Faculty of Information Studies, LIS2137H: International Organizations: Their Documents and Publications. Spring term.
EnviReform Information Centre Manager: Co-ordinated the design and development of the EnviReform
website (www.envireform.utoronto.ca), with Rob McGregor, Gillian Clinton and others.
G8 Research Group:
- Attended Kyushu-Okinawa G8 Summit as co-ordinator of documentation and observer of G8-civil society interaction
- Co-ordinator of G7/G8 research collection development and organization, Graham Library, Munk Centre for International Studies
Hajnal, Peter & Kirton, John. (2000). The evolving role and agenda of the G7/G8: A North
American perspective. NIRA Review, 7(2), 5-10.
Hajnal, Peter. (Ed.). (2001). International information: Documents, publications and electronic
information of international organizations. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Englewood, CO: Libraries
Hajnal, Peter. (2001). Openness and civil society participation in the G8 and global governance.
In John Kirton & Junichi Takase, (Eds.), New Directions in Global Political Governance:
Creating International Order for the Twenty-first Century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Conference Papers
Hajnal, Peter. (2000, July). Partners or adversaries? The G7/G8 encounters civil society.
Paper presented at the Academic Symposium "G8 2000: New Directions in Global Governance?
G8 Okinawa Summit", Naha, Okinawa, Japan.
Research in Progress
International nongovernmental organizations and civil society in the information age.