Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform:
Exploring Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Era | ||
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Generating Effective Global Environmental Governance: Canada's 2002 Challenge by John Kirton for the CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference
The CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference: The Environmental Balance Sheet: Red or Green? 26-28 October, 2001 - Chateau Laurier, Ottawa
An Assessment of Citizen Submissions to the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation by Edelgard Mahant Glendon College (York University)
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The following sources are those upon which we rely most heavily as a common integrative foundation for the project as a whole. In addition, there is a wide, relevant literature from each of the six disciplines represented in our research team and a deep specialist literature in regard to each of the specific subprojects and individual studies. AArchibugi, Daniele, Held, David & Kohler, Martin. (Eds.). (1998). Re-imagining political community: Studies in cosmopolitan democracy. Cambridge: Polity Press. BBaram, Michael & Dillon, Patricia. (1993). Corporate management of chemical accident risks. In Kurt Fischer & Johan Schot (Eds.), Environmental strategies for industry: International perspectives on research needs and policy implications (pp. 227-241). Washington, DC: Island Press. Beresford, Peter & Croft, Suzy. (1993). Citizen involvement: A practical guide for change. London: MacMillan Press. CCampbell, Monica & Maclaren, Virginia. (1995). An overview of municipal state of the environment reporting in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 86(6), 408-413. Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. (1999). Canada and the future of the World Trade Organization: Advancing a millennium agenda in the public interest: Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Clarkson, Stephen & Lewis, Timothy. (1999). The contested state: Canada in the post-Cold War, post-Keynesian, post-Fordist, post-National Era. In Leslie Pal (Ed.), How Ottawa spends: 1999-2000, (pp. 293-340). Toronto: Oxford University Press. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998). Fearful asymmetries: The challenge of analyzing continental systems in a globalizing world. Canadian-American Public Policy, 35, 1-66. Clarkson, Stephen. (1995). Poor prospects: 'The Rest of Canada' under continental integration. In Kenneth McRoberts (Ed.), Beyond Quebec: Taking stock of Canada, (pp. 251-274). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (1999). Assessing environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): An analytic framework (Phase II) and issue studies. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (1999). Assessing the environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Final analytic framework and background document. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (1998). Taking stock: North American pollutant releases and transfers, 1995. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Cox, Robert W. (1987). Production, power and world order: Social forces in the making of history. New York: Columbia University Press. DDeSombre, Elizabeth R. (1995) Baptists and bootleggers for the environment: The origins of United States unilateral sanctions. Journal of Environment & Development, 4(1), 53-75. 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(1999). The family farm in advanced capitalism: Outline of a theory of simple commodity production. In Krzysztof Gorlach, Patrick Mooney & Jess Gilbert (Eds.), The new rural sociology in the United States: A selection of readings. Krakow, Poland: Jagiellonian University. Friedmann, Harriet. (1999). Circles of growing and eating: The political ecology of food and agriculture. In Raymond Grew (Ed.), Food in Global History (pp. 33-57). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Friedmann, Harriet. (1998). A sustainable world food economy. In Roger Keil, David Bell, Peter Penz & Leesa Fawcett (Eds.), Political ecology: Global and local (pp. 74-101). London: Routledge. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994). International relations of food. In Barbara Harriss-White & Sir Raymond Hoffenberg (Eds.), Food: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 174-204). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Friedmann, Harriet. (1993). After Midas' feast: Alternative food regimes for the future. In Patricia Allen (Ed.), Food for the future: Conditions and contradictions of sustainability, (pp. 213-233). New York: Wiley & Sons. Reprinted in Roger Keil, Gerda Wekerle and David V.J. Bell (Eds.). (1996). Local places in the age of the global city. Montreal: Black Rose. Fukuyama, Francis. (1999). The great disruption: Human nature and the reconstitution of social order. New York: The Free Press. GGale, Fred. (1998). Ecoforestry bound: How international trade agreements constrain the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach to forest management. In Chris Tollefson (Ed.), The wealth of forests: Markets, regulation and sustainable forestry, (pp. 342-370). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. HHaas, Peter M. (1992). Introduction: Epistemic communities and international policy coordination. International Organization, 46(1), 1-35. Hajnal, Peter. (2001). Partners or adversaries?: The G7/G8 encounters civil society. In John J. 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