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Biographical InformationPersonalName: Louis W. Pauly
University Address: Degrees/Education
Ph.D. Cornell University, Department of Government, 1987. EmploymentProfessor, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, 1996-. (Associate Professor, 1991-96; Assistant Professor, 1987-91.) Director, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, July 1, 1997-December 30, 2002. Consultant, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, 2000; Privy Council Office, Government of Canada, 1996-99; ABN AMRO Bank (Senior Management Course), 1997; Royal Bank of Canada (Strategic Planning/Financial Institutions and Trade/Corporate Banking-Multinationals), 1990-91, 1993-94; 1995-96; International Monetary Fund, Policy Development and Review Department, 1989-95, Secretary's Department, 1999; US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 1991-95. Guest Professor, Osaka City University, Japan, November 1994. Staff Member, Policy Development and Review Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., 1988-89. Manager, Strategic Planning and Analysis, Corporate/Investment Banking and Treasury, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, 1986-87. Research Fellow, Institute for Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan, 1985. Honours
Dean's Excellence Award, University of Toronto, annually since program began in 1992. Academic HistoryResearch Interests/Endeavours
Trade, Environment, and Competitiveness Scholarly and Professional WorkBooks/MonographsPauly, Louis. (Ed.). (2000). The myth of the global corporation (2 nd ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press. Pauly, Louis & Greven, Michael Th. (Eds.). (2000). Democracy beyond the state? The European dilemma and the emerging global order. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Governance in Europe Series. Pauly, Louis. (1998). Who elected the bankers?: Surveillance and control in the world economy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Cornell Studies in Political Economy Series. Nominated for the Political Economy Best Book Award from the American Political Science Association and for the Charles H. Levine Memorial Book Award. Pauly, Louis. (1996). The League of Nations and the foreshadowing of the International Monetary Fund (pp. 1-47). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, International Finance Section. Essays in International Finance, no. 201. Pauly, Louis & Stein, Janice Gross. (Eds.). (1993). Choosing to cooperate: How states avoid loss. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Originally appeared as special issue ofInternational Journal, 47(2). Pauly, Louis. (1991). Opening financial markets: Banking politics on the Pacific Rim. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Cornell Studies in Political Economy Series. Based on dissertation nominated by Cornell University for the Helen Dwight Reid Award of the American Political Science Association for the best doctoral dissertation in international relations in 1987/1988. Pauly, Louis. (1991, 1992, 1993, 1995). Private market financing for developing countries. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. World Economic and Financial Survey Series. Pauly, Louis. (1989, 1992). International capital markets: Developments and prospects. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund. World Economic and Financial Survey Series. Pauly, Louis. (1987). Foreign banks in Australia: The politics of deregulation. Mosman, NSW: Australian Professional Publications. Pauly, Louis. (1987). Regulatory politics in Japan: The case of foreign banking. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. East Asia Series (No. 45). Book ChaptersPauly, Louis. (Forthcoming). The changing innovation system in Taiwan and South Korea. In Richard Samuels & William Keller (Eds.), Innovation and crisis: Asian technology after the millennium. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Centre for International Studies. Pauly, Louis. (Forthcoming). Global markets, national authority, and the problem of legitimation: The case of finance. In Rodney Bruce Hall & Thomas Biersteker (Eds.), Private authority and global governance. New York: Columbia University Press. Pauly, Louis. (Forthcoming). Enforcing the rules in a global economy?: The emergence of structural conditionality in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In Albert Berry (Ed.), Critical Issues in Financial Reform. Pauly, Louis. (2001). Private power and public authority in the global casino. In Marcello de Cecco & Jochen Lorentzen (Eds.), Markets and authorities: Global finance and human choice.Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Pauly, Louis, Earnest, David C., et al. (2000). Reflections: Blurring the boundaries and shaping the agenda. In Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau, & Amy C. Verdun, (Eds.), Strange power: Shaping the parameters of international relations and international political economy (pp. 409-420). Brookfield, VT: Ashgate. Pauly, Louis & Reich, Simon. (2000). National structures and multinational corporate behavior: Enduring differences in the age of globalization. In Richard Higgott & Anthony Payne (Eds.), The new political economy of globalisation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Also (1999) in Benjamin J. Cohen & Charles Lipson (Eds.), Issues and agents in international political economy: An international organization reader (pp. 155-184). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Pauly, Louis. (2000). Introduction: Democracy and globalization in theory and practice. In Michael Th. Greven & Louis W. Pauly (Eds.), Democracy beyond the state?: The European dilemma and the emerging global order (pp. 1-13). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield/ Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pauly, Louis. (2000). Democratic foundations for a global economy: The European experience and the call to imagination. In Michael Th. Greven & Louis W. Pauly (Eds.), Democracy beyond the state?: The European dilemma and the emerging global order (pp. 165-170). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield/Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pauly, Louis. (2000). The obsolescence of capital controls?: Economic management in an age of global markets. In Jeffry Frieden & David Lake (Eds.), International political economy: Perspectives on global power and wealth (4 th ed.) (pp. 280-297). New York: St. Martin's Press. Also (1999) in Nikolaos Zahariadis (Ed.), Contending perspectives in international political economy (pp. 113-126). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Company. Pauly, Louis. (2000). Capital mobility and the new global order. In Richard Stubbs & Geoffrey R.D. Underhill (Eds.), Political economy and the changing global order (2 nd ed.) (pp. 119-128). Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. Pauly, Louis. (1999). The culture of multinational corporations and the implications for Canada. In Thomas J. Courchene (Ed.), Room to manoeuvre?: Globalization and policy convergence (pp. 89-116). Montreal, PQ/Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press. The Bell Canada Papers on Economic and Public Policy, no. 6. Pauly, Louis. (1997). Markets versus politics: On globalization, language and legitimacy. In Andreas Schedler (Ed.), The end of politics?: Explorations into modern antipolitics (pp. 149-167). London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press. Pauly, Louis. (1997). Applied semiconductor research in South Korea. In William W. Keller et al. (Eds.), Global access to applied research: Implications for the semiconductor industry (pp. 22-35). Monterey, CA: Center for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy, Monterey Institute of International Studies. Pauly, Louis. (1996). U.S.-Japan structural convergence: Is deep economic integration necessary for a stable partnership? In Shojiro Tokunaga (Ed.), Economic growth, socio-political change, and regionalism in Asia. Fukuoka, Japan: Kyushu University Press. Pauly, Louis. (1996). Patterns of corporate control across the pacific: Assessing the political space for structural diversity in a global era. In Byung-Moo Hwang & Young-Kwan Yoon (Eds.), Middle powers in the age of globalization (pp. 57-90). Seoul: Korean Association of International Studies. Pauly, Louis. (1994). Promoting a global economy: The normative role of the International Monetary Fund. In Richard Stubbs & Geoffrey R.D. Underhill (Eds.), Political economy and the changing global order (pp. 204-215). London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press; Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Pauly, Louis. (1994). Corporate foundations of national technology systems. In US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Multinationals and the U.S. technology base (pp. 155-192). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. OTA-ITE-612. Pauly, Louis. (1993). The political foundations of multilateral economic surveillance. In Janice Gross Stein & Louis W. Pauly (Eds.), Choosing to cooperate: How states avoid loss (pp. 93-127). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pauly, Louis. (1993). Multinational enterprises and global capital markets. In US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Multinationals and the national interest: Playing by different rules (pp. 135-158). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. OTA-ITE-569. Pauly, Louis. (1993). From monetary manager to crisis manager: Systemic change and the International Monetary Fund. In Roger Morgan et al. (Eds.), A new diplomacy in the Post-Cold War world (pp. 122-130). London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's. Pauly, Louis. (1993). Convergence or endurance?: Financial market structures in East Asia and their implications. In S. Tokunaga (Ed.), Asian economic dynamism and the new Asia-Pacific economic order (pp. 239-253). Kansai, Japan: Simul International Ltd. Pauly, Louis. (1990). Negotiations of trade and investment in financial services. In International capital markets: Developments and prospects (pp. 67-68). Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Pauly, Louis. (1988). Setting the ground rules for foreign participation in Canadian finance. In
Geoffrey Thompson (Ed.), United States/Canada Free Trade (pp. 3.1-3.53). Vancouver:
Continuing Legal Education Society. Scholarly ArticlesPauly, Louis. (Forthcoming). Book review of Robert Gilpin's, The challenge of global capitalism: The world economy in the 21 st century. The Journal of Politics. Pauly, Louis. (2000). Crisis and adaptation in East Asian innovation systems: The case of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and South Korea. Business and Politics, 2(3), 326-350. Pauly, Louis. (1999). Good governance and bad policy: The perils of international organizational overextension. Review of International Political Economy 6(4), pp. 401-424. Pauly, Louis & Reich, Simon. (1997). National structures and multinational corporate behavior: Enduring differences in the age of globalization. International Organization 51(1), pp. 1-30. Pauly, Louis. (1997). Book review of Harold James's International monetary cooperation since Bretton Woods. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 28(2), 316-318. Pauly, Louis. (1995). Capital mobility, state autonomy, and political legitimacy. Journal of International Affairs 48(2), pp. 369-388. Pauly, Louis. (1994). National financial structures, capital mobility, and international economic rules: The normative consequences of East Asian, European, and American distinctiveness. Policy Sciences 27(4), pp. 343-363. Pauly, Louis & Goodman, John. B. (1993). The obsolescence of capital controls?: Economic management in an age of global markets. World Politics 46(1), pp. 50-82. Pauly, Louis. (1992). The political foundations of multilateral economic surveillance. International Journal 47(2), pp. 293-327. Pauly, Louis. (1992). The politics of European monetary union: National strategies, international implications. International Journal 47(1), pp. 93-111. Pauly, Louis. (1990). Institutionalizing a stalemate: National financial policies and the international debt crisis. Journal of Public Policy 10(1), pp. 23-43. Popular ArticlesPauly, Louis. (2001). International Monetary Fund. In RJB Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy. London: Routledge. Pauly, Louis. (2000). The myth of the global corporation. Research Brief, 2, European Union Center of California. Pauly, Louis & Keller, William. (1998). The limits of 'globalization': National firms in world markets. MacArthur Transnational Economic Security Working Paper Series, Center for International Studies (MIT) and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Harvard). Pauly, Louis & Keller, William. (1997). Globalization at bay. Current History 96(613), 370-376. Pauly, Louis. (1996). Capital costs, investment time horizons, and financial structures: The context for competition in the semiconductor industry in South Korea and Taiwan. Working Paper Series, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Center for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy, Monterey, California. Pauly, Louis. (1995). East Asian financial systems. Economisuto (The Economist-Japan)73(11), 72-77 (in Japanese). Pauly, Louis. (1993). In Glenn Utter & Charles Lockhart (Eds.), American political scientists: A dictionary (pp. 150-151). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Pauly, Louis. (1991). The national bases of regime formation: The challenge of supervising international capital markets. Papers in Political Economy 11, 1-43. Pauly, Louis & Goodman, John B. (1990). The new politics of international capital mobility. International Business and Trade Law Papers 29, 1-54. Pauly, Louis. (1989). Changing international financial markets. Finance and Development26(4), 34-37. Conference and Other Working PapersPauly, Louis. (2000, December). Learning or teaching?: International financial institutions in the crises of the 1980s and 1990s. Paper presented at the Institute for Political Science, Paris. Pauly, Louis. (2000, June). Enforcing the rules in a global economy: The emergence of structural conditionality in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Paper presented at Critical Issues in Financial Reform Conference, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (2000, February). Democracy beyond the state: The European dilemma and the emerging global order. Paper presented at Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, New York. (www.cceia.org) Pauly, Louis. (1999, February/April). Global markets, national authority, and the problem of legitimation: The case of finance. Paper presented at Private Authority and International Order conferences, Durham, NC/Providence, RI. Pauly, Louis. (1999, January). Globalization and the multinational corporation. Paper presented at conference on National Systems of Innovation and the Idea-Innovation Chain, Amsterdam. Pauly, Louis. (1999, April). The causes and possible consequences of monetary union in Europe. Paper presented at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Pauly, Louis. (1998, November). Capital mobility and the global order. Paper presented at the Center for International Relations, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Pauly, Louis. (1998, October; 1997, September). Globalization or globaloney?: An orientation to a contested concept and an application to the case of finance. Paper presented at International Relations Introductory Course, University of Toronto, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1998, April/March). International financial institutions and national economic governance: The new adjustment agenda in historical perspective. Paper presented at conference of the German Historical Foundation on The International Financial System: Past and Present, Princeton, NJ/Seattle, WA. Pauly, Louis. (1998, April). Democracy and the politics of corporate control. Paper presented at the conference Democracy Beyond National Limits, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1998, January). The myth of the global corporation. Paper presented at the MacArthur Workshop on Transnational Economic Security, Cambridge, MA/St. Louis, MO. Pauly, Louis. (1997, March). Déjà vu all over again: The League of Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and global finance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto. Pauly, Louis. (1996, November). Enduring corporate differences in the age of globalization. Paper presented at the Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Pauly, Louis. (1996, October). The construction and reconstruction of national payments systems, with special reference to the Asia-Pacific Region. Paper presented at the Conference on Changes in Asian Political and Economic Systems, Beijing. List of Courses
a) Undergraduate Courses Taught
b) Graduate Courses Taught
c) Graduate Supervision (Primary Only) Sebastien Dallaire, topic and timetable to be determined. David McIver, "Central Bank Independence in France and Great Britian," expected completion in 2001. Marketa Evans, "Global Finance and Central Europe," expected completion in 2001. Joanne Gestrin, "Competition Policy in Advanced Industrial Countries," timetable uncertain. Jennifer Jeffs, "Integrating National Payments Systems," timetable uncertain. Nicole Anastasopoulos, "The International Regime for Foreign Direct Investment," timetable uncertain. Michelle Cloutier, "Beyond Intergovernmentalism: The Europeanization of European Union Environmental Policy-Making," completed in September 1999. Linda White, "Welfare State Development and Child Care Policy: A Comparative Analysis of France, Canada, and the Unites States," completed in November 1997.
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