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Stephen Clarkson, Activities Report
Writings from the 1990s
Co-investigator, Political Science, University of Toronto

Books/Monographs/Publications in Series

Clarkson, Stephen & McCall, Christina. (1995). Trudeau: l'homme, l'utopie, l'histoire. (Vol. 1). Montréal: Les Editions Boréal.

Clarkson, Stephen & McCall, Christina. (1995). Trudeau: l'illusion héroïque. (Vol. 2). Montréal: Les Editions Boréal.

Clarkson, Stephen & McCall, Christina. (1994). Trudeau and our times: The heroic delusion. (Vol. 2). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. John Dafoe prize for distinguished writing.

Clarkson, Stephen & McCall, Christina. (1990). Trudeau and our times: The magnificent obsession. (Vol. 1). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 1990 Governor General's prize for non-fiction.

Book Chapters

Clarkson, Stephen. (Forthcoming). The multicentred state: Canadian government under globalizing pressures. In Gordon Smith (Ed.), Who's afraid of the state? (pp. 232-277). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). The Liberal Party of Canada: Keeping its grip on power by pragmatism over principle. In Hugh G. Thorburn & Alan Whitehorn (Eds.), Party politics in Canada (8th ed.) (pp. 250-268). Toronto: Prentice Hall/Pearson Education.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). El Estado canadiense dentro de una gobernabilidad múlitpole, regionalizada y globalizada. In Teresa Gutiérrez-Haces (Coordinadora). Canadá: un Estado posmoderno (pp.29-50). México: Plaza y Valdés.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). The joy of flux: What Europe may learn from North America's preference for national currency sovereignty. In Colin Crouch (Ed.), After the Euro: Shaping institutions for governance in the wake of European monetary union (pp. 140-161). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). Do deficits imply surpluses?: Towards a democratic audit of North America. In Michael Greven & Louis Pauly (Eds.), Democracy beyond the state: The European dilemma and the emerging global order (pp. 139-163). New York: Rowman & Littlefield; Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Clarkson, Stephen & Lewis, Timothy. (1999). The contested state: Canada in the post-Cold War, post-Keynesian, post-Fordist, post-National Era. In Leslie Pal (Ed.), How Ottawa spends: 1999-2000, (pp. 293-340). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997). Securing their future together: The Liberals in action. In Alan Frizzell & Jon H. Pammett (Eds.), The Canadian general election of 1997 (pp. 39-70). Toronto: Dundurn Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1996). The Liberal Party of Canada: Pragmatism versus principle. In Hugh G. Thorburn (Ed.), Party politics in Canada (pp. 262-279). Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1995). Poor prospects: 'The Rest of Canada' under continental integration. In Kenneth McRoberts (Ed.), Beyond Quebec: Taking stock of Canada, (pp. 251-274). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994). Yesterday's man and his Blue Grits: Backward into the future. In Alan Frizzell, Jon H. Pammett, & Anthony Westell (Eds.), The Canadian general election of 1993 (pp. 27-42). Ottawa: Carleton University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994). Tratados de commercio como constituciones: la experiencia de Canadá como Estado postnacional. In Teresa Gutiérrez H. & Monica Verea C. (Eds.), Canadá en transición (pp. 123-144). México: Universidad national Autónoma de México.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994). Constitutionalizing the Canadian-American relationship. In Duncan Cameron & Mel Watkins (Eds.), Canada under free trade (pp. 3-20). Toronto: J. Lorimer Translated as Los tratados de libre commercio: la nueva constitucion de Canada. Comercio Exterior, 44(1), 30-38.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1993). Economics: The new hemispheric fundamentalism. In Ricardo Grinspun & Maxwell Cameron (Eds.), The political economy of North American free trade (pp. 61-69). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1992). Towards a reinterpretation of post-war political economy: Canada in the eyes of the regulation school. In Jean-William Lapierre, Vincent Lemieux & Jacques Zylberberg (Eds.), Etre contemporain: mélanges en l'honneur de Gérard Bergeon (pp. 303-326). Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1991). Disjunctions: free trade and the paradox of Canadian development. iI Daniel Drache & Meric S. Gertler (Eds.), The new era of global competition: State policy and market power (pp. 103-126). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1989). Vive le Québec Libre! or putting the leader back in. In David P. Shugarman & Reg Whitaker (Eds.), Federalism and political community: Essays in honour of Donald Smiley (pp. 55-69). Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.

Academic Articles

Clarkson, Stephen. (Forthcoming). The Multi-level state: Canada in the semi-periphery of both continentalism and globalization. Review of International Political Economy.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999). Paradigm shift or political correction?: Putting Ontario's 'common sense revolution' in a global context. Regional and Federal Studies 9(3) 81-106.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998). Fearful asymmetries: The challenge of analyzing continental systems in a globalizing world. Canadian-American Public Policy, 35, 1-66.

Popular Articles

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, November 10). No More Mr. Nice Guy. Globe and Mail, A19.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, October 16). Charisma and contradictions: The legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. University of Toronto Bulletin, 13.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, September 30). History's judgment will mirror our values. Globe and Mail, P6-7

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). Trade and the environment after Seattle. Woodrow Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Project, Report 6, 114-16.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, July 19). Are Canadians impotent before the World Trade Organization? Globe and Mail, A9.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, May 20). Who achieved what in the Ontario election debate? Globe and Mail, A15.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999). Is there life after death for the Canadian state?: Marketization and the multi-level state. Regional Market Integration in the Transatlantic Area: Challenges and Opportunities for Government, Business and Society in the 21st Century (pp. 282-286). Washington, D.C.: The George Washington University; Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999). Anglophone media and the court's opinion. Canada Watch 7(1-2), 26, 37.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999). The Gift of the Magus: Trudeau's past and our future. The Literary Review of Canada, 7(5), 3-4.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, November 7). Does the constitution work?: Review of Deborah Coyne and Michael Valpy, To match a dream: A practical guide to the history and histrionics of Canada's constitution. Globe and Mail.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, November 5). Trudeau still the vessel of our dreams. Toronto Star, A31.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, September 5). Les médias anglophones et l'avis de la cour. Le Devoir, 7.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, July 21). Les lendemains qui déchantent: 2. L'indépendance réduirait l'autonomie politico-économique du Québec sur le continent. Le Devoir, A9.

"Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, July 20). Les lendemains qui déchantent: 1. L'indépendance placerait le Québec en situation d'infériorité face à l'oncle Sam, Le Devoir, A7.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1995). The United States and an independent Quebec," Canada Watch, 3(7), 76-8.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1993). The changing of the guard in Washington. Canada Watch, 1(5), 65-66.

Clarkson, Stephen et al. (1992, March). Three nations. Canadian Forum, pp. 4-6. (Also Toronto Star, Feb. 4, 1992, A 17; Le Devoir, le 11, 12, février, 1992, B8.)

Conference and Other Papers

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000). Apples and oranges: Comparing the EU and NAFTA as continental systems. Florence: European University Institute. Working Paper 2000/15.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, November). Global governance and the decline of Canadian democracy. Lecture to Women's Canadian Club, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, October). He taunts us still. Contribution to a panel on the topic, "He Haunts Us Still," University of Toronto, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, October). Is the World Trade Organization a threat to Canadian democracy? Public lecture in Canadian Perspectives series, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, September). The beleaguered state: Canada under attack from globalization and neo-liberalism. Paper presented to the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, May). Reform from without versus reform from within: NAFTA and the WTO's role in transforming Mexico's economic system. Paper presented at "Agenda: Mexico at the Millennium," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS), Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, May). The democratic crisis in global governance: Canada's experience with NAFTA and the WTO. Lecture to Couchiching Canadian Institute of Public Affairs, Couchiching, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, March). The globalization of governance: Canada's experience with NAFTA and the WTO. Public lecture, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). The re-constitutionalizing effects of the continental and global trade orders: the Canadian case. Paper prepared for the Work-in-Progress seminar, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars (WWICS), Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). Canadian debates on NAFTA. Lecture in the Western Hemisphere Program at the Center of Canadian Studies, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

Clarkson, Stephen. (2000, February). Canada. Lecture to the School of Professional and Area Studies, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, October). North American and western hemisphere governance: Policy co-operation and the new global order. Conference on Transatlantic Regulatory Harmonization and Global Standards, School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, May). The multi-centred state: Canada in the post-Cold War, post-Keynesian, post-Fordist, post-national era. Paper presented to the Research Group on Multiple Centres of Power at a conference sponsored by the Policy Research Secretariat and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, May). Comparing apples and oranges: NAFTA and the European Union mediating globalization. Workshop on TransAtlantic Masters in Public Policy.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, April). Emerging from the smoke of battle: Ruptures and continuities in state practice in Canada after fifteen years of neo-liberalism. Paper for a conference on "Revisiting the Fundamentals of Economic Liberalism and Structural Adjustment. The Return of the Public Domain in an Era of Globalization. A Comparative Examination of Canada and Chile and Other Mercosur Experiences" organized by Instituto de Ciencia Politica, Universidad de Chile, Area de Estudios Norteamericanos, Naciones Unidas Instituto Latino Americano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social, and the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University, Santiago.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1999, March). Has trade liberalization hollowed out the Canadian state? Paper presented to the Political Economy Research Group, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, November). What Europe can learn from NAFTA about monetary union. Seminar presented to the Centre for International Studies, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, July). Somewhat less than meets the eye: NAFTA as constitution. Paper for the Research Committee on the Sociology of Law's Working Group on the Sociology of European Union Law at the Annual Meeting of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, PQ.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, June). John McMurtry and the Marxist-Buddhist view of globalization. Contribution to a panel at the Socialist Studies Association, Annual Meeting, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, May). The state of the Canadian state: Multi-level government in a globalizing world. Paper presented to the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1998, April). Deficits and surpluses: Towards a democratic audit of North America. Paper presented to the Conference on Democracy Beyond National Limits" organized by the Centre for International Studies and the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, October). Ontario's 'Common Sense Revolution': Paradigm shift or political correction? Paper presented to the Ontario-Aquitaine Conference Symposium, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, June). The impasse in election analysis. Contribution to round table on Canadian Election Studies at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, St. John's, NFLD.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, June). Comparing continents? In search of North America after NAFTA. Paper presented to the Annual Meetings of the European Community Studies Association -- Canada and the Canadian Political Science Association, St. John's, NFLD.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, May). Perché No? Qualms about currency union from over the sea. Paper presented at a conference on The Political and Institutional Deficits of the European Integration Process, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1997, March). The global-continental-national dynamic: Some hypotheses on comparative continentalism. Paper presented to the International Studies Association, Annual Conference, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1996, November). Reconceptualizing Canada's position in the global system: From the post-it state to multi-level governance. Paper presented to the Mexican Association of Canadian Studies Third Annual Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1995, March). If the referendum succeeds: Consequences for Canada/Quebec's continental and global relationships. Paper presented to the Conference on Canada and Quebec, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, November). Pierre Trudeau: The anti-nationalist and the post-national state. Paper presented to the Department of Political Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, April). The impact of federal state strategies for RoC: Accentuating continental integration from the national energy program to NAFTA. Paper presented at "Canada Outside Quebec" conference, Robarts Centre, York University, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1994, January). Harold Innis at century's end: From the pre-sovereign to the post-national state. Paper presented to conference on "Global Markets: Do Nation-States Have a Future?" York University, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1992, November). Trade treaties as constitutions: Canada's experience as a post-national state. Paper presented to a conference on Canada's Politics, Economy, Society and Culture, organized by the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Estados Unidos de América, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1992, July). The political economy vision of North American integration. Paper presented to a conference on North American Economic and Political Integration organized by the Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1991, December). Economics: The hemisphere's new fundamentalism. Paper presented to Conference on Critical Perspectives on North American Integration, CERLAC, York University, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). Foreign policy in the post-national state. Lecture to the Foreign Service Officers in the Department of External Affairs.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). The context of the liberal leadership race. Canadian Public Policy Workshop, Dept. of Political Science, University of Toronto, Toronto.

Clarkson, Stephen. (1990, March). Towards an agenda for reform. Brief to the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing.

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