What's New
Generating Effective Global Environmental Governance: Canadašs 2002 Challenge by John Kirton for the CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference
The CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference:
The Environmental Balance Sheet: Red or Green?
26-28 October, 2001 - Chateau Laurier, Ottawa
An Assessment of Citizen Submissions to the NAFTA Commission
for Environmental Cooperation by Edelgard Mahant Glendon College (York University)
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View Reports on the Couchiching 70th Annual Summer Conference 2001
Conference Announcement
2nd Annual EnviReform Conference
Hard Choices, Soft Law: Combining Trade, Environment,
and Social Cohesion in Global Governance
November 8-9, 2001
The EnviReform project is pleased to host its annual conference in conjunction with the Canada Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC.
The proceedings on Thursday November 8, will be videoconferenced, with excepts from Washington interacting in real time with those gathered in Toronto. Both days of the conference will be webcast live from the Vivian & David Campbell Conference Facility at the Munk Centre for International Studies in Toronto.
Admission to keynote addresses and conference is free.
Register by emailing Tina Lagopoulos,
Webcasting in cooperation with
EnviReform gratefully acknowledges the funding of SSHRC
(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
Our Mission: To equip Canadians to participate in shaping international trade and finance regimes that enhance environmental quality, social cohesion and sustainable development at home and abroad.
This Information System (https://www.envireform.utoronto.ca/) is provided by
the University of Toronto Library and the EnviReform Research/Web Group at the University of Toronto.
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All rights reserved.
This page was last updated
August 15, 2024.
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