Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform:
Exploring Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Era | |
G20 Accountability: The G20 Summit’s Compliance Record on Climate Change and Energy, 2008 to 2011, Caroline Bracht, December 4, 2011
G8 Climate Accountability, 1975-2011, by John Kirton, Jenilee Guebert and Caroline Bracht, December 2, 2011
New papers by John Kirton, "NAFTA for the Next Generation: Lessons Learned and
Challenges Ahead" and "NAFTA Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: An Overview".
![]() Oral History of the CEC ![]() ARTICLE: "The Implications of the 2004 American Elections for the Canada-U.S. Trade Relationship" by Lida Preyma Search by Sections for Keyword
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Does the constitution work?: Review of Deborah Coyne and Michael Valpy, To match a dream: A practical guide to the history and histrionics of Canada's constitution. Globe and Mail. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, November 5). Trudeau still the vessel of our dreams. Toronto Star, A31. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, September 5). Les médias anglophones et l'avis de la cour. Le Devoir, 7. Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, July 21). Les lendemains qui déchantent: 2. L'indépendance réduirait l'autonomie politico-économique du Québec sur le continent. Le Devoir, A9. Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, July 20). Les lendemains qui déchantent: 1. L'indépendance placerait le Québec en situation d'infériorité face à l'oncle Sam, Le Devoir, A7. Clarkson, Stephen. (1995). The United States and an independent Quebec, Canada Watch, 3(7), 76-8. Clarkson, Stephen. (1993). The changing of the guard in Washington. Canada Watch, 1(5), 65-66. Clarkson, Stephen et al. (1992, March). Three nations. Canadian Forum, pp. 4-6. (Also Toronto Star, Feb. 4, 1992, A 17; Le Devoir, le 11, 12, février, 1992, B8.) Pauly, Louis. (2001). International Monetary Fund. In RJB Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy. London: Routledge. Pauly, Louis. (2000). The myth of the global corporation. Research Brief, 2, European Union Center of California. Pauly, Louis & Keller, William. (1998). The limits of 'globalization': National firms in world markets. MacArthur Transnational Economic Security Working Paper Series, Center for International Studies (MIT) and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Harvard). Pauly, Louis & Keller, William. (1997). Globalization at bay. Current History 96(613), 370-376. Pauly, Louis. (1996). Capital costs, investment time horizons, and financial structures: The context for competition in the semiconductor industry in South Korea and Taiwan. Working Paper Series, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Center for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy, Monterey, California. Pauly, Louis. (1995). East Asian financial systems. Economisuto (The Economist-Japan)73(11), 72-77 (in Japanese). Pauly, Louis. (1993). In Glenn Utter & Charles Lockhart (Eds.), American political scientists: A dictionary (pp. 150-151). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Pauly, Louis. (1991). The national bases of regime formation: The challenge of supervising international capital markets. Papers in Political Economy 11, 1-43. Pauly, Louis & Goodman, John B. (1990). The new politics of international capital mobility. International Business and Trade Law Papers 29, 1-54. Pauly, Louis. (1989). Changing international financial markets. Finance and Development26(4), 34-37. Go to: Books | Book Chapters | Scholarly Articles | Popular Articles | Conferences and Other Working Papers Conference and Other Working PapersClarkson, Stephen. (2000). Apples and oranges: Comparing the EU and NAFTA as continental systems. Florence: European University Institute. Working Paper 2000/15. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, November). Global governance and the decline of Canadian democracy. Lecture to Women's Canadian Club, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, October). He taunts us still. Contribution to a panel on the topic, "He Haunts Us Still," University of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, October). Is the World Trade Organization a threat to Canadian democracy? Public lecture in Canadian Perspectives series, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, September). The beleaguered state: Canada under attack from globalization and neo-liberalism. Paper presented to the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, May). Reform from without versus reform from within: NAFTA and the WTO's role in transforming Mexico's economic system. Paper presented at "Agenda: Mexico at the Millennium," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS), Washington, D.C. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, May). The democratic crisis in global governance: Canada's experience with NAFTA and the WTO. Lecture to Couchiching Canadian Institute of Public Affairs, Couchiching, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, March). The globalization of governance: Canada's experience with NAFTA and the WTO. Public lecture, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). The re-constitutionalizing effects of the continental and global trade orders: the Canadian case. Paper prepared for the Work-in-Progress seminar, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars (WWICS), Washington, D.C. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). Canadian debates on NAFTA. Lecture in the Western Hemisphere Program at the Center of Canadian Studies, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). Canada. Lecture to the School of Professional and Area Studies, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, October). North American and western hemisphere governance: Policy co-operation and the new global order. Conference on Transatlantic Regulatory Harmonization and Global Standards, School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, May). The multi-centred state: Canada in the post-Cold War, post-Keynesian, post-Fordist, post-national era. Paper presented to the Research Group on Multiple Centres of Power at a conference sponsored by the Policy Research Secretariat and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, May). Comparing apples and oranges: NAFTA and the European Union mediating globalization. Workshop on TransAtlantic M.A. in Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, April). Emerging from the smoke of battle: Ruptures and continuities in state practice in Canada after fifteen years of neo-liberalism. Paper for a conference on "Revisiting the Fundamentals of Economic Liberalism and Structural Adjustment. The Return of the Public Domain in an Era of Globalization. A Comparative Examination of Canada and Chile and Other Mercosur Experiences" organized by Instituto de Ciencia Politica, Universidad de Chile, Area de Estudios Norteamericanos, Naciones Unidas Instituto Latino Americano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social, and the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University, Santiago. Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, March). Has trade liberalization hollowed out the Canadian state? Paper presented to the Political Economy Research Group, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, November). What Europe can learn from NAFTA about monetary union. Seminar presented to the Centre for International Studies, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, July). Somewhat less than meets the eye: NAFTA as constitution. Paper for the Research Committee on the Sociology of Law's Working Group on the Sociology of European Union Law at the Annual Meeting of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, PQ. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, June). John McMurtry and the Marxist-Buddhist view of globalization. Contribution to a panel at the Socialist Studies Association, Annual Meeting, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, May). The state of the Canadian state: Multi-level government in a globalizing world. Paper presented to the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, April). Deficits and surpluses: Towards a democratic audit of North America. Paper presented to the Conference on Democracy Beyond National Limits" organized by the Centre for International Studies and the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, October). Ontario's 'Common Sense Revolution': Paradigm shift or political correction? Paper presented to the Ontario-Aquitaine Conference Symposium, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, June). The impasse in election analysis. Contribution to round table on Canadian Election Studies at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, St. John's, NFLD. Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, June). Comparing continents? In search of North America after NAFTA. Paper presented to the Annual Meetings of the European Community Studies Association -- Canada and the Canadian Political Science Association, St. John's, NFLD. Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, May). Perché No? Qualms about currency union from over the sea. Paper presented at a conference on The Political and Institutional Deficits of the European Integration Process, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, March). The global-continental-national dynamic: Some hypotheses on comparative continentalism. Paper presented to the International Studies Association, Annual Conference, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1996, November). Reconceptualizing Canada's position in the global system: From the post-it state to multi-level governance. Paper presented to the Mexican Association of Canadian Studies Third Annual Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico. Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, March). If the referendum succeeds: Consequences for Canada/Quebec's continental and global relationships. Paper presented to the Conference on Canada and Quebec, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, November). Pierre Trudeau: The anti-nationalist and the post-national state. Paper presented to the Department of Political Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, April). The impact of federal state strategies for RoC: Accentuating continental integration from the national energy program to NAFTA. Paper presented at "Canada Outside Quebec" conference, Robarts Centre, York University, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, January). Harold Innis at century's end: From the pre-sovereign to the post-national state. Paper presented to conference on "Global Markets: Do Nation-States Have a Future?" York University, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1992, November). Trade treaties as constitutions: Canada's experience as a post-national state. Paper presented to a conference on Canada's Politics, Economy, Society and Culture, organized by the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Estados Unidos de América, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. Clarkson, Stephen. (1992, July). The political economy vision of North American integration. Paper presented to a conference on North American Economic and Political Integration organized by the Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1991, December). Economics: The hemisphere's new fundamentalism. Paper presented to Conference on Critical Perspectives on North American Integration, CERLAC, York University, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). Foreign policy in the post-national state. Lecture to the Foreign Service Officers in the Department of External Affairs, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). The context of the liberal leadership race. Canadian Public Policy Workshop, Dept. of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). Towards an agenda for reform. Brief to the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, Toronto. Feyerherm, Ann & Milliman, John. (1995). Community advisory panels (CAPs) and corporate environmental management: A model and research agenda. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society, (pp. 508-513). Vienna. Hajnal, Peter. (1995). International development and environment institutions: A bibliography. In The Halifax summit, sustainable development and international institutional reform: Preliminary discussion paper and background material.Montreal: National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. Friedmann, Harriet. (2000, July). Gardens of Gaia: Possibility for sustainable foodgetting. Paper presented to the Sociology of Food and Agriculture Working Group, International Rural Sociology Association, Rio de Janeiro. Friedmann, Harriet. (2000, March). Flesh and seeds: Regrounding human food. Paper presented at the Dialogues in Development Seminar, Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Friedmann, Harriet. (1999, August). The post-terrestrial hamburger: A story of human limits and possibilities. Keynote address to European Congress for Rural Sociology, Lund, Sweden. Friedmann, Harriet. (1998, June). Beyond vegetable consciousness: Reviewing the human species. Keynote address to Agriculture and Human Values Association & Association for the Study of Food and Society, Madison, WI. Friedmann, Harriet. (1998, May). The political ecology of agriculture. Department of Geography Seminar Series, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Friedmann, Harriet. (1997, March). Biopolitics under globalization: Population, food, technologies. Paper presented to the International Studies Association, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1997, February). Is food a right? Paper presented to the Forum on the World Food Summit, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1997, January). Shifting sands of sovereignty. Paper presented at the conference on Unfinished Sovereignty, Department of External Affairs and Carleton University, Ottawa. Friedmann, Harriet. (1996, October). Circles of growing and eating. Paper presented at the conference on Food in Global History, Comparative Studies in Society and History, University of Michigan. Friedmann, Harriet. (1996, July). Globalization, neo-liberalism and alternatives. Panel at York International Political Economy Summer School, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1996, March). Food politics in Ontario. Panel at Bioregional Seminar, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, December). Comment. Presented at Pesticide Industry, Greening of Industry Conference, Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, July). Block relations, inside and out: The collapse of Warsaw pact socialism. Paper presented at "Tillyfest" Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, June). Environment and development into the 21st century. Forum at the Faculty of Environmental Studies & Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, May). Farmers and social policy: New alignments for the 1990s. Workshop on Family Farming in the Contemporary World: East-West Comparisons, Jagiellonian University, Crakow, Poland. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, May). Food and social policy: Consumers, environment, and farmers. Paper presented at the International Congress, Agrarian Questions, The Politics of Farming Anno 1995, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Friedmann, Harriet. (1995, January). Feminization of the food system. Paper presented at the conference on "Intersections in the New Political Economy," York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, November). Working to live or living to work. Paper presented at the Studies in Political Economy Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, October). Politics of food. Paper presented at the Innes lecture, Canadian Studies and Sociology, McGill University, Montreal. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, July). Growing our local economy. Panel sponsored by the journal Capitalism, Nature, Socialism & the York Graduate Summer School in International Political Economy. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, May). Regulation in an era of state restructuring: Who will make the rules? Paper presented at Academic Forum on Restructuring the Agro-Food System, Trondheim, Norway. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, May). Restructuring food politics: Emerging issues and alliances. Paper presented at forum for Government, Agricultural Organizations, and Researchers, Trondheim, Norway. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, March). Prospects for a sustainable food economy. Paper presented at conference on Global Political Ecology in Honour of Harold Innis, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, March). New research on gender and food. Panel at Centre for Feminist Research, York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1994, January). The regulation of international markets. Presented at Development Studies Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1993, November). Regional food policy. Paper presented at the conference on Global Spaces, Local Places, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto. Friedmann, Harriet. (1993, April). Regulating the world food economy. Keynote address at the conference on International Political Economy of Food and Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Friedmann, Harriet. (1992, November). International political economy of food. Paper presented at the Agrarian Studies Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Friedmann, Harriet. (1992, November). Capitalism and the collapse of Warsaw pact socialism. Paper presented to the Department of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Friedmann, Harriet. (1992, March). The international relations of food. Paper presented at the Wolfson College Lectures, Oxford. Friedmann, Harriet. (1991, April). International agro-food complexes. Paper presented at the Department of Regional Planning, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Friedmann, Harriet. (1991, April). Cold war and capital. Paper presented at the International Political Economy Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Friedmann, Harriet. (1991, May). International food complexes and local alternatives. Plenary address to the conference on "Varieties of Sustainability," sponsored by the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society and Agro-Ecology Program, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Friedmann, Harriet. (1991, August). Regional alternatives to global agro-food complexes. Paper presented to the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, OH. Friedmann, Harriet. (1990, July). International food complexes: Effects, east and west. Paper presented to the International Sociological Association, Madrid, Spain. Friedmann, Harriet. (1990, July). Agro-food complexes in the world economy. Paper presented at the University for the Social and Economic Study of the Mezzogiorno, Naples, Italy. Friedmann, Harriet. (1990, June). Agriculture under the perestroika. Paper presented to the Institute of Philosophy, Moscow. Friedmann, Harriet. (1990, June). On markets in agriculture: Hungary and the United States. Paper presented at the conference on "Agriculture under Perestroika," Moscow. Friedmann, Harriet. (1990, May). What happens to family farming when families change? Paper presented at the "Lessons from the West for the East," Department of Sociology, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
Kirton, John J. (2001, March). Statement on the Quebec City Summit of the Americas to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Paper presented to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa. Kirton, John. J. (2001, February). Embedded ecologism and institutional inequality: Linking trade, environment and social cohesion in the G8. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago. Kirton, John J. (2000, October). Globalization, Global Governance and Canadian Leadership in the Twenty First Century. Paper prepared for a panel on Managing Open Borders: Emerging issues and long term trends in border collaboration between states/countries, at the 2000 Diplomatic Forum, University Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at an Academic Symposium of G8 2000: New directions in global governance, University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of the Ryukyus, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Kirton John J. & Lucyk, Christine. (2000, July). Safeguarding environmental values and social cohesion under trade liberalization. Paper presented at an Academic Symposium of G8 2000: New directions in global governance, sponsored by the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of the Ryukyus, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for sustainable development at the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at a Public Policy Conference on The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: A g8-developing country dialogue, University of Toronto G8 Research Group, the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Development, and the United Nations University, at the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the G7/G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at LSE Forum, Nippon Press Centre, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the G8 Fukuoka Finance Ministers meeting and the Okinawa Summit: Comparing Japanese, U.S. and Canadian approaches. Paper presented at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). The G7/G8 and the U.S. policy response. Paper presented at Chuo University, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, June). The G8, The United Nations and global peace and security governance. Paper presented at the Fifth International Berlin Workshop, on The Security Council and the G8 in the new millennium: Who is in charge of international peace and security, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin. Kirton, John J. (2000, June). The G8, the Concert Equality Model and prospects for the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at the University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, May). Creating peace and human security: The G8 and Okinawa Summit contribution. Paper presented at Soka University, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, April). The Summit of the Americas process in comparative context: Canadian perspectives on the search for leadership. Presentation to the Western Hemisphere Program, Johns Hopkins University School of International Studies, Washington, D.C.
Kirton, John J. (2000, April). G8 online: A case study in developing online education. Presentation to a Conference on Teaching, learning and research in today's university: Information technology and the university professor, University of Toronto, Toronto. Kirton, John J. (2000, April). Environmental regulations and corporate strategy: Reaping the NAFTA advantage. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Wayne-Windsor Symposium on U.S./Canada cross border trade and business connections and issues, Wayne State University, Detroit. Kirton, John J. (2000, March). The G7 and Concert Governance in the global financial crisis of 1997-9. Paper presented at a panel on Reforming the global financial architecture II: The G7/G-8 process, International Studies Association, Los Angeles. Kirton, John J. (2000, January). The G-7: The early years. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore.
Kirton, John J. (2000, January). International finance: The G-7 and the control of casino capitalism. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore.
Kirton, John J. (2000, January). The G-8's new agenda. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore. Kirton, John J. & D'Cruz, Joe. (1999, December). Canadian-American business alliances: Explaining success through the flagship model. Canadian-American Business Council, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (1999, November). NAFTA's trade-environment regime and environmental regulatory protection. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Pittsburg, PA. Kirton, John J. (1999, November). The G7, China and the international financial system. Paper presented at an International Think Tank Forum on China in the twenty-first century, China Development Institute, Shenzen, China. Kirton, John J. (1999, November). Canada's role in the Americas. Paper presented at a conference on Canada and the western hemisphere, The John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D. C. Kirton, John J. (1999, September). NAFTA's expansive legacy: Lessons for Japan. Paper presented at Kwansei Gaikun University & Kyushu University, Japan. Kirton, John J. (1999, September). The new North Pacific triangle: Canada-Japan-US relations in the twenty-first century. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Japanese Association of Canadian Studies, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (1999, September). Canadian foreign policy, 1945-1999. Paper presented at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. & Rugman, Alan M. (1999, August). NAFTA, environmental regulations and firm strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago. Kirton, John J., et al. (1999). Assessing the environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): Final analytic framework and methodological issues and empirical background. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
Kirton, John J., et al. (1999). Assessing environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): An analytic framework (Phase II). In Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Ed.), Assessing environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): An analytic framework (Phase II) and issue studies, (pp. 1-64). Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Environment and Trade Series No. 6. Kirton, John J. (1999, July). Canada, Japan, the US and the G7: Shaping global order in the new millennium. Presented at Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan.
Kirton, John J. (1999, June). Canadian leadership. In Reshaping the international financial system, 1997-1999. Proceedings of the Conference on The Challenges of the Cologne Summit, University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of Cologne Institute for Economic Policy, Cologne, Germany.
Kirton, John J. (1999, June). Canada's leadership role in international negotiations: the G7, IMF and the global financial crisis of 1997-9. Paper presented at the International Forum on The Challenges of Globalization, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Canada.
Kirton, John J. (1999, May). Cultural diplomacy: the APEC and NAFTA experience. Center for International Business, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Kirton, John J. (1999, May). Culture and community in international politics: The APEC and NAFTA experience. Paper presented at the symposium The Importance of Cultural Diversity in International Business and International Relations. Center for International Business, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Kirton, John J., Rugman, Alan M. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, April). NAFTA, environmental regulations and international business strategies. Paper presented at the International Economics Study Group Conference on International Political Economy, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Kirton, John J. (1999, February). Canada's role in the G7/G8: Principal power leadership in a globalizing world. Paper presented at a conference on Canada's External Relations in the Twenty First Century, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Kirton, John J., Rugman, Alan M. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, February). Explaining the effectiveness of NAFTA's trade-environment regime. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (1999, January). Progressive plurilateralism: Canada's approach to the OECD. Paper presented at a conference on Canada, Mexico and multilateralism, University of Manitoba and ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1999, January). Deepening integration and global governance. Paper presented at a conference on Globalizing America: The USA in world integration, The Center for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, January). Environmental research and policy endeavours in the NAFTA context: Description and evaluation. Paper presented at annual conference of the North American Finance Association and the Allied Social Science Association, New York City. Kirton, John J. (1998, December). Canada and the global financial crisis: G7 and APEC diplomacy. Paper presented at the Third Canadian Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Kirton, John J. (1998, December). Canada's approaches to APEC. Paper presented at a Symposium on The Asian financial crisis and its impact on Canada, Canada-Taiwan relations and APEC, Graduate Institute of Economics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Kirton, John J. (1998, October). Canada and Europe: The compounding cultural connection. Paper presented at a conference on Canada/Europe - Opportunities and problems of interculturality, Zentrum fur Kanada-Studien, Universtitat Wien, Vienna, Austria. Kirton, John J. (1998, October). The Canadian FEEEP agenda: Successes and failures. Paper presented at an International Conference on The engagement of civil society in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) process, School of Social Sciences, Science University of Malaysia (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Penang, Malaysia. Kirton, John J. (1998, October). Shaping a trade-environment regime for the FTAA: Lessons from NAFTA. Paper presented at a conference on Una gran familia? A conference on hemispheric integration after the Santiago Summit, Carleton University's School of International Affairs and FOCAL, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1998, August). Canada's approach to the OECD. Paper presented to a Workshop on Multilateralism and foreign policy: The Canadian and Mexican experience, University of Manitoba and ITAM, Winnipeg, Canada. Kirton, John J. (1998, August). Regional integration: Concepts, causes, consequences. Paper presented at a conference on Regional integration: Getting there at what cost, LEAD Regional Association of the Americas, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Kirton, John J. (1998, May). Explaining G8 effectiveness in the approach to the new millennium. Paper presented at a public policy conference on Jobs, crime, money: The 1998 G8 Summit, sponsored by the London School of Economics, the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and Clifford Chance, London. Kirton, John J. (1998, May). The G8: Performance, potential, prospects. Paper presented at a scholarly symposium on The G8: Institutions and issues, London School of Economics, the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and Clifford Chance, London. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1998, April). The North American trade-environment regime: Principles and performance. Paper presented at a conference on Themes and issues in North American environmental history, Department of History and Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto. Kirton, John J. (1998, April). Trade's benefits and costs for US and foreign environmental quality. Paper presented at a Conference on Assessing trade's impacts, University of Michigan's School of Public Policy and Department of Economics and the Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (1997, December). NAFTA's trade-environment regime and the dynamics of regionalism. Paper presented at a joint conference of the International Studies Association and the Mexican Association of International Relations, Manzanillo, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1997, November). Canada, the G7 and the Denver Summit of the Eight: Implications for Taiwan and Asia. Paper presented at a conference on Canada-Taiwan relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Kirton, John J. (1997, October). NAFTA's Trade-Environment institution: Regional impact, Hemisperic potential. Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, Columbia International Affairs Online. Kirton, John J. & Rugman, Alan M. (1997, October). NAFTA's trade and environment regime. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterrey, Mexico. Rugman, Alan M. & Kirton, John J. (1997, October). Canadian corporate strategy in a North American region. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterrey, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1997, May). Prospects for the Denver Summit. Paper presented at a Conference at the University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO. Kirton, John J. (1997, May). Economic summitry. Paper presented at a conference at the Centre for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.. Kokotsis, Ella & Kirton, John J. (1997, March). National compliance with environmental regimes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto. Kirton, John J. (1997, January). NAFTA, foreign direct investment and economic integration: The case of Canada. Paper presented at an OECD conference, Mexico City, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1996, December). Foreign policy under the Liberals: Prime Ministerial leadership in the Chretien government's foreign policymaking process. Paper presented at a conference, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1996, December). NAFTA's environmental effects: Report on research and advanced design. Report for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1996, November). NAFTA's Commission for Environmental Cooperation and Canada-US environmental relations. Paper presented at a conference on Canada-US Environmental Relations, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1996, November). Canada-US State-Provincial relations in the NAFTA Era: The societal dimension. Paper presented at a conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Toronto. Rennie, Henry & Kirton, John J. (1996, November). The 21st Century economies of Canada and the United States: The evidence from calibrations. Paper presented at a conference on North America in the 21st century: Perspectives on autonomy, exchange and integration, Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Toronto. Kirton, John J. (1996, October). Le rôle du G7 dans le couple integration régionale/sécurité occidentale. Paper presented at the first annual conference on Integration régionale et problèms de sécurité, l'Association Franco-Canadienne d'études stratégique, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1996, September). Institutional arrangements in the New Asia: Possibilities for Canada in APEC. Paper presented at the Japan Association for International Relations - International Studies Association Special Joint Conference, Mukuhari, Japan. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1996, July). Assessing NAFTA's environmental effects: Dimensions of a framework and the NAFTA regime., Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. NAFTA Environmental Effects Series Kirton, John J. (1996, June). NAFTA's environmental effects: Report on research plan and integrated sector study design. Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1996, March). Canada and international environmental issues: Guidelines and priorities for foreign policy research, consultations and outreach. Paper presented at Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1996). Canada and the diplomacy of concert: The G-7 and the Halifax Summit. In Tammy Hall et al., The Halifax 21st G-7 Summit: En route to the 21st century. Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University. Working Papers Series. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1996, March). Province-State interactions in the 1990's: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1995, December). Province-State interaction in the NAFTA era: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1995, December). The dynamics of subnational trilateralization in the NAFTA era: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1995, February). Canada and the diplomacy of concert: The G-7 and the Halifax Summit. Paper presented to the G-7 Seminar Series, The 21st Summit: en route to the 21st century, Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Kirton, John J. (1994, September). Sustainable development as a focus for Canada's foreign policy. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Working Paper 25. Kirton, John J. (1994, March). Achievements and challenges: The trade-environment relationship in the Uruguay Round agreements. In Sarah Richardson (Ed.), Background documents: The GATT, the World Trade Organization and the environment: Opportunities for sustainable development. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. & Barei, Jack. (1990). A very fragile thing: Japan on Canadian Television News, 1982-88. Working Paper, Joint Centre on Asia Pacific Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto. Donnelly, Michael, Kirton, John J. & Tang, Puay. (1986). Three reports to External Affairs on Canada-Japanese investment relations in science and technology. July 1986. Maclaren, Virginia W. (2001, June). Blighted or booming?: Tracking place image with community indicators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Montreal. Maclaren, Virginia W. (2001, May). Community environmental and sustainability reporting in Canada: Trends and challenges. Paper presented at the Symposium on Sustainable Communities: Policy Options and Emerging Challenges, Quebec City. Maclaren, Virginia W. (2001, March). State of the environment reporting in Canada: Linking process and output with impacts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York City. Paul, Samuel. (1987). Community participation in development projects: The World Bank experience. Washington, DC: World Bank. Discussion Paper No. 6. Pauly, Louis. (2000, December). Learning or teaching?: International financial institutions in the crises of the 1980s and 1990s. Paper presented at the Institute for Political Science, Paris. Pauly, Louis. (2000, June). Enforcing the rules in a global economy: The emergence of structural conditionality in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Paper presented at Critical Issues in Financial Reform Conference, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (2000, February). Democracy beyond the state: The European dilemma and the emerging global order. Paper presented at Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, New York. (www.cceia.org) Pauly, Louis. (1999, February/April). Global markets, national authority, and the problem of legitimation: The case of finance. Paper presented at Private Authority and International Order conferences, Durham, NC/Providence, RI. Pauly, Louis. (1999, January). Globalization and the multinational corporation. Paper presented at conference on National Systems of Innovation and the Idea-Innovation Chain, Amsterdam. Pauly, Louis. (1999, April). The causes and possible consequences of monetary union in Europe. Paper presented at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Pauly, Louis. (1998, November). Capital mobility and the global order. Paper presented at the Center for International Relations, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Pauly, Louis. (1998, October; 1997, September). Globalization or globaloney?: An orientation to a contested concept and an application to the case of finance. Paper presented at International Relations Introductory Course, University of Toronto, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1998, April/March). International financial institutions and national economic governance: The new adjustment agenda in historical perspective. Paper presented at conference of the German Historical Foundation on The International Financial System: Past and Present, Princeton, NJ/Seattle, WA. Pauly, Louis. (1998, April). Democracy and the politics of corporate control. Paper presented at the conference Democracy Beyond National Limits, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1998, January). The myth of the global corporation. Paper presented at the MacArthur Workshop on Transnational Economic Security, Cambridge, MA/St. Louis, MO. Pauly, Louis. (1997, March). Déjà vu all over again: The League of Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and global finance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1996, November). Enduring corporate differences in the age of globalization. Paper presented at the Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Pauly, Louis. (1996, October). The construction and reconstruction of national payments systems, with special reference to the Asia-Pacific Region. Paper presented at the Conference on Changes in Asian Political and Economic Systems, Beijing. Raphael D., Brown I, & Wheeler J. (Eds.) (2000). A city for all ages: fact or fiction? Effects of government policy decisions on Toronto seniors' quality of life. Toronto:Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto. <www.utoronto.ca/seniors> [December 10, 2000]. Raphael, D., Brown, I., Bryant, T., et al. (2000). How government policy decisions affect seniors' quality of life: findings from a participatory policy study carried out in Toronto, Canada. Toronto: Department of Public Health Sciences. Raphael, D., Bryant, T., Brown, I. (2000). Opening up the public policy analysis process to the public: participatory policy research and Canadian seniors' quality of life. Toronto: Department of Public Health Sciences. Raphael, D., & Bryant, T. (2000). Population health as a model for a new public health: a critical analysis. Toronto: Department of Public Health Sciences. Tietenberg, Tom & Wheeler, David. (1998, October). Empowering the community: Information strategies for pollution control. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Environmental Economics Conference, Airlie House, VI. Trebilcock, Michael J. (2000, March). Mostly smoke and mirrors: NGOs and the WTO. Paper presented at the International Conference at New York University commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Library of Congress, New York. Trebilcock, Michael J. & Soloway, Julie. (2000, February). Trade policy and food safety. Paper presented at the University of Chicago Law School, Chicago. Trebilcock, Michael J. & Davis, Kevin. (1999, November). Law, Institutions and Development. Paper presented at an IMF Conference on Second Generation Reforms, Washington, D.C. Trebilcock, Michael J. & Daniels, Ron. (1998). The future of the Toronto Stock Exchange: A paradigm in transition. Paper prepared for the Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto. Trebilcock, Michael J. & Howse, Robert. (1996). The role of the civil justice system in the choice of governing instrument. Paper prepared for the Civil Justice Review, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto. Trebilcock, Michael J., et al. (1993). The limits of freedom of contract: The commercialization of reproductive materials and services. Paper presented to the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies.
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