EnviReform Website, University of Toronto

Members:   Investigators:   Virginia Maclaren

EnviReform: Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform:
Exploring Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Era

G8 Climate Accountability, 1975-2011, by John Kirton, Jenilee Guebert and Caroline Bracht, December 2, 2011

New papers by John Kirton, "NAFTA for the Next Generation: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead" and "NAFTA Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: An Overview".  * More info

Oral History of the CEC  * More info

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Professor Virginia Maclaren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Program in Planning at the University of Toronto. She has participated in a number of different indicator projects in Canada over the past five years. She is currently leading a University of Toronto team that is part of a tri-university consortium providing research support to Vital Signs, a community-based indicator project for Toronto. Professor Maclaren recently spoke in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Chengdu, China, about Hamilton-Wentworth’s experience in governance around sustainability, Vital Sign’s indicators program and the development of the local agenda VISION 2020. Her research interests include waste management, sustainable urban development, environmental assessment and South East Asia. Professor Maclaren received her B.A. from Bishop’s University, her M.Pl. in Regional Planning from the University of Ottawa and her Ph.D. in Regional Science from Cornell University. Professor Maclaren is a co-investigator in “Strengthening Canada’s Environmental Community through International Regime Reform” (the EnviReform project) at the University of Toronto.

EnviReform gratefully acknowledges the funding of SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)

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EnviReform Research/Web Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g8@utoronto.ca
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