Strengthening Canada's Environmental Community through International Regime Reform:
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Generating Effective Global Environmental Governance: Canada's 2002 Challenge by John Kirton for the CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference
The CIIA's 2001 National Foreign Policy Conference: The Environmental Balance Sheet: Red or Green? 26-28 October, 2001 - Chateau Laurier, Ottawa
An Assessment of Citizen Submissions to the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation by Edelgard Mahant Glendon College (York University)
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Biographical InformationPersonalName: John James Kirton
University Address:
University of Toronto Degrees/Education
B.A. (Political Science), 1971, University of Toronto Employment
Associate Professor (with tenure) (1982-Present) Previous Academic Appointments
Research Fellow (1976-1977), Institute of International Relations Honours
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Science, University of Tokushima, Japan, May 2000. Professional Affiliations and Activities
Director G7 Research Group, May 1987 - Present Academic HistoryResearch Interests/Endeavours
Trade, Environment, and Competitiveness Scholarly and Professional WorkBooks/MonographsKirton, John J., Daniels, Joseph & Freytag, Andreas (Eds.). (2001). Guiding global order: G8 governance in the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. & Takase, Junichi. (Eds.). (2001). New directions in global political governance: The G8 and international order for the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J., Kaiser, Karl & Daniels, Joseph P. (Eds.). (2000). Shaping a new international financial system: Challenges of governance in a globalizing world. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Hodges, Michael, Kirton, John J. & Daniels, Joseph (Eds.). (1999). The G8's role in the new millennium. Aldershot: Ashgate. Rugman, Alan M., Kirton, John J., & Soloway, Julie. (1999). Environmental regulations and corporate strategy: A NAFTA perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kirton, John J. & Woo, Yuen Pau (Eds.). (1999). Great expectations: Shaping APEC's next decade. Vancouver: Asian Pacific Foundation of Canada. >Rugman, Alan M., Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie A. (1998). Trade and the Environment: Economic, Legal and Policy Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Fry, Michael, Kirton, John J. & Kurosawa, Mitsuru (Eds.). (1998). The north Pacific triangle: The United States, Japan and Canada at century's end. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Kirton, John J. (1997). Canada and APEC: Contributions and challenges. Vancouver: Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. Asia-Pacific Papers 3. Minden, Karen, Kirton, John J. & Parker, Steve. (1997). Linking the APEC community: Canada's objectives for APEC 1997. Vancouver: Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. Kirton, John & de Castro, Rafael Fernández. (1997). NAFTA's institutions: The environmental potential and performance of the NAFTA free trade commission and related bodies. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Kirton, John J., Minden, Karen, Parker, Steve & Studer, Isabel. (Eds.). (1997). Canada and the challenge of APEC: The road to Vancouver. Vancouver: Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (Eds.). (1995). The Halifax Summit: sustainable development, and international institutional reform. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. & Kurosawa, Mitsuru. (1995). The triangle of Pacific states: Contemporary United States, Canada, Japan relations. Tokyo: Sairyusha Press. (In Japanese.) Dewitt, David, Haglund David & Kirton, John J. (1993). Building a new global order: Emerging trends in international security. Toronto: Oxford University Press. Kirton, John J. (1993). A new global partnership: Canada-U.S. relations in the Clinton era. Orono, ME: Canadian-American Center, University of Maine. Canadian-American Public Policy Series, No. 15. Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (Eds.). (1992). Trade, environment and competitiveness: Sustaining Canada's prosperity. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Also Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (Eds.). (1993). Commerce, Environnement et Competitivité. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Munton, Don & Kirton, John J. (1992). Canadian foreign policy: Selected cases. Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Holmes, John & Kirton, John J. (1988). Canada and the new internationalism. Toronto: Centre for International Studies and Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Donnelly, Michael & Kirton, John J. (1988). The potential for partnership: Canadian-Japanese investment and technology relations. Toronto: Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies. Kirton, John J. (1986). Canada, the United States and space. Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Kirton, John J. (Ed.). (1984). Canadian Business Representation in the United States. Behind the Headlines, 62(1). Dewitt, David & Kirton, John J. (1983). Canada as a principal power: A study in foreign policy and international relations. Toronto: John Wiley. Spencer, Robert, Kirton, John J. & Nossal, Kim Richard. (1981). The International Joint Commission seventy years on. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto. Book ChaptersKirton, John J., Daniels, Joseph & Freytag, Andreas. (2001). Introduction. In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels & Andreas Freytag (Eds.), Guiding global order: G8 governance in the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (2001). The G20: Representativeness, effectiveness and leadership in global governance. In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels & Andreas Freytag (Eds.), Guiding global order: G8 governance in the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (2001). The G7/G8 and China: Towards a closer association. In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels & Andreas Freytag (Eds.), Guiding global order: G8 governance in the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J., Daniels, Joseph & Freytag, Andreas. (2001). The G8's contributions to twenty first century governance. In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels & Andreas Freytag (Eds.), Guiding global order: G8 governance in the twenty-first century. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (2000). Deepening integration and global governance: America as a globalized partner. In Thomas L. Brewer & Gavin Boyd (Eds.), Globalizing America: The USA in world integration, (pp. 40-63). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Kirton, John J. (2000). The dynamics of G7 leadership in crisis response and system reconstruction. In Karl Kaiser, John J. Kirton & Joseph P. Daniels (Eds.), Shaping a new international financial system: Challenges of governance in a globalizing world, (pp. 65-93). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J., Kaiser, Karl & Daniels, Joseph. (2000). Introduction. In Karl Kaiser, John J. Kirton & Joseph P. Daniels (Eds.), Shaping a new international financial system: Challenges of governance in a globalizing world, (pp. 3-15) Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J., Kaiser, Karl & Daniels, Joseph. (2000). Challenges and contributions to the conventional wisdom. In Karl Kaiser, John J. Kirton & Joseph P. Daniels (Eds.), Shaping a new international financial system: Challenges of governance in a globalizing world, (pp. 221-234). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (1999). Trade's benefits and costs for the United States and foreign environmental quality. In Alan V. Deardorff & Robert M. Stern (Eds.), Social dimensions of U.S. trade policies (pp. 129-158). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Studies in International Economics Series. Kirton, John J. & Daniels, Joseph. (1999). Introduction: The role of the G8 in the new millennium. In Michael Hodges, John J.Kirton & Joseph Daniels (Eds.), The G8's role in the new millennium (pp. 3-17). London: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (1999). Explaining G8 effectiveness. In Michael Hodges, John J.Kirton & Joseph Daniels (Eds.), The G8's role in the new millennium (pp. 45-68). London: Ashgate. Kirton, John J. (1999). Economic cooperation: Summitry, institutions and structural change. In John H. Dunning & Gavin Boyd (Eds.), Structural change and cooperation in the global economy, (pp. 1-38). Cheltenham, UK: Elgar. Kirton, John J., et al. (1998). The dynamics of transboundary environmental agreements in North America: Discussion of preliminary findings. In Richard Kiy & John D. Wirth (Eds.), Co-operation and conflict, (pp. 32-52). College Station, TX: Texas A &M University Press. Kirton, John J. (1998). The impact of environmental regulation on the North American auto industry since NAFTA. In Sidney Weintraub & Christopher Sands (Eds.), The North American auto industry under NAFTA, (pp. 184-220). Washington, D.C.: CSIS Press. Kirton, John J. (1998). Introduction: The G7's Role in Global Governance. In Peter I. Hajnal, From G7 to G8: Evolution, role and documentation of a unique institution. Columbia International Affairs Online. Kirton, John J. (1998). NAFTA, foreign direct investment and economic integration: A Canadian approach. In Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Migration, free trade and regional integration in North America, (pp. 181-194). Paris: OECD. Rugman, Alan M., Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1998). Introduction. In Alan M. Rugman, John J. Kirton & Julie Soloway (Eds.), Trade and the environment: Economic, legal and policy perspectives, (pp. ix-xxi). Cheltenham, UK: Elgar. Fry, Michael, Kirton, John J. & Kurosawa, Mitsuru. (1998). The new north Pacific triangle. In Michael Fry, John J. Kirton, & Mitsuru Kurosawa (Eds.), The north Pacific triangle: The United States, Japan and Canada at century's end, (pp. 3-13). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Kirton, John J. (1998). Towards trans-Pacific partnership: Canada and Japan in the G7, 1975-1995. In Michael Fry, John J. Kirton, & Mitsuru Kurosawa (Eds.), The north Pacific triangle: The United States, Japan and Canada at century's end, (pp. 292-313). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Kirton, John J. (1997). Foreign policy under the Liberals: Prime Ministerial leadership in the Chretien government's foreign policy making process. In Fen Osler Hampson, Maureen Molot & Martin Rudner, (Eds.), Canada among nations, 1997: The year of Asia Pacific, (pp. 21-50). Ottawa: Carleton University Press. Kirton, John J., Minden, Karen, Parker, Steve & Studer, Isobel. (1997). Canada's APEC challenges on the road to Vancouver: A summary. In John J. Kirton, Karen Minden, Steve Parker & Isabel Studer (Eds.), Canada and the challenge of APEC: The road to Vancouver, (pp. 13-28). Vancouver: Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. Kirton, John J. & Saravanamuttu, Johan. (1997). Strengthening Civil Society for development in East Asia. In John J. Kirton, Karen Minden, Steve Parker & Isabel Studer (Eds.), Canada and the challenge of APEC: The road to Vancouver, (pp. 29-32). Vancouver: Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. Kirton, John J. (1996). Project overview. In Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Ed.), Building a framework for assessing NAFTA effects: Report of a Workshop held in La Jolla, CA, April 29-30, 1996, (pp. 15-18). Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Trade and Environment Series 4. Kirton, John J., Barrios, Raúl García & Graber, David Wilk. (1996). Central connecting processes: Production, technology, transportation, society and policy. In Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Ed.), Building a framework for assessing NAFTA effects: Report of a Workshop held in La Jolla, CA, April 29-30, 1996, (pp. 52-53). Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Trade and Environment Series 4. Doern, Bruce & Kirton, John J. (1996). Foreign policy. In Brian Tomlin, Bruce Doern & Les Pal (Eds.), Border crossings: The internationalization of Canadian public policy, (pp. 237-264). Toronto: Oxford University Press. Kirton, John J. & Kurosawa, Mitsuru. (1995). Introduction: Securing success in Japan and Canada's special relationship with the United States. In John J. Kirton & Mitsuru Kurosawa (Eds.), The triangle of Pacific states: Contemporary United States, Canada, Japan relations, (pp. 13-37). Tokyo: Sairyusha Press. (In Japanese.) Kirton, John J. & Kurosawa, Mitsuru. (1995). Conclusion: Adjusting America amidst and after the Cold War. In John J. Kirton & Mitsuru Kurosawa (Eds.), The triangle of Pacific states: Contemporary United States, Canada, Japan relations, (pp. 243-271). Tokyo: Sairyusha Press. (In Japanese.) Kirton, John J. (1995). Forging a Pacific partnership: Canadian and Japanese approaches to the U.S. in the Seven Power Summit. In John J. Kirton & Mitsuru Kurosawa (Eds.), The triangle of Pacific states: Contemporary United States, Canada, Japan relations, (pp. 211-239). Tokyo: Sairyusha Press. (In Japanese.) Kirton, John J. (1995). A renewed opportunity: The role of space in Canadian security policy. In David Dewitt & David Leyton-Brown (Eds.), Canada's international security policy, (pp. 111-128). Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (1995). Advancing sustainable development at the Summit of the Americas. In Robin Rosenberg & Steve Stein (Eds.), Advancing the Miami process: Civil Society and the Summit of the Americas, (pp. 309-340). Miami: North-South Centre Press. Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (1995). Introduction. In John J. Kirton & Sarah Richardson (Eds.), The Halifax Summit: Sustainable development and international institutional reform, (pp. 3-10). Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Johnson, Pierre Marc & Kirton, John J. (1995). Sustainable development and Canada at the G7 Summit. In John J. Kirton & Sarah Richardson (Eds.), The Halifax Summit: Sustainable development and international institutional reform, (pp. 21-34). Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. & Richardson, Sarah. (1995). Conclusion. In John J. Kirton & Sarah Richardson (Eds.), The Halifax Summit: Sustainable development and international institutional reform, (pp. 101-112). Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. (1994). L'esercizio concertato della leadership: La posizione del Canada sulla riforma del vertice. In Guido Garavoglia & Cesare Merlini (Eds.), Il Vertice dei Sette, (pp. 195-216). Rome: Franco Angeli. Kirton, John J. (1993). The seven power summit as a new security institution. In David Dewitt, David Haglund, & John J. Kirton (Eds.), Building a new global order: Emerging trends in international security, (pp. 335-357). Toronto: Oxford University Press. Kirton, John J. (1992). Canada's contribution to a new trade-environment regime. In John J. Kirton & Sarah Richardson (Eds.), Trade, environment and competitiveness: Sustaining Canada's prosperity, (pp. 235-264). Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. (1992). Liberating Kuwait: Canada and the Persian Gulf War, 1990-91. In Don Munton & John J. Kirton (Eds.), Canadian foreign policy: Selected cases, (pp. 382-393). Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Kirton, John J. (1990). The significance of the Houston Summit. In Peter Hajnal (Ed.), The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries: Supplement: Documents from the 1990 Summit, (pp. ix-xvii). Millwood, NY: Kraus International Publications. Kirton, John J. (1990). Commentary: Political change in the 1990s. In Keith Newton, T. Schweitzer & J.-P. Voyer (Eds.), Perspective 2000, (pp. 53-59). Ottawa: Economic Council of Canada. Kirton, John J. (1989). Canada and the exploitation of space. In Brian Macdonald (Ed.), Space strategy: Three dimensions, (pp. 29-50). Toronto: The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies. Kirton, John J. (1989). Elaboration and management of Canadian foreign policy. In Paul Painchaud (Ed.), From Mackenzie King to Pierre Trudeau: Forty years of Canadian diplomacy 1945-1985, (pp. 55-80). Quebec: Les Presses de L'Universite Laval. Kirton, John J. (1989). Introduction: The significance of the seven-power summit. In Peter Hajnal (Ed.), The Seven-Power Summit: Documents from the Summits of Industrialized Countries1975-1988, (pp. xxi-li). Millwood, NY: Kraus International Publications. Kirton, John J. (1989). Saved by the system: The United States as a successful ex-hegemon. In Ivan Bernier (Ed.), La politique étrangère Américaine de 1980 à 1988: L'Héritage Reaganien, (pp. 139-176). Québec: Centre Québécois de Relations Internationales. Kirton, John J. & Lyon, Peyton. (1989). Perceptions of the Middle East in the Department of External Affairs and Mulroney's policy, 1984-1988. In David Taras & David H. Goldberg (Eds.), The domestic battleground: Canada and the Arab-Israeli conflict, (pp. 186-206). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. Dewitt, David & Kirton, John J. (1989). Foreign policymaking toward the Middle East: Parliament, the media and the 1982 Lebanon War. In David Taras & David H. Goldberg (Eds.), The domestic battleground: Canada and the Arab-Israeli conflict, (pp. 167-185). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. Kirton, John J. (1988). Further challenges. In John Holmes & John J. Kirton (Eds.), Canada and the new internationalism, (pp. 138-161). Toronto: Centre for International Studies and Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Kirton, John J. (1988). Managing global conflict: Canada and international summitry. In Brian Tomlin & Maureen Molot (Eds.), Canada among nations, 1987: A year of conflict, (pp. 22-40). Toronto: James Lorimer. Kirton, John J. (1988). Foreign policy decision making in the Mulroney government. In Brian Tomlin & Maureen Molot (Eds.), Canada among nations, 1988: The Tory record, (pp. 21-38). Toronto: James Lorimer. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1987). The Manhattan voyages and their aftermath. In Franklyn Griffiths, (Ed.), Politics of the Northwest Passage, (pp. 68-97). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited version in Don Munton & John J. Kirton (Eds.), Canadian foreign policy: Selected cases, (pp. 205-226). Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Kirton, John J. (1986). America's hegemonic decline and the Reagan revival. In David Flaherty & Will McKercher (Eds.), Southern exposure: Canadian perspectives on the United States, (pp. 42-61). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Kirton, John J. (1986). The foreign policy decision process. In Maureen Appel Molot & Brian Tomlin (Eds.), Canada among nations, 1985: The conservative agenda, (pp. 25-45). Toronto: James Lorimer. Kirton, John J. (1985). Economic sanctions and alliance consultation. In David Leyton-Brown (Ed.), The utility of economic sanctions, (pp. 269-293). London: Croom Helm. Kirton, John J. (1985). Managing Canadian foreign policy. In Maureen Molot & Brian Tomlin (Eds.), Canada among nations, 1984: A time of transition, (pp. 14-28). Toronto: James Lorimer. Kirton, John J. & Dewitt, David B. (1985). Domestic high tech industries and Canadian space policy. In Don Munton (Ed.), Groups and governments in Canadian foreign policy, (pp. 46-49). Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Dewitt, David B. & Kirton, John J. (1985). Canada and the process of peacemaking in the Arab-Israel conflict. In Paul Marantz & Janice Gross Stein (Eds.), Peacemaking in the Middle East: Problems and prospects, (pp. 199-217). London: Croom Helm. Kirton, John J. (1984). Beyond bilateralism: United States-Canadian relations in the Arctic. In William Westermeyer & Kurt Shusterich (Eds.), United States Arctic interests: The 1980's and 1990's, (pp. 295-318). New York: Springer-Verlag. Kirton, John J. & Dewitt, David B. (1984). Beyond bilateralism: Canada's distinctive peripheries in the international system. In Guy Gosselin (Ed.), La politique étrangère du Canada: Approches bilatérale et régionale, (pp. 88-126). Quebec City: Centre Quebecois des Relations Internationales. Dewitt, David B. & Kirton, John J. (1983). Canada-Middle East relations: The end of Liberal-internationalism. In Janice Gross Stein & David B. Dewitt (Eds.), The Middle East at the crossroads: Regional forces and external powers, (pp. 176-199). Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press. Kirton, John J. (1974). The consequences of integration: The case of the defence production sharing agreements. In W. Andrew Axline, et al. (Eds.), Continental community?: Independence and integration in North America, ( pp. 116-136). Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. Scholarly ArticlesHajnal, Peter I. & Kirton, John J. (2000). The evolving role and agenda of the G7/G8: A North American perspective. NIRA Review, 7(2), 5-10. Kirton, John J. (2000). Canada and Europe: The compounding cultural connection. Diplomatika. Kirton, John J. (1999). Canada and the global financial crisis: G7 and APEC diplomacy. The Canadian Studies Journal, 3. Rugman, Alan M. & Kirton, John J. (1999). NAFTA, environmental regulations and international business strategies. Global Focus, 11(4), 33-47. Kirton , John J. (1999). Canada as a principal financial power: G-7 and IMF diplomacy in the crisis of 1997-9. International Journal, 54(4), 603-624. Kirton , John J. & Rugman, Alan M. (1999). Regional environmental impacts of NAFTA on the automotive sector. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 21(2), 227-254. Rugman, Alan M. & Kirton, John J. (1998). Multinational enterprise strategy and the NAFTA trade and environment regime. Journal of World Business, 33(4), 438-454. Rugman, Alan M., Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1997). NAFTA, environmental regulations, and Canadian competitiveness. Journal of World Trade, 31(4), 129-144. Kirton , John J. (1997). Canada, the G7 and the Denver Summit of the Eight: Implications for Asia and Taiwan. The Canadian Studies Journal, 2, 339-366. Kirton, John J. & Kokotsis, Ella. (1997). Revitalizing the G7: Prospects for the 1998 Birmingham Summit of the Eight. International Journal, 53(1), 38-56 . Kirton , John J. (1997). Commission for Environmental Co-operation and Canada-U.S. environmental governance in the NAFTA era. American Review of Canadian Studies, 27(3), 459-486. Rugman, Alan M., Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1997). Canadian corporate strategy in a North American region. American Review of Canadian Studies. 27(2), 199-219. Kirton , John J. (1997). Le role du G7 dans le couple integration regionale/securite globale, Etudes Internationales, 28(2), 255-268. Kirton , John J. (1996). Une ouverture sur le monde: La nouvelle politique étrangère canadienne du gouvernement Chretien. Etudes Internationales, 27(2), 257-279. Kirton, John J. (1995). The G7, the Halifax Summit and international financial system reform. North American Outlook, 5(3), 43-66. Kirton, John J. (1995). The diplomacy of concert: Canada, the G7 and the Halifax Summit. Canadian Foreign Policy, 3(1), 63-80. Kirton , John J. (1994). Promoting plurilateral partnership: Managing United States - Canada relations in the post cold war period. American Review of Canadian Studies, 24(4), 453-472. Kirton , John J. (1994). Exercising concerted leadership: Canada's approach to summit reform. The International Spectator, 29(2), 161-177. Munton, Don & Kirton, John J. (1994). North American environmental cooperation: Bilateral, trilateral, multilateral. North American Outlook, 4(3), 59-86. Kirton, John J. (1993). National mythology and media coverage: Mobilizing consent for Canada's war in the Gulf. Political Communication, 10(4), 425-441. Kirton, John J. (1990). Canadian space policy. Space Policy, 6, 61-71. Kirton , John J. (1989). The new internationalism: Implications for Canadian foreign policy and foreign service. Bout de Papier, 6(4), 27-30. Kirton , John J. (1988). Canada's new internationalism. Current History, 87(527),101-104, 134. Kirton , John J. (1988). John Holmes: An appreciation. Behind the Headlines 46(1), 7-9. Kirton, John J. (1988). Une coquille vide: Le Canada, puissance spatiale internationale, 1945-1988. Etudes Internationales, 19(3), 477-492. Kirton , John J. (1987). Shaping the global order: Canada and the Francophone and Commonwealth Summits of 1987. Behind the Headlines, 44(6), 1-17. Kirton , John J. (1987). Realism and reality in Canadian foreign policy: Deciding for ourselves. International Perspectives, (Jan/Feb 1987), 3-8. Dewitt, David B. & Kirton, John J. (1986). The media and Canadian policy during the 1982 War in Lebanon. Middle East Focus, 9(3), 11-31. Kirton , John J. & Donnelly, Michael. (1986). Japanese investment: The answer for Canada. International Perspectives, (Mar/Apr 1986), 3-7. Kirton , John J. & Bothwell, Robert. (1986). A very necessary country: American attitudes towards Canada, 1976-1980. Queen's Quarterly, 93(2), 299-317. Kirton, John J. (1986). An uncertain take-off: The North American space industry in the 1990's. International Journal, 42(1), 138-169. Kirton , John J. & Bothwell, Robert. (1985). A proud and powerful country: American attitudes toward Canada, 1963-1976. Queen's Quarterly, 92(1), 108-126. Kirton , John J. (1985). Canadian foreign policy: Comments on Green Papers. Behind the Headlines, 62(6), 31-34. Kirton , John J., Barei, Jack & Smockum, Edi. (1985). A continuing concern: Canadian television news coverage of the Middle East in the winter of 1982-83. Middle East Focus, 8(2), 15-20. Kirton , John J. (1984). Trudeau and the diplomacy of peace. International Perspectives, (Jul/Aug 1984), 3-5. Kirton , John J. (1984). Canadian foreign policy in the 1980's. Current History, 83(493), 193-196. Kirton , John J. (1984). Newsfocus November 1983 to January 1984. Middle East Focus, 6(5), 4-5, 27 Kirton , John J. & Dewitt, David B. (1984). Canada and Mideast realities. International Perspectives, (Jan/Feb 1984), 19-23. Bothwell, Robert & Kirton, John J. (1983). A sweet little country: American attitudes toward Canada, 1925-1963. Queen's Quarterly, 90(4), 1078-1102. Dewitt, David B. & Kirton, John J. (1983). Canada's external behaviour with the Middle East since 1968. Middle East Focus, 5(5), 9-12. Kirton, John J. & Dimock, Blair. (1983). Domestic access to government in the Canadian foreign policy process, 1968-1982. International Journal, 39(1), 68-98. Kirton , John J. (1980). The politics of bilateral management: The case of the Canada - United States automotive trade. International Journal, 36(1), 39-69. Kirton , John J. (1980). Canada and the United States: A more distant relationship. Current History, 79, 117-120, 146-9. Kirton , John J. (1979). Les contraintes du milieu et la gestion de la politique étrangère Canadienne de 1976 à 1978. Etudes Internationales, 10(2), 321-349. Kirton , John J. (1978). Foreign policy decision-making in the Trudeau government: Promise and performance. International Journal, 33(2), 287-311. Conference and Other Working PapersKirton, John J. (2000, October). Globalization, Global Governance and Canadian Leadership in the Twenty First Century. Paper prepared for a panel on Managing Open Borders: Emerging issues and long term trends in border collaboration between states/countries, at the 2000 Diplomatic Forum, University Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at an Academic Symposium of G8 2000: New directions in global governance, University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of the Ryukyus, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Kirton John J. & Lucyk, Christine. (2000, July). Safeguarding environmental values and social cohesion under trade liberalization. Paper presented at an Academic Symposium of G8 2000: New directions in global governance, sponsored by the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of the Ryukyus, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for sustainable development at the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at a Public Policy Conference on The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: A g8-developing country dialogue, University of Toronto G8 Research Group, the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Development, and the United Nations University, at the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the G7/G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at LSE Forum, Nippon Press Centre, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). Prospects for the G8 Fukuoka Finance Ministers meeting and the Okinawa Summit: Comparing Japanese, U.S. and Canadian approaches. Paper presented at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, July). The G7/G8 and the U.S. policy response. Paper presented at Chuo University, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, June). The G8, The United Nations and global peace and security governance. Paper presented at the Fifth International Berlin Workshop, on The Security Council and the G8 in the new millennium: Who is in charge of international peace and security, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin. Kirton, John J. (2000, June). The G8, the Concert Equality Model and prospects for the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. Paper presented at the University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, May). Creating peace and human security: The G8 and Okinawa Summit contribution. Paper presented at Soka University, Japan. Kirton, John J. (2000, April). The Summit of the Americas process in comparative context: Canadian perspectives on the search for leadership. Presentation to the Western Hemisphere Program, Johns Hopkins University School of International Studies, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (2000, April). G8 online: A case study in developing online education. Presentation to a Conference on Teaching, learning and research in today's university: Information technology and the university professor, University of Toronto, Toronto. Kirton , John J. (2000, April). Environmental regulations and corporate strategy: Reaping the NAFTA advantage. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Wayne-Windsor Symposium on U.S./Canada cross border trade and business connections and issues, Wayne State University, Detroit. Kirton, John J. (2000, March). The G7 and Concert Governance in the global financial crisis of 1997-9. Paper presented at a panel on Reforming the global financial architecture II: The G7/G-8 process, International Studies Association, Los Angeles. Kirton, John J. (2000, January). The G-7: The early years. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore. Kirton, John J. (2000, January). International finance: The G-7 and the control of casino capitalism. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore. Kirton, John J. (2000, January). The G-8's new agenda. Paper presented at a program on The G-8: Managing the world economy, University of Maryland and the U.S. National Security Agency, Baltimore. Kirton, John J. & D'Cruz, Joe. (1999, December). Canadian-American business alliances: Explaining success through the flagship model. Canadian-American Business Council, Washington, D.C. Kirton , John J. (1999, November). NAFTA's trade-environment regime and environmental regulatory protection. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Pittsburg, PA. Kirton, John J. (1999, November). The G7, China and the international financial system. Paper presented at an International Think Tank Forum on China in the twenty-first century, China Development Institute, Shenzen, China. Kirton, John J. (1999, November). Canada's role in the Americas. Paper presented at a conference on Canada and the western hemisphere, The John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D. C. Kirton , John J. (1999, September). NAFTA's expansive legacy: Lessons for Japan. Paper presented at Kwansei Gaikun University & Kyushu University, Japan. Kirton , John J. (1999, September). The new North Pacific triangle: Canada-Japan-US relations in the twenty-first century. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Japanese Association of Canadian Studies, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton , John J. (1999, September). Canadian foreign policy, 1945-1999. Paper presented at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton , John J. & Rugman, Alan M. (1999, August). NAFTA, environmental regulations and firm strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago. Kirton, John J., et al. (1999). Assessing the environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): Final analytic framework and methodological issues and empirical background. Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Kirton, John J., et al. (1999). Assessing environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): An analytic framework (Phase II). In Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Ed.), Assessing environmental effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): An analytic framework (Phase II) and issue studies, (pp. 1-64). Montreal: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Environment and Trade Series No. 6. Kirton, John J. (1999, July). Canada, Japan, the US and the G7: Shaping global order in the new millennium. Presented at Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan. Kirton, John J. (1999, June). Canadian leadership. In Reshaping the international financial system, 1997-1999. Proceedings of the Conference on The Challenges of the Cologne Summit, University of Toronto G8 Research Group and the University of Cologne Institute for Economic Policy, Cologne, Germany. Kirton, John J. (1999, June). Canada's leadership role in international negotiations: the G7, IMF and the global financial crisis of 1997-9. Paper presented at the International Forum on The Challenges of Globalization, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Canada. Kirton, John J. (1999, May). Cultural diplomacy: the APEC and NAFTA experience. Center for International Business, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Kirton, John J. (1999, May). Culture and community in international politics: The APEC and NAFTA experience. Paper presented at the symposium The Importance of Cultural Diversity in International Business and International Relations. Center for International Business, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Kirton, John J., Rugman, Alan M. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, April). NAFTA, environmental regulations and international business strategies. Paper presented at the International Economics Study Group Conference on International Political Economy, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Kirton, John J. (1999, February). Canada's role in the G7/G8: Principal power leadership in a globalizing world. Paper presented at a conference on Canada's External Relations in the Twenty First Century, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Kirton, John J., Rugman, Alan M. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, February). Explaining the effectiveness of NAFTA's trade-environment regime. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (1999, January). Progressive plurilateralism: Canada's approach to the OECD. Paper presented at a conference on Canada, Mexico and multilateralism, University of Manitoba and ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1999, January). Deepening integration and global governance. Paper presented at a conference on Globalizing America: The USA in world integration, The Center for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1999, January). Environmental research and policy endeavours in the NAFTA context: Description and evaluation. Paper presented at annual conference of the North American Finance Association and the Allied Social Science Association, New York City. Kirton, John J. (1998, December). Canada and the global financial crisis: G7 and APEC diplomacy. Paper presented at the Third Canadian Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Kirton , John J. (1998, December). Canada's approaches to APEC. Paper presented at a Symposium on The Asian financial crisis and its impact on Canada, Canada-Taiwan relations and APEC, Graduate Institute of Economics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Kirton, John J. (1998, October). Canada and Europe: The compounding cultural connection. Paper presented at a conference on Canada/Europe - Opportunities and problems of interculturality, Zentrum fur Kanada-Studien, Universtitat Wien, Vienna, Austria. Kirton, John J. (1998, October). The Canadian FEEEP agenda: Successes and failures. Paper presented at an International Conference on The engagement of civil society in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) process, School of Social Sciences, Science University of Malaysia (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Penang, Malaysia. Kirton , John J. (1998, October). Shaping a trade-environment regime for the FTAA: Lessons from NAFTA. Paper presented at a conference on Una gran familia? A conference on hemispheric integration after the Santiago Summit, Carleton University's School of International Affairs and FOCAL, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1998, August). Canada's approach to the OECD. Paper presented to a Workshop on Multilateralism and foreign policy: The Canadian and Mexican experience, University of Manitoba and ITAM, Winnipeg, Canada. Kirton, John J. (1998, August). Regional integration: Concepts, causes, consequences. Paper presented at a conference on Regional integration: Getting there at what cost, LEAD Regional Association of the Americas, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Kirton , John J. (1998, May). Explaining G8 effectiveness in the approach to the new millennium. Paper presented at a public policy conference on Jobs, crime, money: The 1998 G8 Summit, sponsored by the London School of Economics, the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and Clifford Chance, London. Kirton, John J. (1998, May). The G8: Performance, potential, prospects. Paper presented at a scholarly symposium on The G8: Institutions and issues, London School of Economics, the University of Toronto G8 Research Group and Clifford Chance, London. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1998, April). The North American trade-environment regime: Principles and performance. Paper presented at a conference on Themes and issues in North American environmental history, Department of History and Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto. Kirton , John J. (1998, April). Trade's benefits and costs for US and foreign environmental quality. Paper presented at a Conference on Assessing trade's impacts, University of Michigan's School of Public Policy and Department of Economics and the Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C. Kirton, John J. (1997, December). NAFTA's trade-environment regime and the dynamics of regionalism. Paper presented at a joint conference of the International Studies Association and the Mexican Association of International Relations, Manzanillo, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1997, November). Canada, the G7 and the Denver Summit of the Eight: Implications for Taiwan and Asia. Paper presented at a conference on Canada-Taiwan relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Kirton , John J. (1997, October). NAFTA's Trade-Environment institution: Regional impact, Hemisperic potential. Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, Columbia International Affairs Online. Kirton , John J. & Rugman, Alan M. (1997, October). NAFTA's trade and environment regime. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterrey, Mexico. Rugman, Alan M. & Kirton, John J. (1997, October). Canadian corporate strategy in a North American region. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterrey, Mexico. Kirton , John J. (1997, May). Prospects for the Denver Summit. Paper presented at a Conference at the University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO. Kirton , John J. (1997, May). Economic summitry. Paper presented at a conference at the Centre for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.. Kokotsis, Ella & Kirton, John J. (1997, March). National compliance with environmental regimes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Toronto. Kirton, John J. (1997, January). NAFTA, foreign direct investment and economic integration: The case of Canada. Paper presented at an OECD conference, Mexico City, Mexico. Kirton, John J. (1996, December). Foreign policy under the Liberals: Prime Ministerial leadership in the Chretien government's foreign policymaking process. Paper presented at a conference, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1996, December). NAFTA's environmental effects: Report on research and advanced design. Report for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton , John J. (1996, November). NAFTA's Commission for Environmental Cooperation and Canada-US environmental relations. Paper presented at a conference on Canada-US Environmental Relations, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York. Kirton , John J. & Munton, Don. (1996, November). Canada-US State-Provincial relations in the NAFTA Era: The societal dimension. Paper presented at a conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Toronto. Rennie, Henry & Kirton, John J. (1996, November). The 21st Century economies of Canada and the United States: The evidence from calibrations. Paper presented at a conference on North America in the 21st century: Perspectives on autonomy, exchange and integration, Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Toronto. Kirton , John J. (1996, October). Le rôle du G7 dans le couple integration régionale/sécurité occidentale. Paper presented at the first annual conference on Integration régionale et problèms de sécurité, l'Association Franco-Canadienne d'études stratégique, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1996, September). Institutional arrangements in the New Asia: Possibilities for Canada in APEC. Paper presented at the Japan Association for International Relations - International Studies Association Special Joint Conference, Mukuhari, Japan. Kirton, John J. & Soloway, Julie. (1996, July). Assessing NAFTA's environmental effects: Dimensions of a framework and the NAFTA regime., Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. NAFTA Environmental Effects Series Kirton, John J. (1996, June). NAFTA's environmental effects: Report on research plan and integrated sector study design. Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1996, March). Canada and international environmental issues: Guidelines and priorities for foreign policy research, consultations and outreach. Paper presented at Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. (1996). Canada and the diplomacy of concert: The G-7 and the Halifax Summit. In Tammy Hall et al., The Halifax 21st G-7 Summit: En route to the 21st century. Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University. Working Papers Series. Kirton , John J. & Munton, Don. (1996, March). Province-State interactions in the 1990's: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa. Kirton, John J. & Munton, Don. (1995, December). Province-State interaction in the NAFTA era: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton , John J. & Munton, Don. (1995, December). The dynamics of subnational trilateralization in the NAFTA era: A preliminary report. Paper presented to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal. Kirton, John J. (1995, February). Canada and the diplomacy of concert: The G-7 and the Halifax Summit. Paper presented to the G-7 Seminar Series, The 21st Summit: en route to the 21st century, Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Kirton, John J. (1994, September). Sustainable development as a focus for Canada's foreign policy. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Working Paper 25. Kirton, John J. (1994, March). Achievements and challenges: The trade-environment relationship in the Uruguay Round agreements In Sarah Richardson (Ed.), Background documents: The GATT, the World Trade Organization and the environment: Opportunities for sustainable development. Ottawa: National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy. Kirton, John J. & Barei, Jack. (1990). A very fragile thing: Japan on Canadian Television News, 1982-88. Working Paper, Joint Centre on Asia Pacific Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto. Donnelly, Michael, Kirton, John J. & Tang, Puay. (1986). Three reports to External Affairs on Canada-Japanese investment relations in science and technology. July 1986. List of Courses
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