Automatic stabilizers and measures to maintain aggregate demand
remain in the policy arsenal. Calls for government action to improve physical and
human infrastructure are continually heard. Proposals keep emerging from the
legal community to create a genuinely supranational dispute- settlement order
for NAFTA. Suggestions for government action to re-establish order in the
world’s financial markets imply enhanced roles for states co-operatively to
achieve some variant of global Keynesianism.
Municipal elites are rallying behind the notion of a constitutional
charter for cities. As a result, the potential for contestation and further
change remains at each level of the five-tier system of state power.
What characterized the postwar consensus so celebrated by
its analysts was its long period of relative stability. At the turn of the
millennium a prime characteristic of the Canadian state is the level of its
flux. If it suffers from chronic
instability, this is largely because the citizenry, which has borne the brunt
of neoliberalism's 'reforms', is clamouring for their attenuation. But it is
also because the corporate sector, in its endless efforts to merge and acquire
to protect itself from the vicissitudes of the global market, never stands
still. What makes future shapes even more difficult to foretell is the
proliferation of the sites where policy is made and norms are set. The
postmodern state wears a distinctly multi-centred mask.
[1]I wrote a
precursor of this analysis with Tim Lewis as “The Contested State:
Canada in the Post-Cold War, Post-Keynesian, Post-Fordist, Post-National Era,” in How Ottawa Spends: 2000 (Toronto:
Oxford University Press, 1999). The present text was deepened thanks to the research contributed in 1999 by my
students Sara Boyne, Paola Cifelli, Trevor deBoer, Franca Fargione, Daniela
Follegot, Chris Giggey, Michael Hong, Monica Misra, Ambrese Montagu, Karis Rae,
Angela van Damme, and Brian Zeiler.
[2] Anton L.
Allahar and E. C. James, Richer and Poorer: The Structure of Inequality in
Canada (Toronto: Lorimer, 1998).
[3] Tony Clarke, Silent Coup: Confronting the Big Business Takeover of
Canada (Toronto: Lorimer, 1997).
[4] Stephen McBride and John Shields, Dismantling a Nation: The
Transition to Corporate Rule in Canada (Halifax: Fernwood, 2nd. ed., 1997).
[5] John Shields and B. Mitchell
Evans, Shrinking the State: Globalization and Public Administration Reform
(Halifax: Fernwood, 1998).
[6] In this paper, “regional” will apply to sub-national
jurisdictions, “continental” to groupings of several sovereign states that
encompass most of a continental landmass.
[7] In this text “state” refers to the enduring
– if evolving – ensemble of political, judicial, administrative, and coercive
institutions. “Government” will refer to the executive, legislature and
bureaucracy that enjoys the current electoral mandate.
[8] McBride and Shields, Dismantling
a Nation.
[9] On the role of
provinces in trade issues, see Douglas M. Brown, “The Federal-Provincial
Consultation Process,” and “Canadian Federalism and Trade Policy: The Uruguay
Round Agenda,” in Canada: The State of the Federation 1987-88, eds. Peter
M. Leslie and Ronald L. Watts (Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental
Relations, Queen’s University, 1988); “Canadian Federalism and Trade Policy:
The Uruguay Round Agenda,” in Canada: The State of the Federation 1989,
eds. Ronald L. Watts and Douglas M. Brown, (Kingston: Institute of
Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, 1989); and “The Evolving Role
of the Provinces in Canadian Trade Policy,” in Canadian Federalism: Meeting
Global Economic Challenges? eds. Douglas M. Brown and Murray G. Smith
(Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, 1991).
[10] Ian Robinson argues that CUFTA
and NAFTA are centralizing in their effects. See “NAFTA, the Side-Deals, and
Canadian Federalism: Constitutional Reform by Other Means?” in Canada: The
State of the Federation 1993, eds. Ronald L. Watts and Douglas M. Brown
(Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, 1993);
and “Trade Policy, Globalization, and the Future of Canadian Federalism,” in New
Trends in Canadian Federalism, eds. Francois Rocher and Miriam Smith
(Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1995).
[11] Robert M. Campbell, “Federalism
and Economic Policy,” in New Trends in Canadian Federalism, p. 200.
[12] The major exceptions are British Columbia and Nova Scotia. British
Columbia was not hit very hard by the recession in the early 1990's, but its
economy has struggled in the late 1990's, and its fiscal position does not seem
to be tending toward balance. Nova Scotia’s position, like that of the other
Atlantic provinces, is much improved due to ballooning equalization payments
which originate in the strength of Ontario’s economy over the last year.
[13] Richard Simeon, “Canada and the United States: Lessons from the North
American Experience,” in Rethinking Federalism: Citizens, Markets, and
Governments in a Changing World, eds. Karen Knop, Sylvia Ostry, Richard
Simeon, and Katherine Swinton (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,
1995), p. 251.
[14] Thomas J. Courchene,
“Glocalization: The Regional/International Interface,” in Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 18, no. 1 (Spring, 1995), 1-20.
[15] Stephen Blank, Stephen Krajewski and Henry S. Yu, “US Firms in North
America: Redefining Structure and Strategy,” North American Outlook 5,
no. 2 (Feb. 1995).
[16] Commission for Environmental Cooperation, NAFTA’s Institutions: The
Environmental Potential and Performance of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission and
Related Bodies (Montreal: CEC, 1997).
[17] Stephen Clarkson, “The Joy of Flux: What the European Monetary Union Can
Learn from North America’s Experience with National Currency Autonomy,” in
Colin Crouch, editor, After the Euro: Shaping Institutions for Governance in
the Wake of European Monetary Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
[18] Fritz W. Scharpf, Negative and Positive Integration in the Political
Economy of European Welfare States (Florence: European University
Institute, 1995).
[19] Wolfgang Streeck has
suggested a similar hypothesis for the member states of the European Union,
arguing that they have compensated for what they have lost in internal
sovereignty by what they have retained in their inter-governmental bargaining
in the EU’s various institutions – though decision-making deadlocks and
democratic deficits at the continental level of governance are high prices to
pay for this exchange. See Wolfgang Streeck, “Public Power beyond the
Nation-State: The Case of the European Community,” in Robert Boyer and Daniel
Drache, editors, States Against Markets: The
Limits of Globalization (London: Routledge, 1996),
[20] Michael Hart, Fifty Years of Canadian Tradecraft: Canada at the
GATT, 1947-1997 (Ottawa: Centre for
Trade Policy and Law, 1998), p. 191.
[21] Daniel Drache,
editor, Staples, Markets and Cultural Change: Selected Essays by Harold A. Innis
(Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995).
[22] Observers often describe this policy as one of zero-inflation.
In fact, it was directed to price stability, which may or may not
constitute zero-inflation. For example, if prices rise in one year, but not the
next, inflation in the second year would be zero, but prices would not have
been stable. See proceedings of a conference held by the Bank of Canada, May
1997, Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy (Ottawa:
Bank of Canada, February 1998).
[23] Stephen Clarkson, “Disjunctions: Free Trade and the Paradox of Canadian
Development,” in The New Era of Global Competition: State Policy and Market
Power, eds. Daniel Drache and Meric S. Gertler (Montreal: McGill-Queen's
University Press, 1991), 103-26.
[24] Michael M. Atkinson
and William D. Coleman, The State, Business,
and Industrial Change in Canada (Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 1989).
[25] Macdonald
Commission, Report of the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and
Development Prospects for Canada into the 21st Century (Ottawa: Minister of
Supply and Services, 1985).
[26] An example of government investment in education is Ontario’s Access to
Opportunity Program to promote post-secondary enrolment in engineering and
computer science programs. Under this program, the government would match
private sector contributions dollar-for-dollar. Nortel has already announced to
pledge $20 million to the program, as 9,000 employees from its worldwide labour
force of 75,000 are engaged in research and development in Ontario. See David
Crane, “Nortel sets example by tackling skills gap,” Toronto Star (3 Mar
1999) E2.
[27] David Wolfe, “The Emergence of the Region State,” in The Nation
State in a Global/Information Era: Policy Challenges, ed. Thomas J.
Courchene (Kingston: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy,
(1997), 205-240.
[28] Ontario Jobs and Investment Board, A Road Map to Prosperity: An Economic
Plan for Jobs in the 21st Century (Toronto: OJIB, March 1999).
[29] Macdonald, a.k.a. Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development
Prospects for Canada, Report, Volume 1 (Ottawa: Minister of Supply and
Services, 1985).
[30] Blank, Krajewski and
Yu, “US Firms in North America.”
[31] Harry Arthurs, “The Hollowing Out of Corporate Canada,” unpublished
paper, 1998.
[32]A noteworthy
exception to the fiscal trends outlined has been funding for disabled persons,
which has been substantially increased by the federal Liberal government and
many provincial governments, including Ontario’s Mike Harris government.
[33] Loren Fried,
director of North York Harvest Food Bank, quoted in “Ottawa urged to take lead
on poverty issues” the Globe and Mail (Dec. 6 1997), A16.
[34] Keith Banting, “The
Internationalization of the Social Contract,” in The Nation State in a Global/Information Era: Policy Challenges, ed. Thomas J. Courchene (Kingston: John Deutsch Institute for the
Study of Economic Policy, 1997), 255-286.
[35] While Canadian musical acts such as The Guess Who, Gordon Lightfoot and
Anne Murray are often regarded as some of Canada’s early musical exports, it is
often forgotten that Canada has always had a successful stream of artists,
though they may not have always achieved success while in Canada. Good examples
include Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, both of whom are highly regarded with
international success, though were once regarded as non-Canadian simply because
of their success in the US. Interestingly, present day Canadian-born international artists such as
Shania Twain, Alanis Morisette, Céline Dion and Sarah MacLachlan publicly express
their Canadian pride, though the first two currently reside in the US.
[36] In the music industry, the activity of
writing music is not considered “production” per se, but rather, “creation” or
“recording”. Production refers to the industrial process whereby vinyl records,
tapes, CDs and the like are manufactured. See Tim Straw, “Sound Recording,” in Canada’s
Cultural Industries, ed. Michael Dorland (Scarborough: Carswell, 1996), p.
[37] Canadian music is defined as any piece that satisfies at least two
requirements of the MAPL system:
the Music is composed entirely by a Canadian; the Artist principally
performing the music and/or lyrics is Canadian; the Production was recorded wholly in Canada or
performed wholly and broadcast live in Canada; the Lyrics are written
entirely by a Canadian.
[38] Tim Straw, “Sound Recording,”
p. 132.
[39] CRTC website https://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/info_sht/g11e.htm.
[40] Line Grenier, “Cultural Exemptionalism Revisited: Quebec Music
Industries in the Face of Free Trade,” Mass Media and Free Trade
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996), p. 317.
[41] Department of External Affairs and International Trade Canada, NAFTA: What’s It All About? (Ottawa: Queen’s
Printer, 1993), p. 80.
[42] Steve Jones, “Mass Communication, Intellectual Property Rights,
International Trade and the Popular Music Industry,” in Mass Media and Free
Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural
Industries, ed. Emile G. McAnany and Kenton T. Wilkinson (Austin:
University of Texas Press, 1996), p. 331.
[43] Andrew Cohen and J.L. Granatstein, editors, Trudeau’s Shadow
(Toronto: Random House, 1998).
[44] Thomas Risse-Kappen, Bringing
Transnational Relations Back In: Non-state Actors, Domestic Structures, and
International Institutions (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
[45] Stephen Gill,
“Globalisation, Market Civilisation, and Disciplinary Neoliberalism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies (Tokyo: United Nations University, 1994): 399-423.
[46] On the argument that the world is not as global as is often thought, and
that even if it is, downward policy harmonization does not follow, see William
Watson, Globalization and the Meaning of Canadian Life (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1998); and Paul Hirst, “The Global Economy - Myths
and Realities,” International Affairs, 73, no. 3 (1997): 409-425.
[47] Heather Scoffield, “Groups Pitch Alternative to MAI,” Globe and Mail
(8 July,1998), B4.
[48] Richard Stubbs, “ASEAN’s Distinctive Capitalism: Implications for
International Trade Rules,” in Regionalism and Global Economic Integration:
Europe, Asia and America, eds. William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R. O.
Underhill (London: Routledge, 1997).
[49] “A Framework to Improve the Social Union for Canadians: An Agreement
Between the Government of Canada and the Governments of the Provinces and
Territories,” (February 4, 1999).