An EnviReform Event: Forum Background

Thursday, March 13, 2003, 1 to 4 PM and webcast live

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Forum Background

Questions always welcomed -- Click here to ask by email.

When: Thursday, March 13, 2003, 1 to 4 PM

Where: Vivian and David Campbell Conference Room, Munk Centre for International Studies, South Wing, Main Floor, University of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, M5S 3K7, (416) 946-8901.

Plans by a Newfoundland-based power company, Fortis, to build a hydro dam in Belize's Macal RiverValley have generated international opposition for the last two years, prompting two lawsuits and an order from the Supreme Court of Belize for public hearings to be held before the Belize government makes a final decision on the dam's fate this year. The project's environmental assessment was paid for by the Canadian International Development Agency and conducted by Toronto-based engineering multinational AMEC.

The purpose of this forum is to bring together people on all sides of the Chalillo controversy for a dialogue on the legal actions in Belize and implications for Canadian public policy and governance of Canadian companies investing outside Canada.

The forum will be moderated by Professor John Kirton, and is jointly sponsored by the Munk Centre for International Studies, the Envireform Project, the Centre for International Studies, the Department of Political Science, the Masters of International Relations Programme, the Program on Water Issues, and the Citizen Lab, University of Toronto.

Please RSVP to or by phone at (416) 946-8901 as space is limited.

Additional Resources:

Probe International:
Probe International exposes the devastating environmental, social, and economic effects of Canada's aid and trade abroad. In a democracy, there is no greater guarantee of justice than the free flow of information. Probe International names names. is a project of the International Coalition to Save the Macal River Valley.

University of Florida Department of Journalism
Florida FlyIns is the nickname for a University of Florida course in special projects journalism. The class is open to advanced graduate and undergraduate photographers and writers and is entitled "Advanced Journalism Practicum: Latin America in Words and Pictures.

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